Digitacho download/archive

Last modified by YellowFox_RD on 2025/03/05 12:21

Table of Contents


The digitacho administration grants access and control for driver and vehicle filese, created by digital tachograph.

Depending on selected tarif the useable functionality differs.


Here are listed all available DDD files. If there is booked only the download functionality, the bold marked files still have to be archived by the user. Otherwhise no action is required and the mark just indicates if a file was eported earlier.
The visible files can be limited by setting a driver, a vehicle, an archive state or a timerange. Vehicles can be filtered by group, company card (used for download) and single vehicle. The company card filter only shows files, downloaded via selected company card (including according following cards). For drivers the filter options are by group, by place of employment or by a selected single driver. The place of employment will be set via personnel administration.
On open this page there will be visible all new files, not archived or exported by the user and downloaded from the tachograph during the 30 days. Changing the according input values will result in access to any files stored in the system.
Clicking a column headline will result in sorting the data by this column.
Changing the filter by option from download date to content timerange will result in a different file arrangement. In content mode for each vehicle or driver will be visible only one entry row. This row may consist of one or multiple files, to cover the desired timerange in an optimal arrangement with minimal overhead for start end end time. If it is impossible to get a set of files, covering the desired timerange, no entry will be made for this driver or vehicle!
Selecting a single file for download to the own computer will result in directly downloading this file. If multiple files selected for download a compressed .zip file will be created, containing all selected files.

Download states

For each driver and each vehicle, with DDD files available, the dates for latest download and deadline for next download is visible. For each entry also a check is done, if all data for the whole timerange is available at storage.
A limitation for drivers and vehicles cane be done on top of this tab.
Using the default setup, drivers or vehicles, without any DDD files will not be visible in table. To change this behaviour, select the show drivers/vehicles without downloads option.For some special cases additionally the digitacho delivers data for drivers, not registered at personal administration. This unknown drivers are hidden by default, too. To show this personal, uncheck the hide unknown personal option.

The state column at data table consist of different available states:

unknownfor the according driver or vehicle no files are available within the last year
okthe last download was within the legal timerange
download deadline nearly reachedthe legal timerange, when a download has to be done nearly exceeded
download deadline exceededthe legal timerange, when a download has to be done was exceeded and probably further action is necessary
incomplete datawithin the available data is a timerange of at least one day, where no data exist at our storage; to get the according timerange open the details for this entry

Download state details

If at least one digitacho file ist stored for a driver or vehicle, a details page can be called. This details page shows a month calendar for a quick overview, which file is available for which calendaric day and at which days no data available.
A day, marked green indicates, that at least one file with data is available. Moving the cursor over this day, will result in a list of available files for this day.
A red marked day, indicates missing files for this day. This means, no file is available at storage, containing data for this day.

Download state incomplete data

The incomplete data state is a special state, that should not occur on normal operation. Although for each download a check will be done, which data are available and download a mostly complete data set, sometimes there are timeranges without any data at the storage. This may happen, if a vehicle will be repaired and the digital tachograph will get no power for longer timeranges, or there is any kind of malfunction.
The first step to handle this kind of error is downloading the data directly at the vehicle and adding this data to the storage. If the gaps will not be closed after this procedure, probably the digital tachograph has a malfunction and should be checked immediately.

Download state diable vehicle observation

If a vehicle is not part of the vehicle fleet anymore, an error message will be shown on exceeding the download time limit, too. To handle this, it is possible to mark the timerange after latest download as ignored timerange. So the vehicle will be still kept in list for archivation but will not be visible prominent anymore. If even the latest file exceeds the archivation timerange, the vehilce will be removed completely from list.


The handling of this module is similar to the personal administration.
As limitation here only persons are shown, having a 16-char long driver key as personal key. Additionally the table columns can be configured independently to personal administration.

A driver key always consists of a fixed part to identify the person (the first 13 chars) and a serially numbered part (the last 3 digits). So a driver can be identified clearly with all of its following cards. Assigning different driver keys to one person (difference in first 13 chars) will result in empty reports. This happens because it will be assumed, an error occured and 2 persons were mixed accidentally!

Omitted reasons

To match the regularities of european drivers edict a driver has to verify his activities for the last 28 days. While driving activities registered by digital tachograph, in case of other activities, illness or spare time the driver has to show documents for this activities. This document is called "attestation of activities".
This menu allows to create those documents and check, if this documents where generated completely.
Therefore the overview tab shows the list of all drivers and checks all states for the last 28 days. This check can result in 3 different state messages:

  1. could not determine the state: no digitacho data for the last 28 days found
  2. no gaps found in timerange: all documents where created for the timerange
  3. data incomplete: digitacho data found but missing activities documents for at least one day

To get detailed information, especially why an incomplete state was set, for each driver exist the action to open a detailed view. This view is equal to omitted reason details with current driver preselected.
After this page is called, the calculation of state message will be startet. The current calculation state and the according results stay in memory, as long as the archive management module is active. To refresh the driver data, just use the reload funtion on top of this tab or restart the archive management module.
Selecting one driver, show the according detailed booking data and documents.

Omitted reasons per driver

On top of this tab are the buttons to reload, enter an other activity and to switch between tabellaric ond graphic bookings view. If the tab was direcly selected, first chose the driver, if called from omitted reason overview list, a driver is preselected.
After a driver is selected, the data for current and previous month will be loaded to show the timerange of last 28 days without any scrolling or paging. The days itself are marked as follows:

other_activities_empty_day.png.pngNo data available for this day.
other_activities_valid_day.png.pngBookings found for this day and no other activities document required.
other_activities_error_day.pngFor this day a document should be added.

Klicking on any day of the calendar will also refresh the 3-days-view below this calendar. To improve the readability, the previous and next day also will be visible.
If no data available for a timespan or if a timespan is marked as idle timespan, a new other activity document can be created, just by clicking on this timerange at graphic or by click on the according action in tabellaric mode.
In this case only the reason has to be set and all other values are prefilled.
Especially in the very first usage, probably not all informations are stored for each driver. Because this data are required to create the document, it is possible to fill the missing data directly in this input mask. The data entered here will also be stored to database, so they did not have to be entered multiple times.
This personal informations are the drivers birthdate, the driver is employee since date and an identification document. This identification document may be the driver licence, identy card or passport. Becaue this documents have a limited validity, it's recommended to add the valid to date.
The document also contains data about the creator. This is the name, position in the company and the address. Creator is the currently logged in user. If no specific address is set, the global company address will be used. The position and a differing working address can be set at Adminitration -> Portal Settings -> Settings / User data.
To handle weekends easier, it is also possible to create activity documents for multiple drivers in one step. To do so, use second option in driver selection (select multiple drivers). This will result in a list of all drivers with a checkbox for each driver to select the ones, that need a document. In this mode it is not possible to append missing personal data to any of the drivers, so if data missing for any driver, a remark text will be shown and this driver is not visible in the main list.
To check, for which drivers data missing, there can be expanded a second list, just with the name of all drivers with incomplete data.
To not reopen the input mask for different timeranges, just change the option for save button to only save and print. Closing the input mask is possible via aborting further inptu or just clicking X on the bottom ricght.
If such an other activity was entered, in graphic mode this timerange is marked by a blue line. In tabellaric mode the entry is marked bold and has its own icon for faster identification.
Clicking on such an entry will allow to reprint the document, change the data or delete it.

Branch offices

If the company consist of multiple branch offices, so the according disponent can set its specific branch address via Settings / User data. Here the correct branch office address can be stored.


The violation overview is a brief indicator if there are any violations for a driver and how to rate this violations.
The initial selection calculates all violations for the current and previous month. Including the count of violations and possible cost as defined in schedule of fines. Additionally is the violation infringement as defined in EU regulation 2016/403. Depending on count and infringement type there is an area of discretion for the BAG. Additionally usage faults of the tachograph may be respected so the real value may differ from this precalculation.
Values for already printed violations and newly calcultated ones will be shown separate.

Levels of infringement

MIMinor infringement
SISerious infringement
VSIVery serious infringement
MSIMost serious infringement

violations per driver

Using the detailed view for a driver allows to anlyse each single violation.
For the selected driver a month overview is visible. This month overview is colored to indicate the state per calendaric day. Therefore the following colors are used:

violations_empty_day.pngno activities stored for this day
violations_valid_day.pngactivities stored for this day and no violations
violations_error_day.pngat least one violation detected, starting and/or ending at this day

Moving the mouse over a red marked day, will also mark the according violation entries in the violations table below the calendar red.
This table shows base data for each violation in visible time range. For each violation the infringement level and possible cost shown. If the user added real costs for a violation, these costs will be visible instead of common value.
To get even more details for a violation, use the details button. For timeranges up to 2 days, a graph will be shown with each single activity bookings and the range with the violation is marked blue. For longer violations the relevant data will be visible in a table.
Similar to violations overview it is possible to select violations to print an instruction.

Violation prints

Printing the instruction protocol is available from violations overview and violation details tab. 
Printing from overview always only creates an instruction for new violations, not printed before and not marked with a penalty fee of 0,- €.
From violation details tab it is possible to make an own combination or just to reprint an instruction. If an instruction selected, which was printed before, the according instruction protocol will be printed same as ist was printed initially. This means with all other according violations, also printed on the page. In combination with never printed violations, the not printed violations will be printed to an extra page. So it is possible to create copies of the original instructions at any time. Aditionally the signing information has to be entered just for one violation of the page.
The document itself contains informations about timerange, allowance and effective value (idle time, driving time, ...). Additionally the type of violation and the according link to legal text is shown.



The bookings overview allows to check and analyze the steer- and worktimes for drivers with digitacho data. After selecting a driver, a table with steer-, work-, and standby times of the last month will be displayed.
After first loading, above the table is a toggle switch to differ between a calendaric-day based view and a shift-day based view.
The shift-day view is intened to help understanding possible violations. Thats why shift-weeks will be shown completely always, even if only 1 shift day is part of requested time range.
A calendaric day in general starts at 00:00 UTC and ends 24:00 UTC. A calendaric week always starts at monday 00:00 UTC and ends on sunday 24:00 UTC.
To get a report with splitting at local time and/or shifts, cropped at report range, you can use the tacho-work-times report.
The times can be translated into local time via general settings.

Detailed view

This detailed view is divided into 2 modes, too. By default a table with all single bookings is shown.There is an additional tab to switch to a graphical view. Here a bar visualizes the times for each day. The meaning of the marked timeranges is similar to the omitted reasons tab.
There is an export funktion available at each tab. This function will export the currently visible data to a PDF, Excel or CSV file. The file content depends on currently visible data.


If driver or vehicle data are incomplete or just shall be added to the archive, they can be uploaded to the archive here.

Attention: This may result in additional costs!

The files to add must be of filetype .ddd. Generally the filename has following scheme:

driverC_<year><month><day>_<hour><minute>_<digitacho card slot>_<driverkey>.ddd

M_<year><month><day>_<hour><minute>_<vehicle sign>_<vehicle identification number>.ddd

To add a file to the archive, click the upload button (file_upload.png) to open the file selection dialog to select one or multiple files. The menu also supports dragging the files just over the table to initialize the upload. The upload itself starts immediately for up to 200 files at once. Each uploaded file has to pass a validity check, once it is completely transferred to the server. If this check fails, there will be returned an error message for the file and it will not be stored permanently in the archive!
To get the filestates there is an extra menu on the left side above the self created quicklink list. This extra menu initially only shows the overall progress. On click there will be opened a more detailled view with all files and theyr current upload state.
If a file was uploaded successfully, the according success state will remain 10 minutes in list before the list will be cleaned. If there was an error, the file with according error message remains 30 minutes in the list.
Once an upload is initialized, it is possible to go on working with the portal. The uploads will be handled in background. A complete page reload as done by pressing &lt;F5> key will abort further processing!

Vehicle Events

This views shows all events stored in vehicle units between current day and the previous three months. The time range may consist up to 2 years.
To allow an easier handling for large vehicle fleets the check up can be limited to selected vehicles and vehicle groups.
The analysis result is divided into 8 categories:

over speedingover speed events detected and stored by the vehicle unit
card usage errorserrors done by wrong usage of drivercard by the driver
security breachessecurity breaches registered by the vehicle unit related to the unit itself or related to distance/speed sensors
dysfunctionsdysfunctions of the vehicle unit or distance/speed sensors
otherall other events, not listed in the other groups
Out of Scopeshows "out of scope" usages
ITS ConsentShow all reject entries to "Intelligent Transportation System" setting
  • Rejecting sending of ITS data means, no data will be submitted via D8 live interface! This means we won't get the driver registration and we won't get any activity changes, so live drivertimes are not available in this case.
  • This reject is specific to the driver and vehicle and can be revoked at any time by the driver. The procedure to change the consent state is tahcograph specific and described in the according manual.
vehicle controlsLists all registered control activities including the checked time range. In most cases this check will cover the last 28 days

Selecting one of the categories opens the list with all according events. For each of this events a detailed view is available to show additional information for the selected event and all other events within a 12 hour time range.
Each event can be marked as noticed, too. Such a noticed events won't be listed in the overview list anymore. Using the checkboxes, multiple events can be noticed in one step. Hereby the portal user's name and the time always will be stored. Optional an additional remark text can be added.

Vehicle Activities

This tab is mostly similar to the existing bookings list but the bookings will be extracted from vehicle files instead of driver files.
So the most obvious change ist the division into both tacho slots and independent calculation. Besides this the most important change is the different calendaric day calculation, if local time selected. In contrast to the rest of the digitacho archive the day change in local time will be done at 00:00 local time instead of using the UTC base.
There is an optional column "odometer UTC day". Because of available data, this odometer states always refer to 00:00 - 24:00 of the UTC based day, so this may result in differencies if there is an overnight drive. For each day the first and last odometer state is shown, the summaries show the driven distance in km for the according time range.
Just as realized in the booking list the visible columns of the overview can be changed and the exported files depend on the current column setting. In detailed view the exported files always contain data for both slots.
The maximum timerange to analyze here may cover 3 months, too.

Digitacho odometer report


This module shows odometer states based on mass storage data. The selected daterange always starts at 00:00 of the day and ends at midnight. So selecting the same start and end date will return per-day distance.
To filter the resulting list, the group, company-card and vehicle selctions are available.

The odometer states are based on values of mass storage device. So start and end oft he day are based on UTC times which results in a difference to local time of 1h (winter time) or 2h (summer time). Also keep in mind, that the absolute odometer values may differ from vehicle tachograph, if the odometer state at mass storage was not set correctly.


The result list can be exported as PDF or Excel file.



Cabotage is defined as intra-national transportation of goods in a foreign country. The according regularities are defined in EG regulation 1072/2009. In the context of cabotage, a journey is the period from crossing the border into a country until leaving the country. If there is a load, followed by an unload operation in this country, this will be taken as cabotage drive. A 2nd generation tachograph, version 2, is mandatory for recording the data! These are mandatory for new vehicles and all vehicles with an old generation 1 tachograph must be equipped with a new tachograph until 31.12.2024 if they are on the road internationally.
The tachograph is only able to store load and unload operations without any assignment which load operation refers to which unload operation. So an exact verification against authorities must be proven using the according transportation documents. Based on tachograph data, the following trip will be recognized as cabotage drive, although it isn’t one:

  • load goods „A“ in home country
  • border crossing into foreign country
  • load goods „B“ in this foreign country
  • unload goods „A“ in foreign country
  • border crossing back into home country
  • unload goods „B“ in home country

Checked Rulesets

To recognize a drive as cabotage drive, the activities must be in following order:

  • Border crossing into a foreign country
  • optional: Unload operation(s) (=international carriage(
  • Load operation (or combined load- / unload operation)
  • Unload operation (or combined load- / unload operation)

In this case we are checking, if the driver followed these rules:

  • Border Crossing without any carriage:
    • Only 1 cabotage drive in this country is allowed.
    • The cabotage must be completed within 3 days after border crossing. (The last unload operation will be recognized as end of the cabotage)
  • Border crossing with international carriage:
    • Up to 3 cabotage drives are allowed in the country.
    • The cabotage must be completed within 7 days after unloading of international cabotage is completed.
  • Checking for 4 days cooling-off duration
    • After a cabotage drive in a country and leaving this country, the next cabotage drive in this country must start more than 4 days after the end of the previous drive.
    • This means, relevant is the time range from last unload (of first presence in country) to first load operation (of current presence in the same country).
    • Load / unload operations in other countries or operations, not recognized as cabotage won’t have any effect.
01.12. 10:00Border crossing from Germany to Austria
02.12. 08:00Load operation
02.12. 18:00Unload operation
05.12. 14:00Border crossing from Austria to Germany
06.12. 08:00Border crossing from Germany to Austria
06.12. 17:00Load operation
07.12. 08:00Unload operation

Simple example, without comply with cooling-off duration

01.12. 10:00Border crossing from Germany to Austria 
02.12. 08:00Load operation 
02.12. 18:00Unload operation 
03.12. 08:00Border crossing from austria to ItalyNo cabotage, because first unload, then load operation
03.12. 10:00Unload operation
03.12. 16:00Load operation
04.12. 09:00Border crossing from Italy to AustriaNo cabotage, because only unload operations
04.12. 15:00Unload operation
05.12. 10:00Unload operation
05.12. 14:00Border crossing from Austria to Germany 
06.12. 08:00Border crossing from Germany to Austria 
06.12. 17:00Load operationWarning, because:
a)      In combination with following unload operation, this is a cabotage.
b)      Time range between previous unload (02.12. 18:00) until this load operation is less than 4 days.
07.12. 08:00Unload operation 

More complex version with other drives, not to mention for cabotage check.

Special rules for non-EU countries:

For the United Kingdom and northern Ireland are some differences:

  • Kabotage drives are not allowed, if the country was entered without any carriage.
  • If the country was entered with international carriage:
    • .. up to 3 cabotage drives are possible (instead of 3)
    • ... the cabotage drives must be completed within 7 days after border crossing. (instead of within 7 days after unloading the international carriage)

Another different ruleset exists for Switzerland:

  • For EU companies no cabotage drives are allowed in Switzerland.
  • For swiss companies no cabotage drives are allowed in any EU country.
    • Only international carriage between different EU countries is allowed.

List view

In the first step, two tiles are loaded in order to determine how many trips have generally taken place abroad and how many of them could have caused problems in terms of the cabotage regulation! Again, it should be noted that the transportation according to the tacho data does not necessarily correspond to the actual transportation.
The table then contains the list of trips, grouped by vehicles. As periods in home country are not displayed, there may be gaps between the individual trips. If the tacho data indicates a possible violation of the cabotage regulations, the corresponding warning(s) will be shown in the table directly.
The action column can then be used to switch to the detailed view for each trip. The entire list can also be exported as an Excel, PDF or CSV file.

Detailed view

The detailed view shows the map with border crossings and load- / unload operations of the selected trip. The data can be found below the map in tabular form. In case of notices, the corresponding notices are then displayed directly at the respective event.
Using the GPRS portal we are also trying to load the exact route based on the GPS data from the tracking box and then display this route.


This tab joins all setting options according to the digitacho module.

Common Settings

The first Setting allows to set the default table rows for all list views. Changing the row count directly in the module will only keep this setting, during the session. By starting a new session the row count will be set to the value in this menu. For further Archive functions the visible time base can be modified here. By EU regularities the calculation base is UTC time. To allow an easier check of calculated times and dates, the visible times can be recalculated to ME(S)Z timezone. This change only affects the portal output!

Setup tabs

To match different requirements the visible tabs and their order can be set here.

Drivers table

Allows to set the visible columns and their order for the drivers table

Other activities

In general an other activities document will be printed in current portal language. This language can be changed for each single print. Alternatively a different default language can be set here. This may be helpful especially if the vehicles mostly active in foreign countries.
The next option is to set the duration of an unknown span to be classified as warning. By law a gap-less logging of all activities is required. In general short gaps won't be chased as a violation, if the booked times still allow a comprehensible control.
According to EG regularities 3821/85 article 15 paragraph 2 a document for "other activities" has to be created and issued to the driver before he starts it's drive. So its possible reject creation of documents in the past. In contrast to this regularities it's helpful to have a documentation even in this cases.

Violation settings

This submenu allows to change the settings for violation recognition and print views.

work time lawThis allows (de)activation of additional check for work time law
break time calculationDepending on contract of a person, the work time calculation differs for breaks &lt; 15min. For drivers this short breaks do not belong to the work time. Otherwhise this short breaks will belong to the work time by work time law.
default print languageSet the violation protocol language independent from portal language.
instruction protocoll additionsThe options here allow to change the output content of violation instruction protocol
  • Add a customizeable footer text at each protocol
  • Add the pesonal groups of each person
  • Extend each violation with specific infos such as penate fee, level of seriousness and per-day steer time graph
    • The per-day steer time graph will be added only for violations according to (shift) days. E.g. a violation of week duration won't be extended with per-day graphs
  • The severity level of a violation (MI, SI, VSI, MSI) can be added to the protocol
  • For violations relating to per-day times an additional graph of booked times can be added to each according entry
  • Sometimes the print of the instruction protocol and instructing the driver will be at different days. With this option added, the date can be filled in later
  • It's possible to print positiv protocols, too
    • thies means the driver does not have any violation in the given time range
    • for this positiv instruction protocol an own text can be set
protocol saving timeContrary to the detailed booking data, the violation instruction protocols won't be deleted by default. This allows to automatically remove old protocol entries.
prepare time on shift startAt shift start a driver should check a vehicle and the according cargo. This check should be booked as work time. A missing check may or may not result in a minor breach of law.
country codes at shift start / endThe driver has to set the country code at shift start and end. So this will add the check for correctly entered country codes.
Due to this violation affects the driver only, the check is optional here.
country codes at country changeSince 2022 the driver has to enter the country code at each country change, too. The country code of the new country should be entered at border crossing or at the first parking area in the new country.
grace periodNear the border between countries some routes will lead to multiple country changes in a row. Setting of country codes at border crossing is intended to detect cabotage drives. So short changes in a row can be ignored, especially if there is no parking area between changes. So this setting affect the time between two or more changes, where this changes will be handled as one.
other activitiesChecking the gap-less loggin of activities and creation of documents for other activities will be handled via the tab "other activities" in general. In addition to this, an unknown range can be handled as a violation, too.


Here you can automatically check some tachopgraph specific time limits and let create a warn message or email if required. This check is available for the following options:

remote download
  • drivers
  • vehicles
create a warn message, if next download required. The range for vehicles is 90 days and for drivers 28 days (for swiss drivers 21 days)
tacho check
  • vehicles
creates a warning before the tacho needs to be checked again (in general the duration between these checks is 2 years and set by the workshop)
  • the exact date will be visible at tab "archive state"
company lock
  • vehicles
creates a warning, if the tacho is currently not locked to any company
  • the currently active lock (or a missing lock) is visible via the tab "archive state", too

For each warn profile multiple recipients can be set, where each entry has its own prewarn duration. So it's possible to have a single portal warning one month before the tacho-check expires and then get an email every day, if the required check date is in less than a week.

Archive period

Depending on company country and archive usage the resulting lawful archiving rules differ. The usage type can be set here.
The european common archive duration is one year and the files shall be deleted at next march.
Despite this european regulation there are different archive times, if this bookings will be used for work time calculation.


If timerecording is activate, the booked driver data can modified to regular timerecording bookings automatically. The converted content differs by timerecording settings and settings in this dialog.
If you are using the current timerecording module the booked activities will be exported directly.
If you are using the old timerecording module, the bookings have to be translated into old booking mode, which means all bookings except a break are assigned to work time and if project time span is available, steer and standby state will be added as named project time. If a break span is defined, the idle times less than 7 hours will be assigned as break, too.

Company cards

In addition to regular vehicle groups, there is an option to filter vehicles by company card, used for download. This allows filtering by different branches without creating and managing vehicle groups.
This menu is to add a name and address for each branch of the company.
A company card itself has a 16-digit number. The first 13 digits are used to identify the company itself. The last 3 digits are reserved for the according following card numbers. Thats why the number is dividied into this 13+3 digit prompt.
It is possible to add new base cards with the complete 13 + 3 digit number or just add following cards by entering the last 3 digits. Each following card may have its own validity. Adding a validity is recommended to see the latest validity end directly at overview page,
Similar to search for new transponders at personnel administration, there is a search for unknown company cards, too. This search is based on processed mass storage data and already adds the company name as defined on card. But this means, the mass storage data have to be analyzed first, which means there is a gap of up to 24 hours between upload and availabity of company card data.


truck_16.pngMark a ddd file with vehicle specific data.
user_16.pngMark a ddd file with driver specific data.
magnifier-left.pngOpens the details for accoding entry.
yf_download_16.pngLoads the file for this driver or vehicle (if multiple files in the row, download as zip archive).
download_selected_file.pngLoads the files for checked drivers and vehicles (if multiple entries selected, download as zip archive).
add_om_reason.pngCreate a new other activities document.
toggle_view.pngToggle between tabellaric and graphic view of bookings.
all_drivers.pngIf the detailed view for a driver at omitted days or violations is selected, this will send you back to the overview list.
print.pngCreate a PDF document with instructions for selected violations.
file_upload.pngOpen the dialog to upload one or multiple files.