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The double week report allows a fast overview for dayly and weekly steering and idle times. The calculation is based upon the digital tachograph data submitted live with the position data. So the report allows to check the timerange up to the current minute.


Table of Contents


As mentioned above, the visible data base differs from calculations based on DDD Files downloadable company card or remote download option. So the consistency is not completely guaranteed and because of rounding per minute differencies the displayed times may differ by some minutes.


If the vehicle is equipped with an older tachograph, not working as defined in EG regularities 1266/2009, the steering and idle time differ significantly! This is caused by the different rounding rules for single activity changes. In fact this difference is the time a driver could drive longer, after changing to a current digital tachograph.

This means the double week report is optimimal to be used as live indicator. So the disponnent has the ability to check different timespans and has an overview about current driving- and idle states.


Starting the module will first show the preselection dialog where it is possible to set start time and the count of visible weeks for a driver. Limiting to a 2 week timespan will speed up the availability of data while the 6 weeks timerange result in a more comprehensive overview. All values can be changed later too.

Report view

On top right of this view the change button allows changing all values selected previously and check all drivers in a row.

If the current day is visible in report, the driver data will be extended with remaining steering times for the current day, week and double week ( = the current week with previous week).

The graphic in the upper part then gives a fast overview about activity states. So the different colors allow identification of problematic days directly. The colors are set as followed

indicate, that no activity found for this day
indicate, that activity found, but everything seems ok

indicate a warning message for this day, e.g. by extended steering time or shortened idle time

indicate an error for the timespan, observed regularities will be listed below

Moving the mouse over souch a square shows data for the selected day, week or doubleweek. Where a day is the timespan from 00:00 UTC to 24:00 UTC and a week always is a timespan from monday 00:00 UTC to sunday 24:00 UTC.

The according shift specific times are listed in the table below. The shift times are grouped into calendaric weeks. Overnight shift worktimes are always assigned to the week, where a shift worktime ends. So a shift worktime, starting at sunday night will assigned to the week, starting on monday. So it is easier to get the shift weektime correctly.

Warnings or errors will be marked with a bold hint text.

Checked rules for double week report

Single bookings

  • rounding the bookings minute wise following the EG regularities 1266/2009 introduced in 16th of december 2009. This regularities are valid since 1st of october 2010

Per day data

  • at most 4,5 hours of steering time followed by an idle time of 45 minutes or broken by at least 15 minutes idle time with another 30 minutes idle time at the end of the block
  • at most 9 hours steering time per day between 2 adequate day idle times
    • this steering time can be extended 10 hours 2 times per week (result in a warning message)
  • at least 11 hours shift idle time between shift workdays
    • this idle time can be spitted to a block of at least 3 hours followed by another block of at least 9 hours idle time
    • the idle time can be shortened to at least 9 hours 3 times per week (result in a warning message)
  • the complete per day idle time has to be solved 24 hours after the shift workday started (a worktime from 06:00 am to 09:01 pm must result in an error because the idle time from 09:01 pm until 06:00 am of the following time does not meet the 09:00 hours minimum idle time; a start of the next workday e.g. 07:00 am does not affect the calculation )

Per week data

  • between 2 week idle times up to 6 workdays allowed
  • per calendaric week up to 56 hours of steering time allowed
  • per 2 weeks in a row up to 90 hours of steering time allowed
  • the regular week idle time between 2 workweeks is 45 hours
    • a shortend week idle time with at least 24 hours may be valid (result in a warning message)
    • taking a shortened week idle time 2 weeks in a row will result in an error
    • the shortening of a regular week idle time has to be balanced within the next 3 week idle times
      • the balancing will be done by taking an idle time of 9 hours, a regular idle time and then the shortening (e.g. a shortened week idle time of 35 hours, means 10 hours to balance; so the idle time is 9 hours + 45 hours + 10 hours = 64 hours for full balancing)

Differing regularities by following rules will not be checked

  • multi driver operation
  • ferry or train usage
  • person transportation within 50 km radius
  • person transportation with country change
  • emergency regularities
  • other excepitons for special cars (e.g. fire service)