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Please use the research forms, if you want to search for some custom dialog data.


Table of Contents


Research on selectable search criteria

All of the following search criteria are logically linked with AND, as they are used.

Research form

Research form input fields
Timerange-QuickselectionThis can be used to qick select from predefined periods. The field values of "From" and "To" be adjusted accordingly to the value, selected here.
Timerange From
The date on which the search results of the search should begin at 00:00:00 clock.
Timerange ToThe date on which the search results of the search should end at 23:59:59 clock.
Dialog draftcustomdialogsIn this select box the user -defined form draft must be selected to which can limit the search is to related.
Freetext searchThe Freetext search is a tool, for easy searching a string within the data of custom dialog drafts, to limit the possible selection of custom dialog drafts. If you click the Image Removed button, a new dialog it shown, where you can define your search string.
a self-defined customdialog. If he wants to cancel this limitation he has to choose „show all forms“.
vehiclesVehicleIf you want to limit the research to one vehicle, so you can select the vehicle inside these select box. If you want to cancel the single car selection choose "--- All vehicles ---"show all vehicles".
driversDriverIf you want to limit the research to one driver, so you can select the driver inside these select box. If you want to cancel the single driver selection choose "--- show all drivers ---".
free searchThe free search field an easy to use tool to filter the searched forms. The user can look for any string in every column of a form. You can also combine multiple search terms. After typing a term you have to confirm it with a press on the „Enter“-key. The terms are logical or-connectedSortingAt least, you must define the sorting for displaying of the researched data. Default is "Date ascending". The selectable sorting is always ascending or descending in combination with date, vehicle or driver.
Buttons of the QuickBar:
Image RemovedImage AddedDelete/ResetReset/Delete the current form field data to the default values.
Image RemovedReloadClick this button, to completelly reload the current view.
ExportHere you can export all forms as a PDF, Excel or CSV file. All active filters are also used in the exports.
Image AddedCreate new Image RemovedCreate QuicklinkCreate a quicklink for this page.
Image Addedopen helpOpen the help page in the documentation.

Research results

The found data from reaserching researching forms are shown in a table. The forms research opens initially with the results of the last 30 days for all vehicles and all drivers. The search can be started by a click on the „search“-button. If you not limited the result to a specific forms type you get all forms which are found for the given search parameters. Every block of a forms type starts with an information row which includes the form name and all entry titles. The following collumns columns are shown always:

dateThe Date and Time of the found custom dialog draft dataset.
VehicleThe vehicle name of the found custom dialog draft dataset.
DriverThe driver name of the found custom dialog draft dataset.
formThe name of the form type in an information row or the order name in a form data row if the form belongs to an order. With a click on the order name you open an dialog box with all order details.
actionIn the action column exists a selection menu with different actions for every form.

All other columns are depending to the form field, defined by the associated custom dialog draft.

Freetext search

The Freetext search allows you to search for custom dialog drafts, with data, matching to you're defined search string.

Search form

The search form gives you 2 fields and a button for sending the search request.

Search form input fields
Search string
You should insert you're search string here into this textbox.
Use search setting of research forms?You can check this box, if you want to use also the settings from Research on selectable search criteria, to limit the resulting found custom dialog drafts.

Search details

The search string defined by you is searched inside the custom dialog draft name, the field names of the custom dialog draft and the data of a custom dialog draft.

The search string is caseless.

Search results

All found custom dialog drafts, with data matching the search string, are shown as search results. For each found custom dialog draft also the count of found matches inside the existing data are shown, and at least, if the draft is always deleted a short notice about it is shown.

Only when you click on the respective desired search results the research form data are displayed.

Edit research dataset

Each researched dataset can be edited by clicking the Image Removed button.

Editable data

The name of the form, the send at date, the vehicle and the driver are readonly (not changeable).

action column

In the action column exists a selection menu for different actions for every form. By default is „show position on map“ as a shortcut icon on the menu. If the form was sent without coordinates to the portal you get „show this form“ as shortcut.

show position on map

You open a box which shows you the position where the form was sent on a map. You can also read the address here.

show this form

Opens a box where you can see all details of this form. You also get all order details if this form belongs to an order. It’s possible to export this detail view as PDF.

Only the data/values inserted to the custom dialog draft form fields are editable, but values of fields with type "signature" are also not changeable.

export form as PDF

It’s possible to export all form details you get with „show this form“ as PDF.

edit form

Each researched dataset can be edited by clicking on this option. The name of the form, the send at date, the vehicle and the driver are read-only (not changeable).

show related order

Like clicking on the order name you can open the order details view by clicking on this menu option.


You can sort the forms by clicking on the arrows in the table head. By default all forms are sorted descending by date.

multiple form types in the research results

If there are multiple form types in the search result you can only sort by the columns which are same at every draft. A sorting by the entries is not possible. If you try to sort an entry column you get a hint where you can limit the drafts to one type to enable the sorting. In the hint you get a select box of all drafts which are in the research result. With “limit to selection” you limit the result to the selected form type but if you don’t want to change you have to click on „cancel“ or the „X“-button.

one form type in the research results

If you have only one draft in you’re result because of limiting to one type or because of a combination of parameters you can sort the result by every column.

math and statistic functions

Each draft has math and statistic functions. You can use them with a click on the entry name or the graph-icon in each information row. After this it opens a box the some statistical values for the entry column you clicked on. Every entry datatype has other statistical functions and the results include all forms which were found by the user specified search parameters. 


The view by date values include a maximum and minimum and how many forms of this type have this entry filled.


The view by time values include a maximum, minimum and average and how many forms of this type have this entry filled.

integer and float numbers

The view by integer or float number values include a maximum, minimum, total and average and how many forms of this type have this entry filled.


The view by text values include how many forms of this type are filled at this entry and how many not.

select box

The view by select box values include how many any option was selected and how many forms of this type are filled at this entry.


The view by yes-no-answer values include how many forms of this type exists and how often yes or no was chosen.


The view by signature values include how many forms of this type exists and how often a signature was given and how often not.


In the tab „settings“ you can customize the form research.

common settings

In „common settings“ you can customize the row number oft he result table. This influences how many rows are loaded by default after a search.

special functions of single cells

Some entry types are displayed in a special kind and have an additional functionality.

long texts

Long texts are displayed in a short way by default. With a click on the icon Image Added you can display the whole text or shorten it afterwards. The table cell adapts automatically with it’s size.


Signatures are displayed in a small and compressed view in the table. To open it in a bigger way you can click on it. This opens a box where you can also export it as a PNG file.Only the data/values inserted to the custom dialog draft form fields are editable, but values of fields with type "signature" are also not changeable!