
Last modified by YellowFox_RD on 2024/12/19 10:11

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Offers access to parsed data of a digitacho file. Only supports driver files.


GET /get_ddd_details.php?company=RTI_COMPANYKEY&import=RTI_IMPORTKEY&file=UUID


companyRTI company keystringyes
importRTI import keystringyes
fileUUID of requested filestringYou can get this value via get_file_list.phpyes


A string in Json format is returned. Returns "ERROR:description" on error.


A digitacho file consists of different data blocks. Not all blocks are always set. This RTI function will only return blocks that are available. Additionally you have to ditinct between data block of generation 1 data and generation 2 data. A potential block is therefore described as an object with the possible attributes G1 and G2. These might contain similar data. Generation 2 data can also hold additional information. This function only returns the raw data. You need to merge this data by yourself if needed.
The following block are returned if available:

  • information for driver identification (Identification)
  • activity records(DriverActivityData)
  • driver licence information (DriverLicenceInfo)
  • country codes(Places)
  • used vehicles (VehiclesUsed)
  • only for generation 2 cards: GPS data (GNSSPlaces)

You can find official information about the structure of digitacho files here. The return value of this function is based on this. Some data is already processed. For example you will receive countries as country codes, all data is encoded as UTF-8 and time values are formatted according to ISO 8601.


You can access the specification as a JSON Schema file here.
example of return value
    "Identification": {
        "G1": {
            "cardIdentification": {
                "cardIssuingMemberState": "PL",
                "cardNumber": "123456789",
                "cardIssuingAuthorityName": "PWPW S.A.",
                "cardIssueDate": "2021-03-24T00:00:00+00:00",
                "cardValidityBegin": "2021-04-11T00:00:00+00:00",
                "cardExpiryDate": "2026-04-10T23:59:59+00:00"
            "driverCardHolderIdentification": {
                "cardHolderName": "Mustermann, Max",
                "cardHolderBirthDate": "08.06.1979",
                "cardHolderPreferredLanguage": "PL"
            "certState": true
    "DriverActivityData": {
        "G1": {
            "cardDriverActivity": {
                "cardActivityDailyRecords": [
                        "cardActivityDailyRecord": {
                            "activityRecordDate": "2021-03-14T00:00:00+00:00",
                            "activityDayDistance": 0,
                            "activityChangeInfos": [
                                    "activityChangeInfo": {
                                        "slot": 0,
                                        "drivingStatus": 1,
                                        "cardStatus": 1,
                                        "activity": 0,
                                        "time": 0
            "certState": true
    "DriverLicenceInfo": {
        "G1": {
            "cardDrivingLicenceInformation": {
                "drivingLicenceIssuingAuthority": "Testamt",
                "drivingLicenceIssuingNation": "D",
                "drivingLicenceNumber": "12345789 "
            "certState": true
    "Places": {
        "G1": {
            "cardPlaceDailyWorkPeriod": {
                "placeRecords": [
                        "placeRecord": {
                            "entryTime": "2021-04-11T04:26:45+00:00",
                            "entryTypeDailyWorkPeriod": 0,
                            "dailyWorkPeriodCountry": "D",
                            "dailyWorkPeriodRegion": 0,
                            "vehicleOdometerValue": 422050
            "certState": true
    "VehiclesUsed": {
        "G1": {
            "cardVehiclesUsed": {
                "cardVehicleRecords": [
                        "vehicleOdometerBegin": 422050,
                        "vehicleOdometerEnd": 422050,
                        "vehicleFirstUse": "2021-04-11T04:26:45+00:00",
                        "vehicleLastUse": "2021-04-11T23:59:59+00:00",
                        "vehicleRegistration": {
                            "vehicleRegistrationNation": "D",
                            "vehicleRegistrationNumber": "YF 101"
            "certState": true

Possible error values

MISSING_COMPANYcompany key is missing
INVALID_COMPANYCompany not found. Company key or import key might be faulty.
ERROR_MAINTENANCEYour company is under maintenance, no RTI request are possible at the moment.
MISSING_IMPORTimport key is missing
NO_FILE_FOUNDCould not find any digitacho file with this UUID.
FILE_PARSING_FAILEDAn error occured while trying to parse this file.
FILE_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTEDFile type not supported. Only access for driver files.