Wiki source code of Mein Profil

Last modified by YellowFox_RD on 2025/01/16 12:51

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YellowFox_RD 1.1 1 (% class="box" %)
Dominic Lippmann 2.1 2 (((Table of Contents)))
YellowFox_RD 1.1 3 {{toc/}}
Dominic Lippmann 2.1 5 === My profile ===
YellowFox_RD 1.1 7 Dieses Modul erlaubt die Festlegung eigener Einstellungen, die nur für diesen Benutzer gültig sind. Dazu zählen persönliche Daten, portalspezifische Daten und firmenspezifische Daten. Einige dieser Einstellungen sind speziell für die Nutzung des Tacho Archivs zwingend notwendig.
Dominic Lippmann 2.1 8 = Areas =
9 == personal data ==
10 This area contains personal specific data.
11 |=Keyword|=Meaning|=Remark
12 |last login|the time of latest login event for this user|
13 |firstname, lastname|first- and last name of this user|A real name is required here for valid digitacho violation protocolls and other activities documents.
14 |contact|specific contact informations such as phone, fax and email|A phone number and email address is required for the other activities document.
15 |company work position|name of work position|This position name is required for other activities document, too.
YellowFox_RD 1.1 16
Dominic Lippmann 2.1 18 == portal settings ==
19 Portal specific settings for this user.
20 |=Keyword|=Remark
21 |group lists|Group selection lists for vehicles or persons are shown unfolded normally. If all the persons and units are arranged in groups you can switch to show only the folded groups and for reportings only select this groups to keep more clarity.
22 |visible times in|The tachograph specific reports are based on UTC times as regulated by law. For a better readibility you can switch to MEZ to get all times translated to local time.
23 |portal language|Sets the language for the whole portal
YellowFox_RD 1.1 24
Dominic Lippmann 2.1 26 == company specific data ==
27 User with administrator privileges can set the main address for the company here. Besides this setting each user can define its own branch company address.
28 |=Keyword|=Remark
29 |company head office|The main address of the company. This address can only be changed by users with administrator privileges.
30 |branch address|To support companies with multiple branch addresses, each portal user can set its own specific branch office address here. This is required, if the company is splitted to multiple places with own branch addresses and to correctly fill the document of other activities.
YellowFox_RD 1.1 31