The mailbox is used to receive portal messages. In addition to messages for successful report creation, messages from the maintenance database can also appear here.




Above the table, several buttons are available. The following functions are available:




Lädt die aktuelle Liste neu

delete selected messages

Attention, deletes the selected message(s) completely from the portal

The table shows a certain number of entries depending on the setting. The number can be temporarily adjusted directly in the tab head. In addition, a search field is located in the upper right corner, which is used to search for specific subject content.
The data can be sorted ascending or descending according to the column.


date and time the message was created


subject of the message


deletes the current message

Unread messages appear in the table as a bold entry.

Show message

By clicking on the subject column of a message, the message opens in a new window.
The following informations are available:


subject of the message.


date and time the message was created

textcontent of the message

At the end of the message is a button labeled "Delete", which removes the current message from the portal.


  • No labels