
Last modified by YellowFox_RD on 2024/12/19 10:11

Table of Contents

This function is intended to be used with timerecording V3
If you are using the older V2 version, please use get_timerecording.asp

Returns all received timerecording bookings for the requested time range. This range may refer to the processing time in our computing center or to the booked date and time.
In case you are using bookings based on digitacho files, there is a delay of multiple hours between the booked time and when this booking is available via rti. The digitacho files with all bookings per (work) day are typically submitted at the next work day. Then this digitacho bookings will be translated into time bookings and are available after this is done. So working with digitacho bookings requires to use the insert date to get catch all bookings without a gap.


GET get_timerecording.php?company=COMPANY_RTIKEY&import=COMPANY_IMPORTKEY&start=YYYYMMDDHHMMSS&end=YYYYMMDDHHMMSS&format=CSV&version=1&date_query=insert


companyRTI company keystringyes
importRTI import keystringyes
startstart time for outputstringthe difference between start and end must not ecxeed 31 daysyes
endend time for outputstringthe difference between start and end must not ecxeed 31 daysyes
formatoutput formatstringvalid output formats
  • csv
  • json
  • xml
  • buspronet
  • gfos
versionversion number for requestintegercurrently there is only the version 1
on change of any output parameter this version number will change, too
date_queryset the date reference for requeststring'insert' (default) = get bookings by processing time
'gps' = get booking by booked date and time (if 'with_changes=1' active and a booked time was modified, this modified time is relevant)
'update' = ONLY for 'with_changes=1'; common result similar to option 'insert', for changed bookings, the change date will be used
groupName of the personnel group to which the restriction is to be madestringThe exact name of a personnel group must be givenno
with_changesindicates if changes, done in portal will be applied to returned bookings or not
if so, bookings deleted in portal won't be returned anymore
integer0 (default) = always return unmodified bookings
1 = apply changes so the resultset is similar to the visible result in web portal

Return values

This funtion returns a string. On error the return will be "Error:Description".

CSV Format

Returning a row per booking with all the data as defined below

Meta informations

SeparatorSemicolon ( ; )
DelimiterDouble quote ( " )
Line break0x0D 0x0A (CarriageReturn LineFeed)
HeaderRow 1


  • self defined person number
in personell administration listed as MA-Nr
PERSON_KEYBooking key, used by person
PERSON_NAMEname of person
  • self defineable additional booking number
in personell administration listed as Card-Nr
ACTIVITY_IDShort booging type definition
ACTIVITY_NAMEDescription text for booking as defined
TERMINAL_IDrti ident of booking terminalas set via rti settings → rti ident per vehicle
TERMINAL_NAMEname of the booking terminalusually the vehicle sign
ADDRESSAufgelöster Positionstext
AREAareas, as defined for this Positiondelimiter: "%|%"
DRIVERKEYpersonal key of person who did the booking
COST_CENTER_IDtechnical ident of cost center
COST_CENTER_NAMEname of used cost center


return in csv
"A23";"DF000000000123";"John Smith";"";"01.10.2019 08:00:00";"1023";"work";"CAR_17";"DD-YF 123";"51.4";"13.1";"Musterstraße 17, 01234 Musterstadt";"Hauptzentrale";"K-47";"common work"
"A23";"DF000000000123";"John smith";"";"01.10.2019 12:00:00";"1024";"break";"CAR_17";"DD-YF 123";"52.0";"11.3";"Testweg 23, 91234 Testhausen";"Müller GmbH";"";""

JSON Format

Returns a JSON formatted string with detailed data per booking

Example output

JSON output
       "person": {
           "id": "A23",
           "key": "DF00000001234",
           "name": "John Smith",
           "card_nr": null
       "datetime": "2019-04-01 05:26:00",
       "activity": {
           "id": "1003",
           "name": "work time"
       "terminal": {
"id": "C_32",
"name": "DD-YF 456"
       "position": {
           "lat": 51.4,
           "lon": 13.1,
           "address": "Am Wüsteberg 3, 01723 Kesselsdorf"
       "area": null,
       "costcenter": {
           "id": null,
           "name": null
       "person": {
           "id": "A23",
           "key": "DF00000001234",
           "name": "John Smith",
           "card_nr": null
       "datetime": "2019-04-01 12:35:00",
       "activity": {
           "id": "1001",
           "name": "break time"
       "terminal": {
"id": "C-1",
"name": "central"
       "position": {
           "lat": 52.0,
           "lon": 11.9,
           "address": "Am Wüsteberg 3, 01723 Kesselsdorf"
       "area": null,
       "costcenter": {
           "id": "K-47",
           "name": "common"

XML Format

XML output
<?xml version="1.0"?>
           <name>John Smith</name>
       <datetime>2019-04-01 05:26:00</datetime>
           <name>work time</name>
<name>DD-YF 456</name>
           <address>Am Wüsteberg 3, 01723 Kesselsdorf</address>
           <name>John Smith</name>
       <datetime>2019-04-01 12:35:00</datetime>
           <address>Am Wüsteberg 3, 01723 Kesselsdorf</address>

Example call

call to output json