By using Search profiles you can store and reuse criteria for your searches.



Search profiles support you in doing similar searches, by reusing given criteria. You may enhance the speed and ease of searches.

Add new profile

You may add as many profiles as you want.

Just do your search as usual. After you are done with it (you see the result page), just click on Search profiles.

In the quickbar use new profil. You will see an overview of your used criteria. You could save this right now as a new profil, just give it a name and store it. On loading a profil your search will appear as usual, but the field are filled with your criteria from the profil. You could hide parts of the criteria pages, by clicking on the tickbox in front of the page. Store the new profil.

Load a profile

Open the search. Click on Search profiles. Chose the right profile from the listand click load. The search form will open. Based on the number of hidden pages the right step of the search appears.

Overview of profiles

Load, save or modify profiles from here. The list contains all existing profiles for the current type of search.

Quickbar buttons:

New profil

Load new Search profile


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