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Sv translation

Die Feiertagsverwaltung ermöglicht die Verwaltung von Feiertagen Ihres Personals.


Table of Contents


Wozu nutze ich die Feiertagsverwaltung

Über das Modul Feiertagsverwaltung erhalten Sie Zugriff auf alle Feiertage Ihres Personals. Innerhalb des Moduls können Sie festlegen welche verschiedenen Feiertagsprofile es gibt und welche Person sich in welchem Profil befinden.

Allgemeine Grundlagen des Moduls

Jeder Feiertag gehört immer zu einem Feiertagsprofil und jede Person kann immer nur ein Feiertagsprofil aktiv besitzen. Jedem Feiertagsprofil kann eine individuelle Farbe und eine Abkürzung zugeordnet werden.

Funktionen der Feiertagsverwaltung



Die Einstellungen für die Feiertagsverwaltung finden Sie über den Einstellungsbereich in dem jeweiligen Bereich indem auch die Feiertagsverwaltung selbst zu finden ist.


Alle nutzbaren Feiertagsprofile Ihres Unternehmens werden in einer Übersichtstabelle dargestellt.
Hier haben Sie die Möglichkeit bestehende Feiertagsprofile zu ändern, zu löschen oder neue Profile anzulegen. Jedes Feiertagsprofil besteht immer aus einer Bezeichnung und einer Abkürzung mit maximal 2 Buchstaben. Zusätzlich ist es möglich eine selbst definierte Farbe für einen Profil festzulegen. Diese Farbe wird in diversen Berichten und grafischen Übersichten genutzt.


Jedes Feiertagsprofil enthält separat gespeicherte Tageseinträge, welche im nachfolgenden als Feiertag bezeichnet werden.
Die einzelnen Feiertagseinträge bestehen immer aus einem Datum, einer Bezeichnung und den Einstellungen wie dieser Feiertag in verschiedenen Berechnungen einfließen soll.

Folgende Einstellungen können an jedem einzelnen Tag festgelegt werden, sofern Sie die entsprechenden Module besitzen.

  • Spesenunterbrechnung: Legen Sie fest ob dieser Feiertag den aktuell relevanten Spesenzeitraum unterbricht oder nicht. Standardmäßig unterbricht ein Feiertag nicht den Spesenzeitraum. Diese Funktion ist nur sichtbar, wenn Sie auch über das Spesenmodul verfügen.
  • Anteil: Stellt den Wert dar, wie viel des eingestellten Tages als Feiertag gelten. Auswählbar sind 50% und 100%. Sollten Sie über den YellowTimeManager 3.0 oder höher verfügen, dann wirkt sich diese Einstellung auch auf die Berechnung für die SOLL-Stunden dieses Tages aus. Standardmäßig beträgt dieser Wert 100%.

Neben der Möglichkeit manuell einzelne Tage zu einem Feiertagsprofil hinzuzufügen, haben Sie auch Zugriff auf unsere Vorlagen für entsprechende Feiertage, gruppiert nach Land, Bundesland / Kanton und Jahr. Wenn Sie Feiertage aus einer unserer Vorlagen in das Profil importieren möchten, dann klicken Sie im Bearbeiten-Dialog bzw. Anlege-Dialog eines Feiertagsprofiles einfach auf "Feiertage aus Vorlage laden".
Im Anschluss können Sie auswählen aus welchem Land und bei Bedarf auch aus welchem Bundesland bzw. Kanton und welchem Jahr Sie die Feiertage importieren möchten.
Bitte beachten Sie, dass wir nur die gesetzlich anerkannten Feiertage als Vorlage anbieten, die entweder in im gesamten Land oder in einem gesamten Bundesland oder Kanton gelten. Feiertage die nur in bestimmten Regionen eines Landes ( Landkreis oder Stadt ) gelten, bieten wir nicht an.

Yearly overview

The yearly overview shows you all absences of a year for a single person.
By default, the current calendar year is always displayed. But you can always select another year and / or another person via the filter settings.
If you want more information about a stored absence, you only have to move the mouse over an entry and all stored information will appear.

If you use the YellowTimeManager, you have the option of displaying the work status of the persons ("time recording data"). By this you can quickly recognize whether a person was absent uninvited or whether a person has worked despite registered absence.

Add new absence

If you would like to add a new absence for a person, simply click on the calendar icon ("Add new absence"), a free calendar day or, while holding down the mouse button, mark several consecutive days in the overview. In the subsequent dialog, you can change the previously made selection at any time.
Each absence is subject to a conflict check before saving. This is to avoid that you overlap several absence entries and thus lead to unwanted results.

If you want to enter an absence for several persons at the same time, you can select "several persons" in the mask via the personnel selection. This will open an overview of the total available staff.

If you use the YellowFox product "TachoComplete", you will have the additional option "creater other activities certification afterwards" for people with a driver card. This will give you the opportunity to create the required EU certificate (REGULATION (EC) NO 561/2006) for drivers as well.

can be assigned to each holiday profile.


The settings for holiday management can be found in the settings area in the respective module where holiday management itself can also be found.

Holiday profiles

All usable holiday profiles of your company are shown in an overview table.
Here you can change existing holiday profiles, delete them or create new profiles. Every holiday profile always consists of a name and an abbreviation with a maximum of 2 letters. In addition, it is possible to define a self-defined color for a profile. This color is used in various reports and graphic overviews.


Each holiday profile contains separately saved day entries, which are referred to as a holiday in the following.
The individual holiday entries always consist of a date, a description and the settings for how this holiday should be included in various calculations.

The following settings can be set on every single day entry, if you have the appropriate modules.

  • Interruption of expenses: Determine whether this holiday interrupts the currently relevant expense period or not. By default, a holiday does not interrupt the expense period. This function is only visible if you also have the expense module.
  • Share: Shows the value of how much of the set day is considered a holiday. 50% and 100% can be selected. If you have YellowTimeManager 3.0 or higher, this setting also affects the calculation for the target worktime hours for this day. By default, this value is 100%.

In addition to the option of manually adding individual days to a holiday profile, you also have access to our templates for the corresponding holidays, grouped by country, state / canton and year. If you want to import holidays from one of our templates into the profile, simply click on "Load public holidays from template" in the edit dialog or create dialog of a holiday profile.
You can then choose from which country and, if necessary, from which state or canton and which year you want to import the holidays.
Please note that we only offer the legally recognized public holidays as a template, which apply either in the entire country or in an entire state or canton. We do not offer holidays that are only valid in certain regions of a country (district or city)

Edit absence

If you want to edit an existing absence, you can open a context menu with a simple mouse click on a desired entry, if you have the authorization to do so (see "Portal Rights"). Here you have the option "edit absence" to choose from. You can use the following mask to set all the parameters of the absence.

Each absence is subject to a conflict check before saving. This is to avoid that you overlap several absence entries and thus lead to unwanted results.

Delete absence

If you want to delete an existing absence, you can open a context menu with a simple mouse click on a desired entry, if you have the authorization to do so (see "Portal rights"). Here you have the option "Delete absence" to choose from.
After a new security question and its confirmation, the absence is deleted from the system.


You can find the settings for the absence management via the settings area in the respective module by also finding the absence management itself.

Absence types/reasons

All useable absence types/reasons for your company are presented in an overview table.
Here you have the possibility to change existing reasons for absence, to delete or to create new reasons for absences. Each absence type/reason always consists of a name and an shortcut with a maximum of 2 letters. In addition, it is possible to specify a self-defined color for an absence type/reason. This color is used in various reports and graphical overviews.

By default, YellowFox specifies 4 reasons for absence (vacation, sick, free, duty). These entries can not be deleted. You can adapt these to your own specifications


Sv translation

The absence management allows holiday management allows you to control, evaluate and manage absences manage all holidays of your personnel.


Table of Contents


For what should i use the


holiday management



holiday management


gives you access to all your personnel's

absences. With this you can quickly and conveniently manage


, exemptions, sick days and other absences. You can see at a glance who has holidays, sick days or other days off as educational leave, special leave or further education. In convenient monthly and yearly views you can see which of your employees will be present or absent, and how groups or departments will be filled

. Within the module you can define which different holiday profiles exist and which person is in which profile.

General basics of the module

Each absence entry Every holiday always belongs to an absence type and is always assigned to exactly one person. Each absence type can be assigned an a holiday profile and each person can only have one holiday profile active at a time. An individual color and an abbreviation .

Absence management functions

Monthly overview

The monthly overview shows you all absences of a month for a selected group of persons.
By default, you always see the current calendar month for all your personnel. But you can always select a different month and / or a different group of people via the filter settings.
If you want more information about a stored absence, you only have to move the mouse over an entry and all stored information will appear. Via the action menu at the end of each person line, you can jump to the year overview for them.

If you use the YellowTimeManager, you have the option of displaying the work status of the persons ("time recording data"). By this you can quickly recognize whether a person was absent uninvited or whether a person has worked despite registered absence.

Image Removed


Reloads the monthly overview, with all currently selected filter settings

Image RemovedAdd new absenceOpens a dialog for creating a new absence
Image Removedback to monthly overviewOpens the monthly overview of the current calendar month
Image Removed


Reloads the year view with all currently selected filter settings

Image RemovedAdd new absenceOpens a dialog for creating a new absence
personFor which person (s) the absence should be created

time range

From when to when should the absence be entered

shareHow much should the target working time be reduced
absence typeThe reason for the absence. Can be edited via "Personnel Management> Settings> Absence Management".
remarkA note to deposit, for example, why this absence was created.