Sublicense management

Last modified by YellowFox_RD on 2025/01/16 12:51

Table of Contents

With the sublicense management you can bind a display license to an user for a selectable daterange.

Module components

License assignments

Standard functions

reload.pngreload dataLoads all active and planned assignments again.
new_person.pngnew assignment
Opens the assignment editor to create a new assignment.

Assignments table

The assignment table shows all active and planned assignments. The table can be sorted by all columns and with the search field could be used to filter the assignments for user names and description texts.
The table gives an overview over the active and the planned assignments (planned means start date not reached) and how many licenses the company has.
Every assignment has an action column where you can edit the assignment, copy it or end it now.

Expired license assignments

Standard functions

reload.pngreload dataReloads all expired assignments.

Assignments table

The assignment table shows all expired assignments. The table can be sorted by all columns and with the search field could be used to filter the assignments for user names and description texts.
Every assignment has an action column where you can copy the assignment, edit the description or delete the assignment.


Common settings

In the common settings you can adjust the number of entries, which should be shown in the tables initially.

Functions in action column

image2018-12-3_10-31-37.pngexport login infosExport the login infos of a license assignment (only available in the tab "license assignments")
image2018-6-22%2013%3A16%3A43.pngEdit assignmentOpens the assignment editor with the saved data of this assignment.
image2018-6-22%2013%3A16%3A50.pngCopy assignmentOpens the assignment editor, where the user name and the password is copied from the selected assignment.
image2018-6-22%2013%3A16%3A55.pngEnd assignment nowSets the end date of the assignment to the timestamp of the action which means the assignment is now expired.
image2018-6-22%2013%3A16%3A58.pngDelete assignmentDeletes an assignment from the expired assignments.
image2018-6-22%2013%3A16%3A45.pngEdit desciptionOpens the assignment editor with all data of the selected assignment but the desciption is editable only.

Assignment editor

New assignment

For a new assignment all values are empty. Only the date range gets a start value. It starts on the day when the action is triggered at 0 o´clock and has an open end. The user name, the password and the description is empty.

Edit assignment

If an assignment is opend in editing mode, all data of the selected assignment are loaded and editable. If the assignment is expired only the description is editable.