Address contacts

Last modified by YellowFox_RD on 2025/01/16 12:51

Table of Contents

Each address can habe zero, one or more associated contacts.

Where are the contacts located?

Inside the address list

The contacts can be seen directly in the address list.
Each address with one or more assigned contacts displays it by showing the expand_contact.png symbol at column 2. If you click it the assigned contacts will be shown or hidden, depending to the current state.

Constacts list

The contacts are shown inside the address list with the following informations:

contact nameThe contact forename and surename.
addr-btn-mail.pngcontact e-mailThe optional contact e-mail address.
addr-btn-phone.pngcontact phoneThe optional contact phone number.
addr-btn-mobile.pngcontact mobileThe optional contact mobile number.
addr-btn-fax.pngcontact faxThe optional contact fax number.

Each contact have the following actions:

edit_new.pngedit contactOpens the contact for editing
magnifier.pngshow detailsShow all contact detaIls
cross.pngdelete contactDelete the selected contact


Inside the address details

The address detail view shows the "contacts" tabulator It displays a shorter contacts list without some editing abilities.

Create/Edit contact

If you want to create a new contact, you can do it by address list. Each address defines the action  add.png (add contact) or by Address details > Tab "contacts" > add.png add contact
A contact requires the definition of the following informations

field namemax. lengthdescription
forename100 charsThe contact person forename.
surename100 charsThe contact person surename.
e-mail100 charsOptional contact e-mail addess
phone100 charsOptional contact phone number
mobile100 charsOptional contact mobile number
fax100 charsOptional contact fax number
comment2000 charsOptional contact comment