
Last modified by YellowFox_RD on 2024/12/19 10:11

Table of Contents

Returns current information about steering time, working time, remaining steer time, start of shift of current day, week and doubleweek of a driver based on digital tachometer information interface.(D8).


GET get_d8_driver_time.php?company=COMPANY_RTIKEY&import=IMPORT_RTIKEY&driver=DF0123456789000&format=csv


companyRTI company keystringyes
importRTI import keystringyes
driverdriver keystringyes
formatreturn formatstringcsv or json (default)no


Return a string. In case of error it returns "ERROR:Description".

CSV Format

Meta informations

SeparatorSemicolon ( ; )
DelimiterDouble quote ( " )
Line break0x0D 0x0A (CarriageReturn LineFeed)
HeaderLine 1


DRIVER_NAMEdriver name
DRIVER_KEYdriver key
STEER_SECONDSsteering time in seconds of current day
STEER_TIMEsteering time of current dayformat 0h 00m
WORK_SECONDSworking time in seconds of current day
WORK_TIMEworking time of current dayformat 0h 00m
IDLE_SECONDSbooked idle time during current shift in seconds
IDLE_TIMEbooked idle time during current shiftformat 0h 00m
REMAINING_SECONDSremaining steer time in seconds of current day
REMAINING_TIMEremaining steer time of current dayformat 0h 00m
SHIFT_STARTstart of shiftformat YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
WEEK_STEER_SECONDSweekly steering time in seconds
WEEK_STEER_TIMEweekly steering timeformat 0h 00m
WEEK_WORK_SECONDSweekly working time in seconds
WEEK_WORK_TIMEweekly working timeformat 0h 00m
WEEK_REMAINING_SECONDSweekly remaining steer time in seconds
WEEK_REMAINING_TIMEweekly remaining steer timeformat 0h 00m
WEEK_STARTstart of weekformat YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
DBL_WEEK_STEER_SECONDSdoubleweek steering time in seconds
DBL_WEEK_STEER_TIMEdoubleweek steering timeformat 0h 00m
DBL_WEEK_WORK_SECONDSdoubleweek working time in seconds
DBL_WEEK_WORK_TIMEdoubleweek working timeformat 0h 00m
DBL_WEEK_REMAINING_SECONDSdoubleweek remaining steer time in seconds
DBL_WEEK_REMAINING_TIMEdoubleweek remaining steer timeformat 0h 00m
DBL_WEEK_STARTstart of doubleweekformat YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
BLOCK_STEER_TIME_SECONDSsteer time since last break in seconds
BLOCK_STEER_TIMEsteer time since last breakformat 0h 00m
BLOCK_REMAINING_TIME_SECONDSremaining steer time until next break in seconds
BLOCK_REMAINING_TIMEremaining steer time until next breakformat 0h 00m
NEXT_BREAK_DURATION_SECONDSnext break duration in seconds
NEXT_BREAK_DURATIONnext break durationformat 0h 00m
LAST_TACHOGRAPH_STATUSlatest digitacho activity state
0 .. idle/break
1 .. standby
2 .. work
3 .. steer

LAST_TACHOGRAPH_TIMEdate and time of latest digitacho activity stateformat YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
LAST_TACHOGRAPH_SLOTused card slot for this booking
1 .. driver
2 .. codriver

WEEK_SHORT_IDLES_TIMEScount of shortened per-day idle-times during current shift week
WEEK_EXTENED_STEER_TIMEScount of extended per-day steer times during current shift week
  • regular per-day steer time <= 9h
  • 9h < extened per-day steer time <= 10h

"Musternamm, Paul";"DF00011424169815";"0";"0 h 0 m";"0";"0 h 0 m";"0";"0 h 0 m";"36000";"10 h 0 m";"2015-11-17 10:02:43";"20520";"5 h 42 m";"3180";"0 h 53 m";"181080";"50 h 18 m";"2015-11-16 00:00:00";"166140";"46 h 9 m";"11520";"3 h 12 m";"157860";"43 h 51 m";"2015-11-09 00:00:00";"3900";"1 h 5 m";"12325";"3 h 25 m";"2700";"0 h 45 m";"0";"2015-1-16 14:30:00";"1"

JSON Format


driverNamedriver name
driverKeydriver key
steerTimeSecondssteering time in seconds of current day
steerTimesteering time of current dayformat 0h 00m
workTimeSecondsworking time in seconds of current day
workTimeworking time of current dayformat 0h 00m
idleTimeSecondsbooked idle time during current shift in seconds
idleTimebooked idle time during current shiftformat 0h 00m
remainingTimeSecondsremaining steer time in seconds of current day
remainingTimeremaining steer time of current dayformat 0h 00m
blockSteerTimeSecondssteer time since last break in seconds
blockSteerTimesteer time since last breakformat 0h 00m
blockRemainingTimeSecondsremaining steer time until next break in seconds
blockRemainingTimeremaining steer time until next breakformat 0h 00m
nextBreakDurationSecondsnext break duration in seconds
nextBreakDurationnext break durationformat 0h 00m
shiftStartstart of shiftformat YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
steerTimeSecondsSingleWeekweekly steering time in seconds
steerTimeSingleWeekweekly steering timeformat 0h 00m
workTimeSecondsSingleWeekweekly working time in seconds
workTimeSingleWeekweekly working timeformat 0h 00m
remainingTimeSecondsSingleWeekweekly remaining steer time in seconds
remainingTimeSingleWeekweekly remaining steer timeformat 0h 00m
startSingleWeekstart of weekformat YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
singleWeekShortIdlescount of shortened per-day idle-times during current shift week
singleWeekExtendedSteercount of extended per-day steer times during current shift week
  • regular per-day steer time <= 9h
  • 9h < extened per-day steer time <= 10h

steerTimeSecondsDoubleWeekdoubleweek steering time in seconds
steerTimeDoubleWeekdoubleweek steering timeformat 0h 00m
workTimeSecondsDoubleWeekdoubleweek working time in seconds
workTimeDoubleWeekdoubleweek working timeformat 0h 00m
remainingTimeSecondsDoubleWeekdoubleweek remaining steer time in seconds
remainingTimeDoubleWeekdoubleweek remaining steer timeformat 0h 00m
startDoubleWeekstart of doubleweekformat YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
lastTachographStatuslatest digitacho activity state
0 .. idle/break
1 .. standby
2 .. work
3 .. steer

lastTachographTimedate and time of latest digitacho activity stateformat YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
lastTachographSlotused card slot for this booking
1 .. driver
2 .. codriver

{"driverName":"Mustermann, Paul","driverKey":"DF0123456789815","steerTimeSeconds":12325,"steerTime":"3 h 25 m","workTimeSeconds":120,"workTime":"0 h 2 m","idleTimeSeconds":240,"idleTime":"","remainingTimeSeconds":23675,"remainingTime":"6 h 35 m","blockSteerTimeSeconds":660,"blockSteerTime":"0h 11m","blockRemainingTimeSeconds":12325,"blockRemainingTime":"3 h 25 m","nextBreakDurationSeconds":2700,"nextBreakDuration":"0 h 45 m","shiftStart":"2015-11-16 12:04:00","steerTimeSecondsSingleWeek":12325,"steerTimeSingleWeek":"3 h 25 m","workTimeSecondsSingleWeek":120,"workTimeSingleWeek":"0 h 2 m","remainingTimeSecondsSingleWeek":189275,"remainingTimeSingleWeek":"52 h 35 m","startSingleWeek":"2015-11-16 00:00:00","steerTimeSecondsDoöubleWeek":157945,"steerTimeDoubleWeek":"43 h 52 m","workTimeSecondsDoubleWeek":8460,"workTimeDoubleWeek":"2 h 21 m","remainingTimeSecondsDoubleWeek":166055,"remainingTimeDoubleWeek":"46 h 8 m","startDoubleWeek":"2015-11-09 00:00:00","lastTachographStatus":3,"lastTachographTime":"2015-11-16 13:25:00","lastTachographSlot":1}

Example calls

Request in  JSON format

Request in CSV format