Address book

Last modified by YellowFox_RD on 2025/01/23 10:58

Table of Contents

The address book should be used to schon an overview al the currently existing addresses.

List elements

Each address book record is represented by a single row. It uses the following columns:

1.checkbox.PNGcheck boxHere you can select all addresses for an action. This column is only visible if the user have the rights to edit addresses.
2.image2015-10-8%2015%3A58%3A25.pngcontacts stateShown if contacts are avialable the symbol. On click it opens the list of contacts below the address row.
3. nameThe address name. On click it also opens the list of contacts below the address row. The displayed name is an combination of address field values for Name 1 and Name 2. Name 2 ist only used if its not empty and not equal to Name 1!
4. groupsThe names of all groups where the address is assigned to. If more than one group is defined, the other groups are hidden, but can be easy shown by clicking at the image2015-10-8%2013%3A16%3A32.png Button
5. ZIPThe address ZIP code.
6. cityThe address city name.
7. street, house numberThe address street an house number..
8. e-mail addressThe primary address e-mail address.
9. actionsAll actions in relation to the address.

The amount of addresses to be displayed can selected/limited at the left top corner from address list. Avialable values are: 10, 25, 50 und 100. The portal saves you're last used setting for next calls.

Address Actions

Main actions

All main actions (excluding "Reload") are used with all addresses selected/marked by the check box.

image2015-10-8%2015%3A45%3A2.pngReload: Reload the address list.
image2015-10-8%2015%3A45%3A11.pngCreate a new address: This button is only avialable if the user have the 'edit' right for address management. Description to create & edit addresses
image2015-10-8%2015%3A45%3A18.pngAssign to groups: All currently selected addresses should be assigned to one or more address groups. Here no consideration of existing links will be taken to address groups and existing links will not be removed. The groups will only been added to addresses without an existing relation to the address.This button is only avialable if the user have the 'edit' right for address management.
image2015-10-8%2015%3A45%3A36.pngDelete adresses: All currently selected addresses should be deleted. The associated  security question "Do you really want to delete..." can not be disabled. This button is only avialable if the user have the 'edit' right for address management.

Single actions

Single actions only depends to a single address record.

image2015-10-8%2013%3A22%3A0.pngEdit address: Opens the address editor for current address. This action is only usable if the user have the 'edit' portal right for address management! Description for create & edit addresses
image2015-10-8%2013%3A22%3A11.pngShow address details: Show all address depending details.
image2015-10-8%2013%3A22%3A23.pngAdd contact: Adds a new contact to current address. This action is only usable if the user have the 'edit' portal right for address management!
image2015-10-8%2013%3A22%3A39.pngShow address at map: Shows the address location at map. This aktion is only usable if it is configured for showing in map.

Filter addresses

You can filter address list items by different, combinable filters.
 For it you can use the following filters:

  • Filtering by first character:
    The bar with the letters A-Z and # you can filter for addresses with an name 1, stating with the selected letter (A-Z) or number (#). The letters A, O, U will also match for german umlauts Ä, Ö und Ü.
  • Group filter:
    You can filter for addresses without an group or for addresses that are a member for an specific group.
  • Search word filter:
    You can write a free search string to "search" address input. It will start an search inside all adress data and also inside the contacts data.

Each address filter can be combined with each other address filter.

Sort addresses

You can change the sorting of address list addresses.
You can select one of the columns "name", "ZIP", "city" or "street + house number" by clicking the required table header.
If its always selected for sorting all following clicks on column header switches the sorting direction.

Export addresses

Addresses can be exported with contacts in PDF, Excel or CSV format. In each case the selected area will be exported.

Address detail view

Here you can get all details of an address. It includes all address record data, an address location map view and a list of all address depending contacts.
Each of the 3 parts can be accessed by its own tabulator. The "map" tabulatar can only been shown if the address have enabled its "show on map" flag.