Wiki source code of order_create_draft.php

Last modified by YellowFox_RD on 2024/12/19 10:11

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1 (% class="box" %)
2 (((Table of Contents)))
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5 Ceates an order draft
6 = Description =
7 ****(% class="blue mark" %)POST(%%)**** **order_create_draft.php****?company**=//COMPANY_RTIKEY//**&import**=//IMPORT_RTIKEY//**&customorderid**=//NR123XYZ//**&order****text**=//Auftragstext//
8 = Parameter =
9 |=Parameter|=Description|=Type|=Note|=Mandatory
10 |company|RTI company key|string||yes
11 |import|RTI import key|string||yes
12 |customorderid|own order number|string|max. 20 chars (will not be checked for duplicates)|yes
13 |ordertext|order text|string|max. 500 chars|yes
14 |lat|Latitude of navigation target|float|-90 to +90 in WGS84 format|no
15 |lon|Longitude of navigation target|float|-180 to +180 in WGS84 format|no
16 |street|street name of navigation target|string|max. 100 chars|no
17 |hnr|house number of navigation target|string|max. 10 chars|no
18 |zipcode|zipcode of navigation target|string|max. 10 chars|no
19 |city|city of navigation target|string|max. 100 chars|no
20 |country|country code of navigation target|string|max. 3 chars|no
21 |customername1|Customer Name 1|string|max. 100 chars (will be displayed only on Fleet V3)|no
22 |customername2|Customer Name 2|string|max. 100 chars (will be displayed only on Fleet V3)|no
23 |target_time|target arrival time|datestring|Format: YYYYMMDDHHMM
24 reduces maximum char count of order text down by 15 chars|no
25 |sortnumber|sort number|int|Will be written in front of the order text in brackets. Reduces the max char count of order text.|no
27 = Return =
28 A string **string** will be returned. If the request was successful "**OK**". If the request failed "(% class="error" %)**ERROR:Description**(%%)".
29 = Example calls =
30 **Simple order**
31 {{code language="java"}}{{/code}}
33 **Example with navigation target and target time**
34 {{code language="java"}}{{/code}}
36 **Example with navigation target + sort number**
37 {{code language="java"}}{{/code}}