
Last modified by YellowFox_RD on 2025/01/23 11:06

Table of Contents

The alarm manager makes it possible to get immediately informed about certain messages of your car. The use of this module depends on the portal right alarm manager. You need at least the right see to use the module.

Alarm messages

The alarm manager supports a bunch of different messages. Principally we distinct in messages about eventuating events and not eventuating events. An example for a eventuating event is a set telemetry input which gets active unexpectedly. A not-eventuating alarm in contrast might inform you about a vehicle which did not once enter the company area during the last 24 hours.
The following alarm messages are supported by alarm manager:

Alarms about eventuating Events

movement message / SelfgeofenceWill be triggered, if the vehicle leaves its Selfgeofence resp. an active movement messager is warning.
overspeedWill be triggered, if the vehicle is faster than a in object settings set treshold.
idleWill be triggered, if the ignition is on but vehicle is not moving or very slow.
missing driver authenticationWill be triggered, if the vehicle is moving without a registered driver.
removing / fixing of the box in the retainerWill be triggered, if the box is removed resp. fixed in its retainer.
box startWill be triggered, if the box is started.
temperature valueWill be triggered, if the temperature sensors are exceeding a in object settings set treshold.
missing on-board power supplyWill be triggered, if the box is losing its on-board power supply, for example because the battery is low.
regain of on-board power supplyWill be triggered, if the box regains its on-board power supply.
YellowPad alarmWill be triggered, if a as alarm set button on the YellowPad is pressed.
telemetry messageWill be triggered, if a telemetry input sends a message about a specific status change.
area messageWill be triggered, if the vehicle enters or leaves a specific area.
wrong trailerWill be triggered, if the workflow of the tour notices that the vehicle is connected to another trailer than stated in the tour.
You need to have unlocked tour management  to use this. Then you are able to create workflows which include the condition "trailer check". If this kind of workflow notices that the wrong trailer is connected, it will trigger this alarm.

Alarms about not eventuating events

missing location messageWill be triggered, if during a set time range no location message was registered in the portal.
invalid GPSWill be triggered, if during a set time range no valid GPS signal was registered.
missing telemetry messageWill be triggered, if during a set time range a defined status change of a specific telemetry input was not registered.
missing area messageWill be triggered, if during a set time range the vehicle did not enter a specific area.

Alarm events

In alarm events you can display past, but also open alarms. By using different filter options you are able to research events.
The menu on the top offers the following functions:

reload.pngReloadreloads the table data
icon_delete.pngdelete selecteddeletes all selected events
activate_selected_alarm.pngconfirm delectedconfirms all selected events

In the table you can see all available alarm events. By default the events of the last 2 month are displayed. By using the filter menu you can filter by a specific car, another timerange, a specific alarm profile or the status of the event. Furthermore you can use the free text search to look for buzz words.
For a single alarm event you can also see the time it was triggered, the triggering vehicle, the corresponding alarm profile, the history and status. The history might be expandable by clicking on  empty_arrow_down.png. On top the action menu offers the following functions:

image2020-7-3_8-7-27.pngshow event detailsshows the details of the event in a separate pop-up
image2020-7-3_8-7-31.pngshow profile detailsshows the details of the corresponding alarm profile in a separate pop-up
image2020-7-3_8-7-43.pngshow on mapshow the position of the vehicle at the time the event was triggered (not always available)
image2020-7-3_8-7-58.pngdelete alarm eventdeletes this event
image2020-7-3_8-12-34.pngconfirm alarm eventonly for open events: confirms this event

If you open the pop-up for event details you have also the possibility to export this event as PDF.
To use the actions for deleting and confirming events, you have to have at least the portal right alarm manager confirm.  
Alarm events will be deleted automatically after 180 days.

Alarm profiles

In alarm profiles you can administrate your individual alarm profiles.
You are able to display the profiles in two views: profile based or vehicle based.
In profile-based view the profile is leading in the table. You can see at first glance, which vehicles were assigned to a profile, which message type is selected and if the profile is currently active. On top the action menu offers the following functions:

image2020-7-3_8-18-3.pngedit alarm profileopens the editor for this profile
image2020-7-3_8-18-33.pngshow detailsshows the details of this alarm profile in a separate pop-up
image2020-7-3_8-19-8.png(de-)activate alarm profilebased on the current status you can change it here
image2020-7-3_8-20-32.pngdelete alarm profiledeletes this profile including all assignments and events

To use the functions delete, (de-)activate and edit, you have to have at least the portal right alarm manager edit.

In vehicle-based view the vehicle is in focus. Here you can easily see, which profiles are assigned to a specific vehicle and if they are active. Please notice that profiles can only be (de-)activated globally. The status of a profile is the same on every vehicle. The action menu on the right also offers the following functions:

image2020-7-3_8-22-55.pngedit assignmentsShows all current assignments in a pop-up. You can edit or delete them.
image2020-7-3_8-19-8.pngcopy assignmentscopy all assignments of a vehicle to another
Attention: the old assignments of this vehicle will be overwritten!
image2020-7-3_8-20-32.pngdelete assignmentsdeletes all assignments of this car

To administrate assignments, you have to have at least the portal right alarm manager edit.
By using the menu on the top you also have the following functions available:

reload.pngreloadreload table data
new_alarm.pngcreate new alarm profileopens the assistent to create a new alarm profile
deactivate_selected_alarm.pngdeactivate selected alarm profiles all selected profiles will be set to inactive
activate_selected_alarm.pngactivate selected alarm profiles all selected profiles will be set to active

Besides reload, these functions are only available, if you have the portal right alarm manager edit.

Create new alarm

To create a new alarm profile, click on the corresponding icon on the top of alarm profile view. A new dialog will open. This function is only available, if you have the portal right alarm manager edit.

Step 1: Set message type

In first step you will be asked to set a name for your new alarm profile and choose a message type. You have to choose first if you want to create an eventuating or not-eventuating alarm. Afterwards all available message types will be displayed. Please notice, that you can only choose from message types which are compatible with your fleet. You can only choose one message type per alarm profile.

Choose area

If you have chosen an area alarm, you will be asked to choose an area next. You can choose either all areas or only one specific area. We distinct by box-based und server-based areas. Server-based areas are marked with (server) behind their name. These areas are compatible with all boxes which deliver GPS values. Box-based areas are not supported by all boxes.
Both area types must be assigned to a vehicle first, before an alarm can be triggered. If you have chosen a single area, the dialog will do this for you after you have chosen the vehicles in step 3. If you have chosen all area you will only get a hint to do this by yourself. This is because there are restrictions in assigning areas to vehicles. Based on the boxtype only a specific amount of box-based areas can be assigned. Server-based areas can be assigned without limits.

Choose telemetry input

If you have chosen a telemetry alarm, you will be asked to choose telemetry inputs next. You can decide for each input from 1 to 7 if it is relevant or not and if you want to notice the input getting active, inactive or both. After you have chosen an input from the dropdown, you can check by clicking on show vehicles with input[ x ] which vehicles are using this input and how it is named there.

Step 2: Set alarm time

In the next step you can set when you alarm profile should be active. 
If you are creating an eventuating alarm, you can set the time spans per day. Decide first which days are relevant at all by clicking the checkbox on the left. Afterwards you can set the time span. You can either create a single time span (like from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m.) or a splitted time range (like from 12 a.m. to 3 a.m. and 10 p.m. to 12 p.m.). Splitted time spans always have to start at 12 a.m. and end at 12 p.m. To change the mode click on image2020-7-3_8-40-51.png right next to the time slider.

If you have chosen a not-eventuating alarm, you only have to set the evaluation time. You can also choose on which days the alarm should be evaluated. You can set the time for each day separately. Afterwards you need to choose a time span which should be evaluated retrospectively from your set time. This time span is the same for each day of the week.

Step 3: Choose vehicles

In this step you can choose which vehicles should be assigned to the profile initially. You change this setting later on, so you might skip it now. 
All vehicles will be displayed. Vehicles which are disabled are not compatible to your chosen profile configuration and can therefore not be selected.
If you have chosen an area alarm for a box-based area, vehicles which are not assigned to this area, but also do not have space for more areas, are also disabled.
If you have chosen a telemetry alarm, after each vehicle the input names will be displayed.

After confirming your selection, you configuration will be evaluated. If you have chosen an area alarm for a single area, it has to be assigned to the vehicles at this point. For a telemetry alarm it will be checked, if all chosen vehicles use all chosen telemetry inputs or only a few. You might get a hint if not all inputs are used. You can skip these cars or assign nevertheless.

Step 4: Notifications

In the step notifications you can set how you want to be informed in case of a triggered alarm event.
A triggered event will be displayed in the portal by default. Furthermore you can decide if you want to get a mail and/or a sms. Mark your desired options by clicking the checkboxes on the left. Afterwards you need to enter your contact infos and a message text. You can set 3 recipients per option on max. Please notice that sms will produce additional costs!
In second part of settings for notifications you are able to set more details. A triggered alarm event can be renewed periodically during the first 24 hours. After these the alarm will still remain open in the portal, but you will not get new messages. Alternatively you can quit the alarm by default right after triggering. This will also set it to confirmed.
Furthermore you can decide, if the alarm should only be triggered if the GPS signal has a minimum quality. This might be useful for area alarms. Due to your vehicle being in a tunnel or a hangar, the position message might drift - this could lead to an alarm being triggered to early.
On top of that you can decide if your alarm should only be active inside or outside of an area. If you are already creating an area alarm, this settings has not many use cases. But you could for example model a crossing between two areas or exclude a smaller area with two overlapping areas.


By clicking on Save and End your profile will be saved and the selected vehicle assignments will be created. You have the possibility to reload the dialog afterwards to create a new alarm profile or close it.


Here you can manage your settings regarding the alarm profile and alarm event view.
For both modules you can set, how many rows should be displayed on module start. Confirm your selection by clicking save.