Table of Contents
Shows all form data received by selected vehicles during a defined date range.
Parameter | Description | Type | Note | Mandatory |
company | RTI company key | string | yes | |
vehicle | RTI vehicle key | string | One of vehicle, group or import must be defined! | yes |
group | RTI group key | string | One of vehicle, group or import must be defined! | yes |
import | RTI import key (all vehicles) | string | One of vehicle, group or import must be defined! | yes |
start | Datum ab dem alle Formulardaten zurückgegeben werden | string | Format: YYYYMMDDHHMMSS | yes |
end | Datum bis zu dem alle Formulardaten zurückgegeben werden | string | Format: YYYYMMDDHHMMSS | yes |
form | the form name | string | Possible to define form or custorder as parameter. Returns all if not given. | no |
custorder | User defined order number | string | Possible to define form or custorder as parameter. Returns all if not given. | no |
output | Selection of output format | string | The output format. Possible values:
| no |
show_spec | Returns the form definition ( nothing -> no, 1 -> yes ) | integer | A optional parameter, you can request the definition of the form. If you set the paramter with 1, you get the definition and if you send the request without the parameter it's not in the result. | no |
date_query | (create, insert, complete) | string | Optional. Create is default. | no |
complete_buffer | how long should a incomplete form be ignored | integer | value in minutes. Has only affect if date_query = complete | no |
A string is returned. On error "ERROR:Description" is returned.
CSV format
If the request is valid, the data are returned as CSV (Comma Separated Value) format. The first response line is always
the header, defining the column names. After it the personal data follows.
Meta informations
Separator | Semicolon ( ; ) |
Delimiter | Double quote ( " ) |
Line break | 0x0D 0x0A (CarriageReturn LineFeed) |
Header | Line 1 |
Encoding | UTF-8 |
Column | Description |
DATE | Date with format (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) |
VEHICLE | Vehicle sign |
DRIVER | Driver name (if avialable) |
LAT | Latitude coordinate |
LON | Longitude coordinate |
SAT | Satellite count |
IGNITION | Ignition ON(1) or OFF(0) |
ENTRY1 | Input field 1 value. |
ENTRY2 | Input field 2 value. |
ENTRY3 | Input field 3 value. |
ENTRY4 | Input field 4 value. |
ENTRY5 | Input field 5 value. |
ENTRY6 | Input field 6 value. |
ENTRY7 | Input field 7 value. |
ENTRY8 | Input field 8 value. |
ENTRY9 | Input field 9 value. |
ENTRY10 | Input field 10 value. |
KM | Current mileage in kilometers of the vehicle at time of completing form |
ORDER | user defined order number, if form is assigned to an order |
FORM | The form name/ if "show_desc" is part of request, the form definition in the result is in the "FORM" column |
VEHICLE_COST_CENTER | cost center of the vehicle |
DRIVER_MA_NUMBER | Employee number of the driver (only filled with activated ReinerSCT support) |
RTI_IDENT | RTI ident of the vehicle |
TOURDATA | user defined number of tour/destination/shipment, if form is attached to a tour Format as JSON like |
"tourData": {"tour":"T1","dest":"T2","ship":"T3"}
Is null if not attached to tour.
PARENT_ID | If this is a nested form, this contains a hash to find the associated child forms. |
PARENT_RELATION | If this is part of a nestes form, this contains the hash of the assiciated parent form. |
CUSTOM_ID | Unique identifier of this form data. Might be NULL for older data sets. |
CSV-Rückgabe-Format - ohne Parameter "show_desc":
"2013-03-28 09:29:17";"DD-AB 123";"Herr Fuchs";"51.036687";"13.599141";"9";"0";"111";"22.12.89";"11:33";"Eintrag5";"TEXT10";"TEXT30";"777.77";"1";"";"";"123456";"AUFTRAG1";"UNTERSCHRIFT";"Kostenstelle XYZ";"MA123456";"IDENT1";null;"22201eb2fd123df28156bc0c86e0aba2";"" ;"5"
CSV-Rückgabe-Format - mit Parameter "show_desc":
"2013-03-28 09:29:17";"DD-AB 123";"Herr Fuchs";"51.036687";"13.599141";"9";"0";"111";"22.12.89";"11:33";"Eintrag5";"TEXT10";"TEXT30";"777.77";"1";"";"";"123456";"AUFTRAG1";
"{""name"":""UNTERSCHRIFT"",""driver"":false,""entries"":[{""i"":1,""name"":""Ganzzahl"",""type"":""int"",""mand"":true},{""i"":2,""name"":""Datum"",""type"":""date"",""mand"":true},{""i"":3,""name"":""Zeit"",""type"":""time"",""mand"":true},{""i"":4,""name"":""Auswahlbox"",""type"":""sel"",""mand"":false,""spec"":""Eintrag1|Eintrag2|Eintrag8|Eintrag5""},{""i"":5,""name"":""Text"",""type"":""t10"",""mand"":false},{""i"":6,""name"":""Text"",""type"":""t30"",""mand"":false},{""i"":7,""name"":""Flie\u00dfkommazahl"",""type"":""flt"",""mand"":false},{""i"":8,""name"":""Frage"",""type"":""bool"",""mand"":true},{""i"":9,""name"":""Unterschrift"",""type"":""sig"",""mand"":false}]}";"Kostenstelle XYZ";"MA123456";"IDENT1";null;"22201eb2fd123df28156bc0c86e0aba2";"";"6"
JSON Format
JSON-Rückgabe-Format - ohne Parameter "show_desc":
"date":"2013-03-28 09:29:17",
"customId": "7",
"vehicle":"DD-AB 123",
"driver":"Herr Fuchs",
"tourData": null,
"vehicleCostCenter":"Kostenstelle XYZ",
"date":"2013-03-28 08:29:17",
"vehicle":"DD-AB 123",
"driver":"Herr Fuchs",
"tourData": null,
"vehicleCostCenter":"Kostenstelle XYZ",
JSON-Rückgabe-Format - mit Parameter "show_desc":
"date":"2013-03-28 09:29:17",
"customId": "8",
"vehicle":"DD-AB 123",
"driver":"Herr Fuchs",
"tourData": null,
"driver": false,
"entries": [
"i": 1,
"name": "Ganzzahl",
"type": "int",
"mand": true
"i": 2,
"name": "Datum",
"type": "date",
"mand": true
"i": 3,
"name": "Zeit",
"type": "time",
"mand": true
"i": 4,
"name": "Auswahlbox",
"type": "sel",
"mand": false,
"spec": "Eintrag1|Eintrag2|Eintrag8|Eintrag5"
"i": 5,
"name": "Text",
"type": "t10",
"mand": false
"i": 6,
"name": "Text",
"type": "t30",
"mand": false
"i": 7,
"name": "Fließkommazahl",
"type": "flt",
"mand": false
"i": 8,
"name": "Frage",
"type": "bool",
"mand": true
"i": 9,
"name": "Unterschrift",
"type": "sig",
"mand": false
"vehicleCostCenter":"Kostenstelle XYZ",
"date":"2013-03-28 08:29:17",
"customId": "7",
"vehicle":"DD-AB 123",
"driver":"Herr Fuchs",
"tourData": null,
"name": "Unterformular",
"driver": false,
"entries": [
"i": 1,
"name": "Textfeld",
"type": "t30",
"mand": true
"i": 2,
"name": "Datum",
"type": "date",
"mand": true
"i": 3,
"name": "Zeit",
"type": "time",
"mand": true
"vehicleCostCenter":"Kostenstelle XYZ",
JSON_V2 Format
The parameters "form" and "custorder" are ignored if the output type "json_v2" is used.
JSON-Rückgabe-Format - mit Parameter "show_desc":
"customId": "9",
"vehicle":"DD-AB 123",
"driver":"Herr Fuchs",
"textPos": "D-01723 Wilsdruff (Kesselsdorf), Am Wüsteberg 3",
"tourData": null,
"insertDate": "2020-07-22T16:08:00+02:00",
"completeDate": "2020-07-22T16:08:00+02:00",
"isIncomplete": false
"isIncomplete": false
"isIncomplete": false
"isIncomplete": false
"isIncomplete": false
"isIncomplete": false
"isIncomplete": false
"value":"Eintrag 1",
"Eintrag 1",
"Eintrag 2",
"Eintrag 3",
"Eintrag 4",
"Eintrag 5",
"Eintrag 6"
"isIncomplete": false
"isIncomplete": false
"isIncomplete": false
"customId": "7",
"vehicle":"DD-AB 123",
"driver":"Herr Fuchs",
"textPos": "D-01723 Wilsdruff (Kesselsdorf), Am Wüsteberg 3",
"isIncomplete": false
} ]}
Example calls
For all Vehicles at 2015-08-01 for form "Form Name"{"type":"car_ident","groupKey":"GROUP_RTIKEY","ident":"VEHICLE_IDENT"}&custorder=123456&start=20150801000000&end=20150831235959
For a single vehicle at august 2015 and custom order number 123456