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Sv translation

Gives an overview th see the current driving times for the day.


This module is only useable if digitacho info interface enabled.


Table of Contents


This module calculate the steering time per driver since the last (shortened) daily idle time. This calculation is based on data, received through digitacho info interface. This may result in a difference to the digitacho calculation in the vehicle; especially if the tachograph does not calculate itself as prescribed by EU regularity 1266/2009. In this case the valid daily steering time limit is reached much earlier.

Warnings sent by the tachograph directly within the last 24 hours will be also displayed in the warnings column. For example an overspeed message or an exceeding of the 4,5h driving limit can be shown here. The messages were produced by the tachograph directly and do not base on our calculation.

To get the values in a passable time, independent from count of drivers, the calculation will be done in a row and the list will be extended every driver. Once the calculation for all drivers is completed, a 5 minute timer starts to refresh the whole list then.


The table columns have the following meaning

driverName of each driver in alphabetical order. The driver data will be loaded in this order too.
driving time of dayThe current driving time for the day since the last (shortened) daily idle time.
remaining driving timeThe remaining driving time for the driver to fill up the regular daily driving time of 09:00 hours. A probably valid extension to 10:00 hours will not be noticed.
min break timeMinimum duration of the next break / idle time.

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A bar to visualize the current steering time refering to the regular daily steering time.
last shift endEnddate and endtime of the last shift.
last day idle timeDuration of the last day idle.
A direct link to double week calculation for this driver.
warningsMessages, directly sent from the digital tachograph.
shift startdate and time, when the active shift started
shift dayscount of shift work days during the current shift week
shift historyA bar to show the changes between booked times (work, steer, standby, break)
latest week idleduration of latest week idle time, may be important to know if this was a regular or shortened week idle time
min next week idle *depending on latest week idle the next week idle duration must be longer than 24 or 45 hours
compensate short idle untilif the latest week idle time was shortened, this shortening must be compensated until the given date
to compensate idle timeAdditional rest time for the next weekly idle time, when the last weekly idle time was shortened.
start of shift week

start of the first shift day of the curren shift week, this must not be a monday

steer time in weeksteer time during the actual calendaric week
double week steer time

steer time including the previous calendaric week

remaining week steer timeremaining steer time in the current week (the calculation checks the steer time in previous week, too)
extended steer timescount of days in shift week, where the steer time exceeding the regular limit of 9 hours
shortened per day idlecount of shortened idle times in current shift week (a regular per day idle time has a duration of 11 hours)
latest end of shiftthis is the latest end time of the current shift, so the driver may have an adequate idle time. If possible this idle time will be calculated with 9 hours otherwhise the regular idle time with a duration of 11 hours will be used for calculation
start of next week idlethis is the latest valid start time of next week idle
multi driver usageShows, if the driver meets the requirements for a multi driver shift. During the 1st hour this is always the case because the 2nd driver is optional there. Later this mode stays active, if always a second driver is present at steer times.
per shift work timethis is the summed up work time during the current shift (consisting of booked work, steer and standby time)
per week work timethis is the summed up work time during the current calendaric week (consisting of work, steer and standby time, too)
Standby time in shiftDuration of the complete standby time in current shift.
Standby time in weekDuration of the complete standby time in current week.

To go on working with the portal and keeping the list open, it is possible to open this list in a seperate window. Automatic refreshing of data keeps active then.

* These values are current forecasts and may change in future.