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Sv translation


Wozu nutze ich die Mailbox

Die Mailbox ermöglicht das dient zum Empfangen von Portalnachrichten. Neben Nachrichten für die erfolgreiche Berichtserstellung, können hier z.B. auch Nachrichten aus von der Wartungsdatenbank erscheinen.


Table of Contents



Allgemeiner Tabellenaufbau



Oberhalb der Tabelle sind mehrere Buttons verfügbar. Hier stehen die Funktionalitäten zum aktualisieren der aktuellen Liste und löschen der ausgewählten Nachrichten folgende Funktionen zur Verfügung.:


Lädt die aktuelle Liste neu

Ausgewählte Nachrichten löschen

Achtung, löscht die Nachrichten ausgewählten Nachricht(en) komplett aus dem Portal

Alle Tabellen zeigen Die Tabelle zeigt je nach Einstellung eine bestimmte Anzahl an Einträgen. Die Zahl kann temporär direkt im Tabellenkopf angepasst werden. Außerdem befindet sich rechts oben immer ein Suchfeld, welches zur Suche nach bestimmten Betreffinhalten dient.
Weiterhin können die Daten je nach Spalte auf- oder absteigend sortiert werden.
Folgende Tabellenspalten sind verfügbar:


Datum und Uhrzeit zu dem die Nachricht erstellt wurde.


Inhalt des Betreffs Betreff der Nachricht


Image Modified

Löscht die aktuelle Nachricht

 Löscht die aktuelle Nachricht

Unglesene Nachrichten erscheinen in der Tabelle als fett geschriebener Eintrag.


Nachricht anzeigen

Durch einen Klick auf den Betreff-Spalte einer Nachricht, öffnet sich diese in einem neuen Fenster.
Hier sind folgende Informationen verfügbar:


Betreff der Nachricht


Datum und Uhrzeit zu dem die Nachricht erstellt wurde.

TextInhalt der Nachricht

Am Ende der Nachricht ist ein Button mit der Aufschrift "Löschen", welcher die aktuelle Nachricht aus dem Portal entfernt.


not delivered messages received messages message pool search

For all lists except search list, the the count of messages at the list is always visible in the tab list. The tabs except the search tab only considering the data of the latest 2 months. To work with older data you can use the search tab and limit the results by date and state.

The search

On switch to search tab there will be the limitation to the last 30 days of creation active. To search for the filtered data there will be a search button between input area and result list.
The following search filters are available:
create date, state date, message text, car(s), message state and user

The first two parameters are time spans. You can select a predefined timespan from the list or you can define the date range yourself. If a date was set, the filter can be removed with the x (Image Removed) behind each field.

All other input fields can handle multiple search terms for filtering. For cars the selection is similar to the create/edit dialog. In all other input fields the filter parameters will be shown as tokens. A token can be set by pressing enter. Each of this tokens can be deleted seperately. A message will be found, if one of the tokens for a filter will fit and all of the filters will fit.

Create/copy/edit message

After clicking create new message (Image Removed) the input mask will be opened. The input masks to edit, answer or copy a message similar but with prepoulated data, so the following points apply to all cases.

Sv translation


Which functions does the message management provide?

The message management provides sending and receiving text messages from and to cars equipped with a display. Besides simple text messages it is also possible to send response messages, where the driver has to confirm the receipt or answer an forced choice questionThe mailbox is used to receive portal messages. In addition to messages for successful report creation, messages from the maintenance database can also appear here.


Table of Contents

Available lists

After starting the messages management there will be visible the sent messages by default. Other states and functions will be available by switching the tabs. The upper tab bar offers the following options:

The tabs

Common list structure

Above each list will be placed some buttons. They provide functionality to refresh the current list, create a new message and (re)send or delete the previously selected messages.



Above the table, several buttons are available. The following functions are available:


Image Added 


Lädt die aktuelle Liste neu

Image Removed


Reloads the current list.

Image Removed

create new message

Opens the window to create a new message.

Image Removed

(re)send selected messages

Sends the selected messages to the according car display. If no car assigned to a message draft, there will be shown a list, to assign the cars.

delete selected messages

Attention, this deletes the messages with the according state entries selected message(s) completely from the website permanentlyportal

The table shows a certain Depending on your setup the list contains a number of entries per pagedepending on the setting.The count of entries number can be changed temporary temporarily adjusted directly at in the table head or permanently by changing personal settings. Additionally there will be tab head.In addition, a search field on is located in the upper right to filter the messages by the columns: sender, car, message state and message text. An ascending or descending ordering per column is also available.

The following columns are available:

corner, which is used to search for specific subject content.
The data can be sorted ascending or descending according to the column.


date and time the message was created



message created on

date and time when a message was created


name of the person, who created the message


the car, received the message

message state

last state message send by car (not available for message pool list)

message text

the text of the message


  • Image Removed shows the message details with according state history
  • Image Removed Only available at message pool. Allows edit of current message.
  • Image Removed Creates a copy of the current message to send with same or similar data.
  • Image Removed Only for received messages available. Opens the menu to create a new message with current car preselected.

Available lists

send messages

Here are listed all messages, sent from protal to a car. If the message is a canned response message, the answer will be visible too.


The messages in this list, shall be send to a car but the reception is not confirmed or was rejected. Some minutes of delay until the confirmation is received by the portal are totally normal.


It is possible to create a new message directly at the car display. This messages are located here.


If a message just was created without sending, it will be shown here. Such messages don't need a car assignment, can be edited and send in groups.


The search allows to define filters upon all available messages. Compared to the regular search field it is possible to define what you want very precisely. (look at extra paragraph: ' The search' )


A message can be send to one or multiple cars. If you only want to select one car, just select it from the list. To specify multiple cars or groups use the first option select multiple cars. This opens a dialog where you can click the desired cars. To directly send a new message you have to select at least one car.

response selection

Selecting a car with a Garmin display you can predefine responses for the driver. The following response types are available:

  • confirmation message: The driver must confirm the message after reading it, so it is documented, that he read an important message.
  • yes/no message: The driver has to decide whether he confirms a message with yes or no.
  • message with predefined responses: Depending on display configuration with available response messages you can define which of these responses are appended to the message.

message text

The regular plain message text. The available length differs by display type so you can see the count of available chars directly below the text box.


Cancels the input and return to the last overview list.

create message / save changes

saves the message draft and return to message pool list

send message

If at least one car is defined, it is possible to send the message directly. You should see this message then in sent messages list.


Depending on used hardware and user rights there are different submenus available.

personal settings

always available with the following options:

  • set the default count of table rows at lists
  • enable playing a sound on incoming new messages (may not work in all browsers)

tab settings

Here you can set which tabs are available on top and influence the sequence. The administrator can set a profile to be active for the whole company and additionally lock the change of this setting for regular users.

Image Added deletes the current message

Unread messages appear in the table as a bold entry.

Show message

By clicking on the subject column of a message, the message opens in a new window.
The following informations are available:


subject of the message.


date and time the message was created

textcontent of the message

At the end of the message is a button labeled "Delete", which removes the current message from the portal.


display settings

Here you can set up to 8 message texts as draft available at car display. If you are using garmin displays, you can also set a selection of predefined message response texts. The response texts for each message can be defined on create. After changing texts it is neccessary to send the new configuration to your cars. You can set this texts only for cars, where you have the corresponding edit right.