
Last modified by YellowFox_RD on 2024/12/19 10:11

Table of Contents

Returns the list of all public reports of a company including the corresponding download links.


GET get_report_list.php?company=COMPANY_RTIKEY&import=IMPORT_RTIKEY


companyRTI company keystringyes
importRTI import keystringyes
formatresponse formatstring'csv' or'json'. Default is 'csv'.no


A character string is returned. On error "403 - forbidden: access denied." http-header will be sent.

CSV format

On a correct request the report data will be sent as CSV (comma separated value). First line is the header with column names. Data is follwoing afterwards.

Meta information

Separatorsemicolon ( ; )
Text delimiterdouble quotes ( " )
Line end0x0D 0x0A (CarriageReturn LineFeed)
Headerline 1


REPORTNAMEname of report draft
REPORTRANGE_FROMreport range start
REPORTRANGE_TOreport range end
CREATE_DATEcreate date
REPORT_TYPEnumeric representation of report type:
1... daily usage report
2... daily total usage report
3... routes driven
4... hours of operation report
5... idle report
6... analog inputs
8... FMS/CAN - object comparison
9... timerecording (old)
10... speed report
11... fuel report
12... private drive report
15... FMS/CAN - object report
21... FMS/CAN - driver comparison
22... driver behaviour/ driving analysis
23... area-/cc-report
24... temperature recorder
25... insurance report
26... POI-report
27... tacho - timerecording (old)
29... driver - overspeed
30... expense report
31... telemetry report
32... timerecording (new)
34... driving license check
35... vehicle usage
36... tacho - timerecording (new)
37... activity report
38... trailer report
FORMATfile format, e.g. html, pdf, xls...
DOWNLOADLINKlink to generated file
Attention: Large Excel reports might be splitted into multiple files and will be returned as ZIP archive!

JSON format

return json
"reportname":"Zeiterfassung Werkstatt",
"reportrange_from":"2020-12-01 00:00:00",
"reportrange_to":"2020-12-31 23:59:59",
"create_date":"2021-01-01 07:04:53",

Example calls

example call in csv

Example response

example response in csv
"Zeiterfassung Werkstatt";"2020-12-01 00:00:00";"2020-12-31 23:59:59";"2021-01-01 07:04:53";"32";"html";""
"tägliche Serie POI-Bericht";"2020-12-25 00:00:00";"2020-12-31 23:59:59";"2021-01-01 07:09:20";"26";"pdf";""