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Sv translation

Please use the research forms, if you want to search for some custom dialog data.


Table of Contents


Research on selectable search criteria

All of the following search criteria are logically linked with AND, as they are used.

Research form

Research form input fields
Timerange-QuickselectionThis can be used to qick select from predefined periods. The field values of "From" and "To" be adjusted accordingly to the value, selected here.
Timerange From
The date on which the search results of the search should begin at 00:00:00 clock.
Timerange ToThe date on which the search results of the search should end at 23:59:59 clock.
FormIn this select box the user-defined form draft must be selected to which the search is to related.
Freetext searchThe Freetext search is a tool, for easy searching a string within the data of custom dialog drafts, to limit the possible selection of custom dialog drafts. If you click the Image Added button, a new dialog it shown, where you can define your search string.
VehicleIf you want to limit the research to one vehicle, so you can select the vehicle inside these select box. If you want to cancel the single car selection choose "--- All vehicles ---"
DriverIf you want to limit the research to one driver, so you can select the driver inside these select box. If you want to cancel the single driver selection choose "--- show all drivers ---"
SortingAt least, you must define the sorting for displaying of the researched data. Default is "Date ascending". The selectable sorting is always ascending or descending in combination with date, vehicle or driver.


Die recherchierten, gefundenen Daten werden tabellarisch angezeigt. Folgende Spalten werden dazu immer gezeigt:

ZeitpunktDatum und Urhzeit des gefundenen Formulareintrages.
FahrzeugDer Name des Fahrzeuges des gefundenen Formulareintrages.
FahrerDer Name des Fahrers des gefundenen Formulareintrages.

Alle weiteren Tabellenspalten richten sich nach den Formularfeldern, die im jeweilig assozierten Formularentwurf festgelegt sind.