Returns position data for the requested vehicle or vehicle group.
If no start and end are given, current position will be returned.
Parameter | Description | Type | Note | Mandatory |
company | RTI company key | string | yes | |
vehicle | RTI vehcile key | string | vehicle or group parameter | (yes) |
group | RTI group key | string | vehicle or group parameter | (yes) |
start | begin of requested timerange | datestring | Format: YYYYMMDDHHMMSS | no |
end | end of requested timerange | datestring | Format: YYYYMMDDHHMMSS | no |
query_date | date at which the respective position is to be displayed | datestring | Format: YYYYMMDDHHMMSS | no |
format | return format | string | csv (default) or xml | no |
date_query | set the date reference for request | string | 'insert' (default) = get bookings by processing time 'gps' = get booking by booked date and time | no |
additionaldata | additional params to gather certain additional information | string | 'temp' gathers the values of digital temperature inputs 1 to 8 and analogue temperature inputs 1 to 4 | no |
hide_display | hides messages from the display | int |
| no |
Return a string. In case of error it returns "ERROR:Description".
CSV Format
Meta informations
Separator | semicolon ( ; ) |
Delimiter | double quote ( " ) |
Line break | 0x0D 0x0A (CarriageReturn LineFeed) |
Header | line 1 |
Column | Description | |
VEHICLE | vehicle licence | |
DATE | GPS date of message creation | Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS |
LAT | Latitude | Example.: 51.03659 |
LON | Longitude | Example.: 13.59967 |
POS | adress text | |
DIR | direction in grade | 0=North, 90=East |
SAT | Anzahl Satelliten | |
SPEED | speed in full km/h | |
IGN | ignition state | 0 = off, 1 = on, , null = undefined |
REASON | reason of the message | |
KM | odometer value in full km | |
INSERTDATE | Date when the message was processed in the data center | Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS |
UTCDATE | UTC date of message creation | Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS |
DRIVER | name of logged in driver | |
CUSTOMER | customer name | in case of a possible customer position allocation |
DRIVER_KEY | driver key | |
ETA_TIME | estimated time of arrival at navigation target | Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS |
ETA_DIST | estimated time of arrival at navigation target in kilometer | |
ETA_DUR | estimated duration of arrival at navigation target in seconds | |
ETA_LAT | Latitute coordinate of navigation target | Bsp.: 51.03659 |
ETA_LON | Longitude coordinate of navigation target | Bsp.: 13.59967 |
ETA_DESC | customer allocation of navigation target | in case of a possible customer position allocation |
BSZ1 | operation time counter 1 | value in full minutes |
BSZ2 | operation time counter 2 | value in full minutes |
DRIVER2 | name of logged in co-driver | |
DRIVER_KEY2 | co-driver key | |
D_INPUT_1 | Digital Input 1 Value | 0 = off 1 = on |
D_INPUT_2 | Digital Input 2 Value | 0 = off 1 = on |
D_INPUT_3 | Digital Input 3 Value | 0 = off 1 = on |
D_INPUT_4 | Digital Input 4 Value | 0 = off 1 = on |
D_INPUT_5 | Digital Input 5 Value | 0 = off 1 = on |
D_INPUT_6 | Digital Input 6 Value | 0 = off 1 = on |
D_INPUT_TEXTSTATE_1 | Digital Input 1 Textstate | Inputname and state separated by "@" Bspw. "Tür@offen", is only filled if the input is active |
D_INPUT_TEXTSTATE_2 | Digital Input 2 Textstate | Inputname and state separated by "@" Bspw. "Tür@offen", is only filled if the input is active |
D_INPUT_TEXTSTATE_3 | Digital Input 3 Textstate | Inputname and state separated by "@" Bspw. "Tür@offen", is only filled if the input is active |
D_INPUT_TEXTSTATE_4 | Digital Input 4 Textstate | Inputname and state separated by "@" Bspw. "Tür@offen", is only filled if the input is active |
D_INPUT_TEXTSTATE_5 | Digital Input 5 Textstate | Inputname and state separated by "@" Bspw. "Tür@offen", is only filled if the input is active |
D_INPUT_TEXTSTATE_6 | Digital Input 6 Textstate | Inputname and state separated by "@" Bspw. "Tür@offen", is only filled if the input is active |
RTI_IDENT | RTI Ident | |
PRIVFLAG | Private drive mode | 0 = off / 1 = on |
Additional columns
the following columns are only supplied if an additional parameter is specified:
Parameter | Column | Description |
temp | DIGITAL_TEMPERATURE_1 | value of digital temperature input 1 |
DIGITAL_TEMPERATURE_2 | value of digital temperature input 2 | |
DIGITAL_TEMPERATURE_3 | value of digital temperature input 3 | |
DIGITAL_TEMPERATURE_4 | value of digital temperature input 4 | |
DIGITAL_TEMPERATURE_5 | value of digital temperature input 5 | |
DIGITAL_TEMPERATURE_6 | value of digital temperature input 6 | |
DIGITAL_TEMPERATURE_7 | value of digital temperature input 7 | |
DIGITAL_TEMPERATURE_8 | value of digital temperature input 8 | |
DIGITAL_TEMPERATURE_1_SET_POINT | set point of digital temperature input 1 | |
DIGITAL_TEMPERATURE_2_SET_POINT | set point of digital temperature input 2 | |
DIGITAL_TEMPERATURE_3_SET_POINT | set point of digital temperature input 3 | |
DIGITAL_TEMPERATURE_4_SET_POINT | set point of digital temperature input 4 | |
DIGITAL_TEMPERATURE_5_SET_POINT | set point of digital temperature input 5 | |
DIGITAL_TEMPERATURE_6_SET_POINT | set point of digital temperature input 6 | |
DIGITAL_TEMPERATURE_7_SET_POINT | set point of digital temperature input 7 | |
DIGITAL_TEMPERATURE_8_SET_POINT | set point of digital temperature input 8 | |
ANALOGUE_TEMPERATURE_1 | value of analogue temperature input 1 | |
ANALOGUE_TEMPERATURE_2 | value of analogue temperature input 2 | |
ANALOGUE_TEMPERATURE_3 | value of analogue temperature input 3 | |
ANALOGUE_TEMPERATURE_4 | value of analogue temperature input 4 |
return position
"VEHICLE";"DATE";"LAT";"LON";"POS";"DIR";"SAT";"SPEED";"IGN";"REASON";"KM";"INSERTDATE";"UTCDATE";"DRIVER";"CUSTOMER";"DRIVER_KEY";"ETA_TIME";"ETA_DIST";"ETA_DUR";"ETA_LAT";"ETA_LON";"ETA_DESC";"BSZ1";"BSZ2";"DRIVER2";"DRIVER_KEY2";"D_INPUT_1";"D_INPUT_2";"D_INPUT_3";"D_INPUT_4";"D_INPUT_5";"D_INPUT_6";"D_INPUT_TEXTSTATE_1";"D_INPUT_TEXTSTATE_2";"D_INPUT_TEXTSTATE_3";"D_INPUT_TEXTSTATE_4";"D_INPUT_TEXTSTATE_5";"D_INPUT_TEXTSTATE_6";"RTI_IDENT";"PRIVFLAG" "353234024326181";"2015-04-15 08:52:42";"51.03669";"13.59925";"D-01723 Wilsdruff Am Wüsteberg 3";"207";"10";"0";"0";"Nachrichtstatus aktualisiert";"52469";"2015-04-15 08:52:57";"2015-04-15 06:52:42";"Herr Mueller";"YellowFox GmbH";"123456";"2015-04-15 09:52:42";"12.33";"3600";"50.862247";"12.908245";"Kunde Mueller";"1234";"";"DF1234567890";"John Who";"0";"0";"1";"0";"0";"1";"Temp Innen@aus";"Temp Aussen@aus";"";"Pumpe@offen";"";"Hydraulik@up";"Ident1";"1"
XML Format
return position xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" standalone="no"?> <!DOCTYPE yfrtiout SYSTEM ""> <yfrtiout> <message> <vehsign>353234024326181</vehsign> <date>2015-04-15 08:52:42</date> <lat>51.03669</lat> <lon>13.59925</lon> <pos>D-01723 Wilsdruff Am Wüsteberg 3</pos> <dir>207</dir> <sat>10</sat> <speed>0</speed> <ign>0</ign> <reason>Nachrichtstatus aktualisiert</reason> <km>52469</km> <insertdate>2015-04-15 08:52:57</insertdate> <utcdate>2015-04-15 06:52:42</utcdate> <driver>Herr Mueller</driver> <customer>YellowFox GmbH</customer> <driverkey>123456</driverkey> <eta_time>2015-04-15 09:52:42</eta_time> <eta_dist>12.33</eta_dist> <eta_dur>3600</eta_dur> <eta_lat>50.862247</eta_lat> <eta_lon>12.908245</eta_lon> <eta_desc>Kunde Mueller</eta_desc> <bsz1>1234</bsz1> <bsz2></bsz2> <driver2>John Who</driver2> <driverkey2>DF1234567890</driverkey2> <digital_inputs> <d_in> <d_nr>1</d_nr> <d_name>Temp Innen</d_name> <d_state>aus</d_state> <d_value>0</d_value> </d_in> <d_in> <d_nr>2</d_nr> <d_name>Temp Aussen</d_name> <d_state>aus</d_state> <d_value>0</d_value> </d_in> <d_in> <d_nr>4</d_nr> <d_name>Pumpe</d_name> <d_state>offen</d_state> <d_value>0</d_value> </d_in> <d_in> <d_nr>6</d_nr> <d_name>Hydraulik</d_name> <d_state>up</d_state> <d_value>1</d_value> </d_in> </digital_inputs> <rti_ident>Ident1</rti_ident> <privflag>1</privflag> <digital_temperature_values> <d_temp> <nr>1</nr> <value>10.5</value> <set_point>11</set_point> </d_temp> </digital_temperature_values> <analogue_temperature_values> <a_temp> <nr>1</nr> <value>-5</value> </a_temp> </analogue_temperature_values> </yfrtiout>
JSON Format (RFC 4627)
return position json
[ { "vehsign": "353234024326181", "date": "2016-05-23 08:13:24", "lat": "51.0365", "lon": "13.5997", "pos": "D-01723 Wilsdruff (Kesselsdorf) Am Wüsteberg 3", "dir": "40", "sat": "14", "speed": "0", "ign": "0", "reason": "Telemetriemeldung", "km": "49929", "insertdate": "2016-05-23 08:13:41", "utcdate": "2016-05-23 06:13:24", "driver": "Herr Mueller", "customer": "Kunde Mueller", "driverkey": "12345", "eta_time": "2015-04-15 09:52:42", "eta_dist": "2015-04-15 09:52:42", "eta_dur": "3600", "eta_lat": "50.862247", "eta_lon": "12.908245", "eta_desc": "Kunde Mueller", "bsz1": "1234", "bsz2": "", "driver2": "John Who", "driverkey2": "DF1234567890", "digital_inputs": [ { "nr": 1, "name": "Temp Innen", "state": "aus", "value": "0" }, { "nr": 2, "name": "Temp Aussen", "state": "aus", "value": "0" }, { "nr": 4, "name": "Pumpe", "state": "offen", "value": "0" }, { "nr": 6, "name": "Hydraulik", "state": "up", "value": "1" } ], "rti_ident": "Ident1", "privflag": "1", "digital_temperature_values": [ { "nr": 1, "value": 10.5, "set_point": 11 } ], "analogue_temperature_values": [ { "nr": 1, "value": -5 } ] } ]
Example calls
current position of one vehicle{"type":"car_ident","groupKey":"GROUP_RTIKEY","ident":"VEHICLE_IDENT"}
position of a car at a defined time range in xml format{"type":"car_ident","groupKey":"GROUP_RTIKEY","ident":"VEHICLE_IDENT"}&start=20150401000000&end=20150401235959&format=xml