Configuration of location settings.
GPS-based location
Position if ignition is on every X-minutes
You can set a minutes interval, how often the box sent the current position when the ignition is on.
After you change the time, you can set the setting with the button "SWITCH ON".
If this setting is not desired, you can deactivate with the button "SWITCH OFF".
The box acknowledge the receipt of setting with a status message in the position list.
Position if ignition is on every X-kilometer
You can set a km interval, how often the box sent the current position when the ignition is on.
After you change the time, you can set the setting with the button "SWITCH ON".
If this setting is not desired, you can deactivate with the button "SWITCH OFF".
The box acknowledge the receipt of setting with a status message in the position list.
Course change
If this setting is enabled, the box sent the current position at each cahnge of course.
If this setting is not desired, you can deactivate with the button "SWITCH OFF".
The box acknowledge the receipt of setting with a status message in the position list.
Speed more than X-kilometer & longer than X-minutes
Speed lower than X-kilometer & lower than X-minutes
Telemetric base location
Report settings
You can here configure the idle report.
The value of "Speed lower than" is used for this setting.
In addition, a history is written when the user enabled / disabled the setting.
Immediate activation/deactivation