Enables the import of a performed driver's license control
POST /personnel/add_driver_license_check.php?company=RTI_COMPANYKEY&import=RTI_VEHICLEKEY&nfc_tag=NFC_TAG&date=20210324151000&terminal=optionales Terminal
POST /personnel/add_driver_license_check.php?company=RTI_COMPANYKEY&import=RTI_VEHICLEKEY&mode=csv_import&delimiter=COMMA&csv_structure[]={ "type" : "datetime", "pattern":"YmdHis"}&csv_structure[]={ "type" : "nfc_tag" }&headline=1
Query parameters
Parameter | Description | Type | Notes | Mandatory |
company | RTI company key | string | yes | |
import | RTI import key | string | yes | |
mode | Differentiation of the various actions | string | permissible modes are:
| no |
nfc_tag | NFC Tag | string | yes, mode single_insert | |
date | date in ME(S)Z | string | Format: YYYYMMDDHHMMSS | yes, mode single_insert |
terminal | At which terminal was the driver's license check performed | string | no | |
delimiter | Which separator was used in the CSV | string | COMMA, SEMICOLON oder TAB | yes, mode single_insert |
csv_structure[] | One entry per column, what kind of content can be found in the column | string[] |
| yes, mode single_insert |
headline | file contains a header | int | 0 = no headline (default), 1 = headline present | no |
Body parameters
Parameter | Description | Type | Notes | Mandatory |
file | File | file | yes, mode single_insert |
In case of success "OK" is returned. or in case of CSV import per line.
In case of missing or incorrect entries an "ERROR:Description" is returned.
Single Import
https://map.yellowfox.de/rti/personnel/add_driver_license_check.php?company=COMPANY_KEY&import=IMPORTKEY&nfc_tag=abc123def&date=20210324151000&terminal=optionales Terminal
CSV Import
Return CSV Import with 3 lines
{ "1": "ERROR:NO DRIVER FOUND WITH NFC KEY: abc123def", "2": "OK", "3": "OK" }