
Last modified by YellowFox_RD on 2024/12/19 10:11

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Ceates an order draft


POST order_create_draft.php?company=COMPANY_RTIKEY&import=IMPORT_RTIKEY&customorderid=NR123XYZ&ordertext=Auftragstext


companyRTI company keystringyes
importRTI import keystringyes
customorderidown order numberstringmax. 20 chars (will not be checked for duplicates)yes
ordertextorder textstringmax. 500 charsyes
latLatitude of navigation targetfloat-90 to +90 in WGS84 formatno
lonLongitude of navigation targetfloat-180 to +180 in WGS84 formatno
streetstreet name of navigation targetstringmax. 100 charsno
hnrhouse number of navigation targetstringmax. 10 charsno
zipcodezipcode of navigation targetstringmax. 10 charsno
citycity of navigation targetstringmax. 100 charsno
countrycountry code of navigation targetstringmax. 3 charsno
customername1Customer Name 1stringmax. 100 chars (will be displayed only on Fleet V3)no
customername2Customer Name 2stringmax. 100 chars (will be displayed only on Fleet V3)no
target_timetarget arrival timedatestringFormat: YYYYMMDDHHMM
reduces maximum char count of order text down by 15 chars
sortnumbersort numberintWill be written in front of the order text in brackets. Reduces the max char count of order text.no


A string string will be returned. If the request was successful "OK". If the request failed "ERROR:Description".

Example calls

Simple order

Example with navigation target and target time

Example with navigation target + sort number