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Sends a "cancel order" to the connected display of requested car and sets the order as deleted/closed.
Requested custom order id will not be checked for duplicates. By default only the first found order will be cancelled. But you can specify by a flag that all found orders should be cancelled.
POST cancel_order.php?company=COMPANY_RTIKEY&vehicle=VEHICLE_RTIKEY&customorderid=AUF_1234
Parameter | Description | Type | Note | Mandatory |
company | RTI company key | string | yes | |
vehicle | RTI car key | string | yes | |
customorderid | own order id | string | max 20 chars | yes |
cancelall | flag if all found orders or only the first one should be cancelled | bool | is false by default | no |
Returns a string. A success message will be "OK". Otherwise it will return "ERROR:Description".
Example call
cancels order "AUF_1234"{"type":"car_ident","groupKey":"GROUP_RTIKEY","ident":"VEHICLE_IDENT"}&customorderid=AUF_1234