
Last modified by YellowFox_RD on 2025/03/04 16:26

Table of Contents

This function return a list of item groups, consisting of group name and uuid. Item groups are used in this context especially to limit the resultset of items.




companyRTI company keystring yes
importRTI import keystring yes
offset intThe resultset contains up to 1000 entries per request. If more than 1000 results available, use the offset parameter to get additional
profiles[]Profiles UUID[] stringoptional limitation to items, having one of the given profilesno
objects[]Objects UUID[] stringoptional limitation to a list of itemsno
groups[]proup UUID[] stringoptional limitiation to items, having one of the given object groupsno


On success you will receive the result as json. On missing parameters or errors you will receive "ERROR:description".

Possible error values

MISSING_COMPANYCompany key is missing.
INVALID_COMPANYCompany not found. Company key or import key might be faulty.
ERROR_MAINTENANCEYour company is under maintenance, no RTI request are possible at the moment.
MISSING_IMPORTImport key is missing.
INVENTORY_NOT_ACTIVATEDInventory management is not activated for your company.
INVALID_FORMAT_OFFSETFaults offset value.

You can access the specification as a JSON Schema file here.

Output example

    "_date": "2025-02-26T10:22:37+01:00",
    "_links": {
        "next": {
            "href": null
    "groups": [
            "uuid": "66ff7431-e455-7d1c-7a20-0ec6c464c80a",
            "name": "Container Sachsen"
            "uuid": "c1f91a2d-e867-f18d-f573-9219d66b8330",
            "name": "Container NRW"
            "uuid": "7d69b118-2174-df57-9ab2-574c251f5c8d",
            "name": "Container Bayern"

Example calls