Digital Folder

Last modified by YellowFox_RD on 2025/01/16 12:51

Table of Contents

Almost each driver has folder with important documents in his vehicle. These can be instructions or telephone numbers. To stay up to date is not that easy - drivers not enter the office, the updated sheets are not filed to the folder, or you don't know anymore which one is the most valid one. At this point you can use the "Digital Folder" to file the documents digital and syncronise them to drivers display.



Notices of the Digital Folder will be syncronised to displays. That's why an activated option "Orders → Displaycommunication" is necessary to use it.

Functions of Digital Folder

Categories and Notices

In the the Digital Folder the notices are organized in categories. Each notice can be assigned to several categories, but have to assigned at least one category. To sort your categories and the notices in its category can be done by drag-and-drop.

reload.pngreload pagereloads page and its content
newCategory.pngnew categoryopens the dialog to add a new category
newEntry.pngnew noticeopens the dialog to create a new notice

Add new category

Adding a new category happens inside of the category list. Set a description and click on the green button or hit "enter". The new category is now added and available.

Reorder categories

You can change the order of categories. Click at a category and hold the mouse button down. While holding it, move the category. If you reached the new position release the mouse button.

Category functions

Rename category

You can rename a category and change the description. Your changes are confirmed by clicking on the green icon or by hitting the enter-key. You can cancel this action by clicking on the red icon.

Delete category

You just can delete empty categories without any assigned notices. If there are still notices in your category, a dialog is opened and you get the choice to move all notices to another category or delete them and at least the category.

Add notices

To add a new notice you have to set following values:

  • Headline - a short and brief description of the notice
  • Categories - assign the notice to one or more several categories, or create a new on directly if not exists yet
  • Syncronise to display - should this notice shown on displays
  • Searchterms - which terms can be used to find this notice
  • content - the formatted text of this notice

Reorder notices

You can reorder your notices by drag and drop. Click on a notice and keep the mouse button pressen. If you move your mouse, the notices "follows". When you reached the proper position release the mouse and let the notice drop to it's new position.

Notice functions

Show changes

You can see here who made changes on this notice. You cannot see which changes are made.

Edit notics

This function allows to edit existing notices. You have access to all functions and values as in the creation dialog. On this function you also can assign to or remove notices from a category.

Delete notices

If a notice is assigned to more than one category you have the choice to delete just in the current category or completly from the portal. Please be aware, that deleted notices cannot be undeleted and are lost.


At the search you can filter notices in a category view. You can do it by using the defined search terms as well as by parts of the content.