This module shows the shifts per driver, based on d8 info bookings.




This module shows the shifts per driver, ending at selected day. Especially at the end of a week this may result in multiple shifts, ending at the same day. The calculated shift worktime depends on work time rule for the driver.

In general, the shifts are based on data of the D8 info-interface. So we can show the start- and end position with driven distance at each shift. To improve the precision of calculated times we try to extend the data with downloaded card data of the driver, if this data are available.

It may happen, a driver used a vehicle with a digital tachograph but without configured D8 interface or even without a YellowFox device installed. This will result in lacking position data at shift start and/or end and the driver has to set the country code at shift start and end correctly to show the driven distance. Such shifts, based on card data only, will be marked with a yellow bar after the driver name.


  • "shift end at": The lists shows shifts, ending at the selected day. This is important for night workers because it means a shift, starting at selected day but ending at next day won't be visible here.
  • "driver selection": Filter drivers by a group or even a single person. Filtering drivers list will improve loading performance.
  • "hide drivers without steer time": this will hide all drivers, without a shift ending at selected day.


To use this module as intended the d8 info interface must be activated and working. By mixing with driver card data (ddd) there may be shifts visible, even if the used vehicle don't have the d8 interface activated or even don't have a YellowFox device. Due to technical limitations this will result in general lack of position data at shift start/end and the odometer depends on correct country code setting by each driver.

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