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Server based alert areas allow you, to use extended alarm areas, like polygonic areas and corridor areas.


Table of Contents


Please note the basics of area/field monitoring.

Even if your box does not support alarm areas, you can use server based alert areas. For it, you can define the alarm areas by a location with a circumcirrcle, as a free defined polygonic area or as a corridor along a predefined route.

Initial view

If you call the area overview, first you see the map with its predefined map extract without some vehicles. At the left corner you can see the menu, for some other actions.

Menu bar

HelpThe question mark at the right bar corner, links to this help.
BackEven if you don't see the start/overview page, at the left of the question mark, you can see the back button. It allows you to go back to start/overview page.

If the start/overview page is shown, at the top (directly after the top menu bar) you can read a usage notice, and there is also a link for alarm manager. There you can setup later, what action is called if a vehicle crosses the area borders. Also there is the button to add a new area.

Below this, a list of existing alert areas is shown. Depending to the user settings the alarm manager button can be also hidden, if the user dont have the right to show the alarm manager.

Depending to the last called action, the view of the menubar changes. These can view the details and options for a single area, but also  the options to create a new area. In this view. The map circumcircle switches back to its predefined view, if the home button is pressed.

Area list

If one of the shown areas is clicked, the map will zoom to the required display area and shows it. At the same time other features and options will be displayed on the relevant area at the top of the menu bar.

If you will show or create a other area, first you must go bach to the start/overview page. After it you can select or create the area. If you want to goto the start/overview page, you have to click the back arrow button at the top right corner of the top menu bar.

Area details

The area details of the selected area are always shown inside the top menubar. The listed details are:

  • activate cars for area
  • edit area
  • (optional: the width of the korridor to watch)
  • delete area
  • back to overview
  • Alert management for this area

Activate area vehicles

Herewith you define the cars that should be watched for crossing the borders of a area. If such event is triggered by a watched car, first a message is stored inside the position list. All following actions are managed by alarm manager.

After a "activate cars for area" click, a list of vehicles, owned by current company, and the watch state of the selected area is shown. A gray field means, the vehicle is not watched. Otherwise a green marked vehicle points to a watched vehicle. You can switch it simple by a click at the vehicle.

The quick-selection keys, to activate/deactivate all vehicles watching and the close button is placed at the top left vehicle selection corner.

At area settings you can also see the point "save car assignment". By a button click you can save the changes. You you have forgotten to save youre changes you will be asked on close if you wan to save all changes.

Edit area

The next area properties point is named as "edit area". After a click also the area view changes by showing the movable vertexes inside the map. Moreover, now the name of the area is changeable, which is shown directly below the "edit area" button.

If the current area is defined by a route, the width of the monitored corridor is additionally changeable. The change can made by moving the slider or by direct input the width value. If you input it directly the inputed value will be rounded to fully 100m. In addition, a list of created route points will be displayed. So you can simple change the targets inside the list.

If you use a older browser, or youre computes is slow, it can result in longer waiting times at complex areas.

If you will save the changes, you simple have to click the point "save changes", which is located at the same position, where you have enabled the edit mode before. After saving, the vertexes will be hidden and the area name + corridor width are set to readonly. The label of the button is now changed to "edit area".

If you have changes, not for saving, you can found the "cancel edit" button below the "save" button. This will reset the area data to the data before youre changes. Alternatively you can click inside the menu bar at the top right, the back button arrow.

The area changes will not be lost by changing the car assignment. You can save area changes by going to edit mode, or by uck arrow button.

Delete area

With a click at "delete area" you can trigger the delete action of a selected area. After you have confirmed the security question, the area will not be displayed anymore and the monitoring of area depending vehicles is also disabled. All messages before the deleting action are also accessible after a deletion.

Back to overview

Whith it, you can close the area details and go back to the starting view.. The arrow at the top right menu corner does the same.

Alert management of this area

The requirement to show this button is, the user must have the "edit" right for alarm manager. Only in this case the button click brings you to alarm manager, in relation to the chosen area data.

  • If you dont have associated a alarm to current area, you directly go to input mask for defining a new alarm..
  • If allready a alarm exists for current area, you will go to "edit area" input mask for change the current defined alarm settings.
  • The system also allows multiple alarm entries of a area. If so, you must select the alarm to edit. Which case is the right, will be shown, if you click the button.


Wenn Sie in der Gebietsliste auf den ersten Punkt „Neues Gebiet anlegen“ geklickt haben, wechselt die Darstellung im oberen Bereich der Menüleiste und bietet die Möglichkeit ein Gebiet als Vieleck oder als Korridor entlang einer Route festzulegen.


Sie können oben einen Namen für das Gebiet festlegen und sollten dann zunächst die Karte so bewegen, dass Sie das Gebiet, welches überwacht werden soll möglichst groß und vollständig angezeigt wird.

If you have clicked to "create new area" inside the area list, the view at the top area of the menubar is changed and allows you to define the area as a ploygon, or as a corridor along a route.


You must define a area name and after it you should move and scale the map view, to show the whole area to watch.

You must use the "assign alert area" button. After it you see a new yellow toned rectangle area, representing the alert area to watch. If you want to change the form and/or size of the area you can move the vertexes.

In the middle between the vertexes aSie können dann oben links auf die Schaltfläche „Alarmgebiet festlegen“ klicken und sehen auf der Karte einen gelb gefärbten rechteckigen Bereich, der das überwachte Alarmgebiet repräsentiert. Wenn Sie einen der weißen Punkte an den Ecken dieses Rechteckes bewegen, verändern Sie auch dementsprechend die Form des Alarmgebietes.

Immer mittig zwischen zwei dieser Eckpunkte befindet sich ein kleinerer weißer Kreis. Durch ziehen des Zwischenpunktes, wird auch dieser zu einem Eckpunkt.

Somit können sie bis zu 1000 Eckpunkte anlegen und ihr Gebiet sehr komplex strukturiert abgrenzen.

Bitte beachten Sie dabei das Verhältnis aus Gebietsgröße und Ortungsintervall. Für die Servergestützte Überwachung werden nur die GPS Meldungen der Box ausgewertet. Ist das Ortungsintervall so groß, dass das Gebiet zwischen zwei Meldungen befahren und wieder verlassen wurde, erfolgt auch kein Hinweis der Überschreitung! Sie können in diesem Fall allgemein das Ortungsintervall für die betreffenden Fahrzeuge anpassen oder das Gebiet entsprechend vergrößern.

Wenn Sie die Bearbeitung abgeschlossen haben können Sie das Gebiet durch Klick auf den Punkt „Alarmgebiet speichern“ oben links speichern. Zum Abbruch der Erstellung klicken Sie einfach auf den zurück Pfeil oben rechts in der Menüleiste, um wieder zurück zur Startansicht zu gelangen.