Wiki source code of Fahrtenbuch

Last modified by YellowFox_RD on 2024/12/19 10:12

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1 (% class="box" %)
2 (((Table of Contents)))
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5 The logbook shows a drives overview for current selected car/vehicle. It allows you to set the drive reason and set once the drive type.
6 = Car/Vehicle selection =
7 Before you can show some drives, you have to select the car/vehicle by the select box at the top area.
8 For better usage you can filter the selectable objects by using the integrated input text field for searching.
9 = Options menu =
10 Extra drives list options are located at the button with the ,,[[image:gear.png]],, gear symbol right of the object selection combobox. If you press it a submenu is shown with the following elements
11 |[[image:reload.png]]|Refresh|Here you can refresh/reload the view of current loaded position list page.
13 = Drives list =
14 == Display range ==
15 The drives are shown, grouped by calender week and will go max. 2 months in the past.
16 == Informations ==
17 Each drive shows the following informations:
18 (((
19 * Start and end date time
20 * Start address
21 * Target address
22 * Drive type, if defined
23 * Drive reason, if defined
24 )))
25 If an drive have already an defined drive type, it can not be changed from mobile portal. This can only be done by using the desktop portal.
26 |[[image:haeckchen-gruen.PNG]]|Drives with an already defined type are maked with a green check symbol before the drive item
28 == Actions ==
29 Each drive have a associated single action. The action button is shown below the drive, if the the drive is selected by touch or mouse click.
30 |[[image:message-icon.PNG]]|This action opens the input form, for define/change the drive reason and the drive type.
31 If the drive type is already declared, it can not be changed by mobile portal!
33 = Site navigation =
34 The drives list is shown page wise. Each page shows all the drives of a single calendar week.
35 The navigation bar for doingthe navigation is shown below the drives list.
36 It allows you to navigate forward (next calendar week) or backward (last calendar week)