Table of Contents
This function is intended to be used with timerecording V2
If you are using the newer V3 version, please use get_timerecording.php
Returns all timerecording bookings within desired timerange.
GET get_timerecording.asp?company=COMPANY_RTIKEY&import=COMPANY_IMPORTKEY&begin=YYYYMMDDHHMMSS&end=YYYYMMDDHHMMSS&mode=CSV&version=2
Parameter | Description | Type | Note | Mandatory |
company | RTI company key | string | yes | |
import | RTI import key | string | yes | |
begin | output start time | string | the output timerange is limited to 31 days | yes |
end | output end time | string | the output timerange is limited to 31 days | yes |
mode | output format | string | valid output formats
| yes |
version | alternative CSV output | integer | a value of "2" add geocoordinates for output | no |
date_query | which date column is base for date query | string | 'insert' (default) : date of proceed 'gps' : date of timerecording message | no |
A string will be returned. In case of error "ERROR:Description".
Reiner SCT Format
The returning data matching the specification of Reiner SCT import definition.
Botime Format
The returning data matching the specification of BOTIME. A TXT file will be returned. The requested date is based on timerecording date and not the date of message processing.
CSV Format
On success, the data will be delivered in csv (comma seperated values) format. The first line always is defined as head with column names. The following rows containing the booking data.
Meta informations
Separator | Semicolon ( ; ) |
Delimiter | Double quote ( " ) |
Line break | 0x0D 0x0A (CarriageReturn LineFeed) |
Header | Row 1 |
Encoding | Windows-1252 |
Column | Description | |
DATETIME | Date | format DD.MM.YYYY HH:MM:SS |
ACTION | Short booging type definition |
ACTIONTEXT | Description text for booking as defined |
POSITION | Aufgelöster Positionstext | |
AREA | Cost centers/areas, as defined for this Position |
DRIVERKEY | personal key of person who did the booking | |
DRIVERNAME | name of person who did the booking | |
CAR | portal Name of object, where the booking was done | |
LAT | Latitude |
LON | Longitude |
return in csv
"01.10.2015 08:00:00";"K";"work start";"Examplestreet 17, 01234 Examplecity";"head office";"12345";"Sam Smith";"MU-YF 1";"51.4";"13.1";
"01.10.2015 08:00:00";"X";"pause start";"Testroad 23, 91234 Testvillage";"John Doe GmbH";"12345";"Sam Smith";"MU-YF 1";"52";"11.3";
Example calls
get bookings with geo coordinates
get bookings for Reiner SCT import