Activate area monitoring

Last modified by YellowFox_RD on 2025/01/16 12:51

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To use area monitoring (Geofencing) those defined areas have to be send to the vehicle first.


To use area monitoring (Geofencing) those defined areas have to be send to the vehicle first. During the activation the definitions are sent to the vehicle.
Once a definition was sent, it is active. Geofences not sent to the vehicle are inactive
Depending on the used hardware the number of possible definitions is different. 
Please notice: If there was a "reset" on your vehicles telematics device, the definitions in that device become deleted, but the status in the website remains unchanged. Just deactivate all areas in such a case, and activate those areas again you want to use.

Activate/Deactivate an area

Before you start activating Geofences, please chose a vehicle first. After doing so, you will see a list of all possible area definitions. If the list is empty please create an area definition first.
You can activate or deactivate each single area, just by clicking the button.
During the activation/deactivation the status will change to wait for... . If you see this, the activation/deactivation was not finished yet.

Buttons and Links of the Quickbar:
Alert areasDefinition of areas
Alert managerCreate alerts when leaving or entering areas/geofences, and more
Map (overview)Map showing your vehicles
back.pngBackback to the list of vehicles
refresh.pngReloadRefresh the view
help.pngHelpShows this site
quicklink.pngQuicklinkCreate a Quicklink