Konfiguration Tankkarten

Last modified by YellowFox_RD on 2025/01/16 12:51

Table of Contents

Allows to define and adminstrate your fuel cards


For all your displays you can administrate fuel cards, which are used for selection in your display when recording a fuel payment.

Fuel Card Administration

When you open this page you'll see an overview about all your fuel cards. Following functions are available in this list:

up_arrow.pngMoves your card up in the list
down_arrow.pngMoves your card down in the list
edit.pngAllows to edit your card data
cross.pngDeletes the card from the list

Add a card

By clicking on new_20px.png you can add a new fuel card. Give it a name or description and click on save to add the card to your list, or cancel to abort without saving.

Send fuel cards

Select the object you want to send the list of fuel cards to, and click on send.

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help_light.pngHelpopens this help page
quicklink_light.pngQuicklinkadd this page to your quicklinks