Table of Contents
Shows structure of formulars with search name. Vehicle key is requested for safety reasons. It doesn't have any influence on the search resutls. All versions of the fomular will be delivered.
GET get_custom_form_description.php?company=COMPANY_RTIKEY&import=IMPORT_RTIKEY&form=Testformular
Parameter | Description | Type | Note | Mandatory |
company | RTI company key | string | yes | |
import | RTI import key (all vehicles) | string | yes | |
form | formular name | string | yes |
Returns a string. In case of error "ERROR:Description" will be returned.
Meta informations
Separator | Semicolon ( ; ) |
Delimiter | Double quote ( " ) |
Line break | 0x0D 0x0A (CarriageReturn LineFeed) |
Header | Line 1 |
Column | Description | |
ENTRY_NAME_X | name of formular field X | |
ENTRY_TYPE_X | type of formular field X | |
ENTRY_SPEC_X | specification of formular field 1 | only in connection with a select field "sel", multiple entries are divided by(|) |
ENTRY_MANDATORY_X | Is it mandatory to fill out this formular field | 1 - must be filled out, 0 - can be filled out |
DRIVER_MANDATORY | Is a driver identification mandatory before the fomular can be sent | 1 - must be there, 0 - can be there |
DELETED | formular deleted | 1 - deleted, 0 - not deleted |
DELETED_DATE | date when formular was deleted | format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS |
Column | Description |
DATE | date |
time | time |
int | Integer |
flt | float |
t10 | text with a maximum of 10 token |
t30 | text with a maximum of 30 token |
t500 | text with a maximum of 500 token |
sel | select box |
bool | yes/no selection |
sig | Signature |
nestedForm | formular |
return csv
"Ganzahl";"int";"";"0";"Zeit";"time";"";"0";"Double";"flt";"";"0";"Text10";"t10";"";"0";"Text30";"t30";"";"0";"Spinner";"sel";"";"0";"Checkbox";"bool";"";"0";"";"";"";"0";"";"";"";"0";"0";"1";"2013-03-27 11:41:21";
"Stundenzettel";"nestedForm";"min:0|max:null";"0";"Beschreibung";"t10";"";"1";"Unterschrift";"sig";"";"0";"";"";"";"0";"";"";"";"0";"";"";"";"0";"";"";"";"0";"";"";"";"0";"";"";"";"0";"";"";"";"0";"0";"1";"2022-09-06 13:55:03";
Example calls
request to get structure of formular