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Sv translation

At this page you will get an overview of the position messages of an object. Although you can locate the object and display the locate settings.


Table of Contents


choose a car

  • Select the object from which you want to see the position messages or
  • input the name of the car and click Start

position list

In the positions list you will receive informations about the location of a vehiclemessages. Message are devided into 2 groups, which are displayed different:

  1. First group are telemetry messages. These messages shows details of telemetry states.
  2. Second group are all other message types, e.g. cyclic location messages. In these messages no telemetry states will be shown.

It is possible to set the same layout for both types of messages. For more information go to display settings.

Every position record contains the following informations:

  • date, time weekday,
  • cause of message,
  • position as text, velocity, odometer value,
  • telemetry state

A star behing the position message means, that the gps-signal at the moment of location was not enough to get the real position.


To view the position of the message on the map, click on "map".


To see all available information click on "Details".

Following information are available:

odometer valueodometer value of the vehicle at origin of the message
speedvelocity of the vehicle at origin of the message

driving direction

driving direction of the vehicle at origin of the message
remarkHere you can enter a comment about this position message.
  • extras - Should the exclamation mark flash, so you get more information about this position message when you click on the flashing exclamation mark.
  • gps Informations - Ein Klick auf Satellitenschlüssel rechts öffnet ein Fenster, dass Ihnen Angaben zur Güte des GPS-Signals bzw. andere Hintergrundinformationen liefert.
  • tank data - A click on the tank icon opens a window in which you can store gas receipt data.
telemetry stateTelemetry status of the vehicle at origin of the message


You can assign each position a remark. Click "Details and then "edit" . Input  "delivery note 123" for example. Each time you search for this message, you will remark again display properly.

tank receipt data 

For each message "IGNITION OFF" will be displayed below details a small tank icon. When you click on it you can input the tank capacity and the tank price.


position description

The description of the place you store by clicking on the ">>". Your stored addresses are now always displayed at this position as blue text instead of plain text message. Each time a vehicle in your fleet is again located in 50 meters radius around this position, is then no longer the street name in position list, but customer XY for example.

display settings

Using the display settings you can customize the appearance of position messages and lists.There are two ways to change these settings

  • Change display settings permanently. To do this, change the display properties in your personal settings.
  • Change display settings until the next login on the portal. Use the icon from the Quick Bar. This icon is clickable for very many pages.

Here you can set the following:
  • number of items in lists: presented without having to scroll the number of messages.
  • telemetry status in position data: Determine whether the telemetry status is to be displayed in each message or only messages generated by changing a telemetry status.
  • Hide message types: You can hide certain messages in the message list. Click in the box next to the message type which you want to hide.
Schaltflächen der QuickbarQuickBar buttons 

Einmalige Ortung veranlassen

Objekt sofort einmalig orten

  • Warten Sie bis zu einer Minute und klicken Sie nun auf das Symbol Image Removed
  • Sie finden unter der laufenden Nr. 1 die aktuellen Daten als einmalige Positionsmeldung
Image Removed

Ansicht neu laden

Positionsliste aktualisieren

Image Removed


Livetracker für dieses Objekt starten

Image Removed

Informationen anzeigen

Informationen zu Ortungseinstellungen des Objektes

Image Removed


Anzeigeeinstellungen anpassen

Image Removed


Diese Hilfe aufrufen

cause unique location

 Locate object immediately once
  • Wait up to one minute and now click on the icon Image Added
  • See the current no. 1, the current data as a single position message
Image Added

reload this view

Update position message list

Image Added


Start LiveTracker for this item.

Image Added

Show Informationens

Information about localization settings of the object.

Image Added

display settings

Adjust display settings.

Image Added


Open this help.

Image Added


Setting page as a QuickLink

Image Removed


Seite als QuickLink einrichten