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At the object settings you can manage the settings for your vehicle. This includes how it's displayed in the portal, which functions are supported and which data is collected.


On opening the object settings you will see an overview page first. Here you can see all vehicles of which you own the required rights. The table helps you to get a quick overview about the current settings. You can filter the view by using the free-text search and vehicle group restriction. Click on the gear wheel at the top right of the table to edit the table view. The table offers a variety of columns which can be shown or hidden and changed in their order.

Edit settings

To edit the settings of a vehicle, hover its line in the table and click on "edit" in the action menu on the right side. If you want to edit multiple vehicles at once, select them by enabling their checkbox and click on "edit multi selection".

Base data

At base data you will see some general info and settings of your vehicle.


Map symbol

The map symbol defines which symbol shall be used to show this vehicle in the map. You can choose between different symbols and colors to represent your vehicle in the best way. Some symbol types are only available in one color.

Routing profile

If you do a routing request at the portal, the best route will be calculated. This route depends on a lot of factors like your vehicles size, its emission or what it's transporting. These factors can be grouped as a routing profile which you can assign to your vehicle here. This profile will be used automatically on planning a new route for this vehicle.


These settings are unavailable if your vehicle uses an automatic source for getting odometer values like the Digitacho. Automatic sources should always be preferred to odometer calculation via GPS.


By default the odometer value is calculated by the vehicles GPS data. This might lead to variation or you might have to set the intial value. You can do this here. Please notice that there are some requirements for using this function. You can change the odometer value every 10 minutes at max. You have to wait until the vehicle confirmed the last value before you can send another. The new odometer value can not be lower than the last manual value. Editing the odometer value can not be reverted!

Correction factor

Calculating the odometer value based on GPS data might lead to variation. These might be adjusted by adding a general correction factor. If you set a value different from 1, each driven kilometre will be multiplied by this value in the future.


If you connect a telematic box with your vehicle, these two are one unit for YellowFox. All data that is collected by your vehicle belongs to the box as well. However you might want to connect the box to another vehicle in the future, e.g. because the vehicle is broken or will be sold. To not mix the data of the old and new vehicle, it might be useful to demaracte the vehicle first. On demarcation a virtual vehicle is created. All data that has been collected by the vehicle resp. box until then will be assigned to the virtual vehicle and can be accessed via this. The virtual vehicle does not produce any additional costs. All new data will be assigned to the real vehicle. Of course you can undo the demaraction if you need to. A virtual vehicle can not be demaracted again. Please notice that if you delete the real vehicle, the virtual vehicle will be lost as well.


Idle report

To enable the correct evaluation at the idle report, the vehicle has to be activated for this report. Only then the vehicle will send special position messages on detecting an idle state and if the idle has state has ended.

Digitacho profile

Vehicle which do cross-border passenger service apply to other work time laws than for example transport vehicles. Drivers of such vehicles are allowed to work 2 working weeks after another and have to do 2 week idle times afterwards.

If the bus profile is selected, it affects the D8 data of all drivers using this vehicle.

Travel-time report

Here you can set how the travel-time should be recorded. By default this is the time between ignition on and ignition off. You might change this to another input. Furthermore you can decide if the speed should be used for idle detection.

Technical data

At technical data you can see the technical attributes of the telematic box, such as IMEI or serial number. These can not be edited. Furthermore you can add a vehicle identification number if it was not added automatically. Each vehicle identification number owns a "valid from" and can be changed. This enables you to change the VIN if the telematic box was transferred to another physical vehicle.

Fuel cap monitoring

If you own a fuel cap connected via YellowFox, you can see here how much of the guaranteed battery lifetime remains. YellowFox guarantees 3 years of battery life.



Locating settings are the most important part of any telematics box. These settings states when and how often position data should be sent. You can use different triggers for this.

GPS-based locating

This sends messages based on position data. The trigger for a position message can be

  • time interval
  • distance
  • course change

Some boxes also support intelligent locating. This means time, distance and course change will be combined for a more efficient result.

Locating on underspeed or overspeed

These settings are based on a specific velocity. If your vehicle exceeds or undercuts these values, specific position messages will be sent.


Telemetry inputs collect data like the ignition state or states of other connected components like pumps or brushs. These inputs are registered by our support during registration of the box at YellowFox portal. Each input has a name and labels for its status messages (what to show if the input is "on" or "off"). These settings can only by changed by our support. Please contact us if you need assistance for this.

Each input can have a connected component. In this case a status change will lead to special impacts on the YellowFox portal. The following components can be assigned:

  • fuel cap: This influences the data for telemetry report.
  • home switch: This helps you to register home drives for your logbook.
  • private switch: If this input is active, all registered drives will be marked as private drive. Based on your company settings this might mean that the drive will not be shown at all.

Driver behaviour

At the driver behaviour settings you can set limits up from which a driving behaviour is evaluated as positive or negative. These values are used for the driver behaviour report.

Depending on vehicle type and use case these values might differ. That is why you can set them individually for each vehicle. As assistance YellowFox offers you some default profiles which you can use via "Preset for configuration". Click on the checkmark to load the preset. You can now alter values if you need to. Click on "Save changes" to confirm your changes. You might also use the configuration of another vehicle of your own fleet as a preset.

The following values can be set for driver behaviour:

  • Braking deceleration: Extreme braking can wear off your vehicle much faster. Set how intense the braking is allowed to be.
  • Acceleration: Extreme acceleration can be a safety issue. Set how fast the vehicle is allowed to accelerate.
  • Threshold curve drive: If you turn very fast, the G-forces are very high. Especially on a wet road the vehicle might slide and the loaded goods are exposed to high pressure. Set how fast the vehicle is allowed to turn.
  • Threshold underspeed: Slow driving can be a traffic hindrance. Set below which velocity an underspeed is recorded.
  • Threshold motorway: Fast driving has a negative influence on the fuel usage. Set up from which velocity an overspeed should be recorded on the motorway.
  • Threshold outside of motorway: For country roads and city traffic you can set an individual speed limit.


A vehicle can gather temperature data via sensors. Each vehicle can have up to 8 digital inputs (like e.g. connected Thermoking or Euroscan) and up to 4 analogue inputs (temperature is measured by voltage at a telemetry input). Here you can set several settings for these inputs.

Message interval

As long as the vehicle is in motion, each position message will also contain temperature data. If the ignition is off, no position messages are sent by default. In case of e.g. a cooling vehicle you might want to observe the status of cooling even when the vehicle is not moving. Therefore you can define a message interval while "ignition off". Based on your setting the vehicle will send position data as well as temperature data even while standing.

Configuration per input

Each input can have its own alarm configuration. Define what is the valid temperature range for each input. If a temperature is measured which is outside of this range, an alarm can be started. Define how long the temperature has to be outside of the range to start the alarm and how long it should be valid. You might also deactivate this setting for each input individually.

Correction values

This setting is only relevant if you have analogue inputs. Measuring temperature via those can be unprecise. Set a correction value which should be set off against each temperature value. You can set it for each input individually.


If your device is a display or a vehicle connected to a display, you can define settings for the display.


To use some modules on the display, it is necessary to send their configurations first. These might be e.g. be the fuel cards which are allowed, the possible drive types for the logbook or settings of activities for the timerecording.

Booting Hint

On display start you can set a hint or form to be displayed. You might use this to remind your drivers of a vehicle check or even do the vehicle check via a custom form.

Choose first if you want to use a hint or form and when it should be displayed. Based on your selection you need to decide next, what content should be used. If you have chosen a form you can set, if the form is mandatory or if the driver is allowed to skip it. Using a form is not supported by all devices and might therefore not be offered to you.

Login of unknown persons

Here you can set if a driver with an unknown personnel key is allowed to login. If this function is deactivated, only keys which are known to personnel management are allowed.

Connect display

Display can be connected to vehicles via cable or virtually. Virtual connections are a purely technical connection only known to YellowFox. Usually you add these kind of connections via the portal. If you want your display to be able to virtually connect to a vehicle by itself, you need a QR code. This can be created for each vehicle. Afterwards you might print it and put it in your vehicle. The display can now scan it via the app and will be connected to the vehicle automatically.

Disconnect virtual display

If your display has a virtual connection, this connection can usually only be disconnected via the portal. If you activate this function, it might also be disconnected via the app.

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