Table of Contents
The start view of the portal can be configured individually. The individual elements that can be displayed on the page are called widgets. In addition, up to 9 further pages can be added, which can then also be freely assigned widgets. Each of these pages represents a dashboard.
The menu
The menu bar contains the icon to show and edit the available dashboards.
This overview consists of 3 parts:
1) A compact bar to quickly see which dashboard you are on and to switch directly to any other dashboard.
2) A list of self configured dashboards with the predefined names.
- The first dashboard always is the home dashboard and will be loaded directly after login.
- The currently visible dashboard is marked with bold text.
- You can use the two action elements on the right-hand side to directly change the order of the dashboards or edit any dashboard
3) The button to add a new dashboard
- It is possible to create and configure up to 10 dashboards.
Create or edit a dashboard
On start editing or creating a dashboard the top menu will switch into edit-mode and allow to change some of the settings and end the edit mode.
1) Select a dashboard template. There is a set of predefined templates to start with. After selcting a template the according widgets can be configured individually.
2 ) To make it easier to identifiy the dashboards in the list, you can set an own name here.
3) Other actions
- It is possible to duplicate an existing dashboard if you want to use another dashboard with similar widgets. For example, a dashboard with data per location.
- Furthermore this menu allows to delete a dashboard.
4) On cancel edit, you will return to your last previous view before the edit mode was startet. On save a dashboard you will stay at this dashboard view and can directly continue working.
The actual workspace is divided into a grid on which the individual widgets can be freely positioned and adjusted in size.
On hovering an empty grid element with the mouse a "+"-symbol wll be shown and allows to add a widget at this position.
Each widget has the following control elements:
1) The move-icon allows to move the widget to another position. If the widget will overlap another widget or would not fit to the page anymore, the widget will snap back to its start position.
2) The action menu allows to configure the widget content and to delete a widget completely.
3) The resize element will allow to resize the widget.
- If the resized widget will overlap another widget, its going back to it's original size.
- Due to the variety of screen sizes there is no limitation for the widget size. Each widget can be minified to a single grid element, even if it is not useable anymore on small screens! To show such problems directly, the widget will be loaded right after setting the desired widget type.
4) While the edit mode is active, the widget content is still visible but inputs are blocked to avoid accidental operation.
Edit a widget
The first step is to set the widget type. We still kept the difference between widgets with a variable size and full screen modules.
Most widgets have additional individual configuration options, such as a car limitation or a time range. This second step is available viw the widget configuration menu.
The dashboards can be switched during operation either via the dashboard menu or using the arrows at the edge of the screen. After the last dashboard, the system jumps back to the first dashboard and vice versa, so that you can switch endlessly.
However, the active dashboard is highlighted in the menu for orientation. In addition, the name of the respective dashboard is displayed at the top of the screen when switching.