
Last modified by YellowFox_RD on 2025/01/23 11:02

Table of Contents

Each address can be an part of zero, one or more address groups.


Why do I use address groups?

Address groups are used to group some addresses. This will make it easier to retrieve different addresses. In addition, addresses of a group can be located easily in the map, because each group corresponds to a map pin icon with an specific color.

General basics

An address group is defined by its name and a color. The color can be selected from a predefined color range.
In addition,  the address groups order inside the groups list is important. A group at a position above an other are more important then groups below it. If an address is assigned to more than one address group the address icon is shown at map, with the color of the group with highest importance.
Addresses of an group are shown at map with the pin color, defined by group.

Liste elements

Each address group record is represented by an group list row. It uses the following columns.

1.checkbox.PNGCheck boxHere you can preselect one or more groups for an action. This column is only visible if the user have the right for editing in address management.
2. Group symbolShows the map pin symbol, used to show addresses of this group inside the map.
3. address groupThe address group name.
4. assigned addressesThe names of all addresses assigned to the group. If more than 4 addresses are assigned to the group, only the first 4 addresses are shown initially. All other addresses can be shown if you clik somewhere in side the column. If more addresses are avialable, you can see if the column defines at its right side the expand-15-darkgrey.png symbol.
5. actionsDefines all action in relation of the group from this row.

You can limit the amount of groups to show per page by select box left above the groups list. For ist you can select 10, 25, 50 or 100 groups to show per page. The Portal remember your last settiung.

Group actions

Main action

All main actions (exclude "reload") will be executed for all groups selected by the check boxes at the groups list left.

image2015-10-8%2015%3A45%3A2.pngReload the groups list.
image2015-10-21%209%3A58%3A45.pngCreate new group: Starts the creation of a new address group. This button is only visible if the user have the portal right for editing in address manager. Description for create & edit address groups
image2015-10-8%2015%3A45%3A18.pngAssign addresses: Assign to all selected groups addresses that must be selected. Existing assignments between addresses and groups left unchanged. This button is only visible if the user have the portal right for editing in address manager.
image2015-10-21%2010%3A19%3A12.pngdelete groups: All currently selected groups should be deleted. This button is only visible if the user have the portal right for editing in address manager.

Single actions

The single actions always depends to the current group record.

image2015-10-8%2013%3A22%3A0.pngEdit groups: Opens the address group editor for editing the current address group. This action is only visible if the user have the portal right for editing in address manager. Description for create & edit address groups
image2015-10-21%2010%3A24%3A53.pngMove the group one position down (Reduces the group importance)
image2015-10-21%2010%3A25%3A32.pngMove the group one position up (Increases Importancethe group importance)

The group list is not sortable by column. Any modification of group order  relates to the address group prioritization.
The both actions for reduce or increase the group priority can als been handled by moving the group items per drag & drop.

Group filtering

The address groups can be filtered with the free text seach input field above the top right group list corner.