
Last modified by YellowFox_RD on 2024/12/19 10:11

Table of Contents

Provide functions to create, edit and delete personnel specific data.


POST set_personnel.php?company=RTI_COMPANYKEY&import=RTI_VEHICLEKEY&mode=new&id=01234&key_from=YYYYMMDDHHMMSS&pkey=DF123456789012&name=Max%20Mustermann&groups=Fahrer,Dresden


ParameterName in personnel administrationDesciptionTypeRemarkMandatory
companyRTI company keystringyes
importRTI import keystringyes
modedifferentiate between available actionsstringvalid modes are:
  • new: create a new person
  • update: change data of an already available person
  • delete: remove a person
  • append_key: add a foreign personnel key to a person
idemployee numberself defined employee numberstringthe employee number must be a self defined string for further identification of the personyes
nameNamecomplete name of the personstringyes(1)
pkeypersonnel keypersonnel key for bookingsstringthis may be a transponder or driver card to identify the person and assign booked times correctlyyes(1,2)
key_frompersonnel key valid fromstringformat: YYYYMMDDHHMMSS
if no value set, the current timestamp will be used
key_topersonnel key valid tostringformat: YYYYMMDDHHMMSSno
groupspersonnel groupsnames of personnel groups to assignstringnames of assigned personnel groups
  • set multiple groups by submit as comma separated string
  • on edit a person, we set only the selected groups (previous assignments will be removed)
card_nremployee licence numberself defined number for assignment to an external timerecording softwarestringrequired especially for correct assignment to ReinerSCT time card softwareno
drv_licence_nrdriver licencenumber of driver licencestringno(3)
drv_licence_valid_todriver licence valid toexpiration date of driver licencestringformat: YYYYMMDDHHMMSSno(3)
identity_card_nridentity cardidentity card numberstringno(3)
identity_card_valid_toidentity card valid toexpiration date of identity cardstringformat: YYYYMMDDHHMMSSno(3)
passport_nrpassportpassport numberstringno(3)
passport_valid_topassport valid toexpiration date of passportstringformat: YYYYMMDDHHMMSSno(3)
adr_cert_nrADR certificatenumber of adr certificatestringno(3)
adr_cert_valid_toADR certificate valid toexpiration date of ADR certificatestringformat: YYYYMMDDHHMMSSno(3)
bkrfqg_valid_toqualification by keynumber 95 valid toexpiration date of german "Berufskraftfahrerqualifikationsgesetz"stringthe expiration date of this qualification is printed at driver licence at key number 95no(3)
birthdate of birthbirthdate of personstringformat: YYYYMMDDHHMMSS(4)no(3)
job_fromemployee sincestart date of beeing an employee at this companystringformat: YYYYMMDDHHMMSSno(3)

(1) mandatory on add a new person
(2) mandatory on add a following card
(3) will be only stored, if tacho archive extension active
(4) If day and/or month are unknown, the birthdate is filled up with "XX" for the unknown values according to german passport law (example: 198006XX or 1980XXXX)


On succesful create, edit or assignment of a following key the return string will be "PERSON_DATA_SAVED".
On successful delete of a person the return string will be "PERSON_DELETED".
In case of an error, return the string "ERROR:Description".

Example calls

Create new person

Edit person data

Assign a following card

Delete a person