Object Positions

Last modified by YellowFox_RD on 2025/01/16 12:51

Table of Contents

On this page you will get an overview of the position messages of an object.

Vehicle- & group selection

  • Select the car/group from the select box or
  • insert a search string into input field of opened selection box for searching cars and/or groups.

Position list

In the positions list you will receive information about the location of a selected single vehicle or the last information about the vehicles of a selected group

Vehicle position list

The shown messages are grouped by date. Newest messages will be on top.
Each position record contains the following information:

  • date, time, weekday,
  • message reason,
  • position as text
  • driver (column is only visible if a driver is defined)
  • mileage (column is only visible if the box supports it)
  • position message depending actions

If the position message is marked with an asterisk, this means that the gps-signal at the moment of locating was not good enough to get a precise position.

Group positition list

The group position list is always shown if a group is selected. It shows the current last position message of each vehicle that is a part of the group. 
Each displayed position record contains the basic Information as the vehicle position list, although that optional columns are not visible.

Display time range

The max. shown time range of position messages starts with the current date time and reaches a maximum of 2 months in the past. The time range can not be changed.

Main Actions

If vehicle depending position messages are shown, different global actions are available.
They are shown at the right top, above the position list table.
By clicking on the arrow of the dropdown box, a menu will be shown/hidden that contains different actions.

image2016-5-10%2013%3A3%3A12.pngGeneral Actions
image2016-5-10%2013%3A9%3A3.pngReload Position listTriggers a reload of the complete position list for current selection.image2016-5-10%2013%3A18%3A45.pngOne time positioningInitiates an onetime location of this vehicle.
image2016-5-10%2013%3A5%3A50.pngChange/Switch Actions
image2016-5-10%2013%3A15%3A59.pngLiveTrackerShow the current vehicle LiveTracker as a pop-up.image2016-5-10%2013%3A16%3A18.pngVehicle settingsSwitches to vehicle settings of current vehicleimage2016-5-10%2013%3A16%3A39.pngResearch assistantSwitches to research assistant with pre-selection of current vehicle.
image2016-5-10%2013%3A6%3A54.pngFilter & column configuration
show searchHere you can set extended search criteria. (see below)image2016-5-10%2013%3A31%3A9.pngEdit filtersOpens the dialog for filter configuration. Here you can select the types of the messages that should be displayed by position list.image2016-5-10%2013%3A31%3A49.pngColumn visibilityOpens the dialog for column visibility configuration. Here you can configure the optional position list columns that should be displayed:
  • Telemetry without name: Shows only the telemetry symbols.
  • Telemetry with name: Shows the telemetry symbols with associated input names.
  • Battery status: Shows the battery status (in percent) if available for the box.
  • Operating hours counter 1
  • Operating hours counter 2
  • Ground speed
Show ??? elementsHere you can select, how many position messages should be shown at a single page. If the browser session has expired
the predefined value "number of items in position list" from Administration > Portal Settings > Settings is used.

Message depending actions

Each position message has the following associated actions:

image2016-5-11%208%3A26%3A47.pngShow position at mapShows the location of current position message at map if it has a valid useable GPS signal and is not a private drive.
image2016-5-11%208%3A27%3A6.pngShow detailsShows details of the position message. See here
image2016-5-11%208%3A27%3A31.pngEdit/create addressCreate a new address from position message, or edit the address if the location already points to a known address.
This functionality is only available if you currently have the rights to edit/create an address. Furthermore the position
message must define a valid known location (GPS Signal) and be not part of a private drive.
image2016-5-11%208%3A29%3A14.pngComment/remark editorEach position message can declare a comment or remark text. This text is also used by logbook as driving purpose.
image2016-5-11%208%3A30%3A7.pngFuel data editorEach "IGNITION OFF" position message can define a refuel action. You must declare the amount of fueled liters
and the payed money. A tankstop can contain information about fuel and/or AdBlue. Optional a fuel card can be defined. The available fuel cards can be defined
by Administration > Display > Fuel cards

In addition the position is also displayed at map if you click on the position text.


The detailed view shows you all available position message informations. They are separated into different main areas, displayed by tabulators:
The following main areas can be shown:


All general data without an specific other meaning: 

  • Message date
  • Mileage
  • Speed/velocity
  • Telemetry Inputs
  • GPS quality
  • GPS position
  • Processing date
  • Messages
  • Orders
  • Tours

Messages, Orders and Tours

For messages, orders and tours, you can furthermore access the corresponding linked messages, orders and tours.


All data depending to an FMS/CAN message. This area is only shown, if the message contains the required data.
The following information are available:

  • cruise control on/off
  • PTO on/off
  • engine speed
  • Speed
  • number of clutch entered
  • number of break entered
  • overspeed warning
  • accelerator position
  • axle load
  • fuel level in %
  • cooling water temperature
  • total fuel used

The single parts are only shown if the object/vehicle sends the required info. 

Temperature data

If an box sends anlog or EuroScan/Thermoking data, they are displayed inside this tab.

Fuel data editor

Here you can declare Information about refueling, depending to the specific position message.
Each "IGNITION OFF" signal message can contain this optional fuel info. You have to declare the fuel liters, the fuel price and optionally
an used fuel card. A tankstop can contain information about fuel and/or AdBlue. Fuel cards can be declared via Administration > Display > Fuel Cards.

Remark/comment text editor

You can define a comment or remark text for each position message. This is used as drive reason, for example by logbook.


Here all information about locating are shown:

  • Time interval on/off
  • Distance interval on/off
  • Course change on/off
  • overspeed warning on/off
  • idle on/off 

Digitacho data

If the position message is a digitacho message these information are shown:

  • Position message date
  • digitacho message date
  • the associated driver (driver 1 or driver 2)
  • Driver key

Raw data

The raw data view shows only the raw position message data string.

Position list filter

With the filters you can define the types of data, that should be displayed inside the position list.
The following filters are available:

  • Telemetry messages
  • Status messages
  • Configuration messages
  • FMS/CAN messages
  • digitacho message
  • area messages
  • all other messages

All filters can be combined freely, but at least one filter must be selected. 

Extended search criteria

You have the possibility to extend your search by further, optional parameters. Click on show search to do so.

Time range

By default you will see the messages of the last 2 months. You can adjust your selection by using fast selection or setting a start and end date manually. These have to be within the last 2 years and shall not be more than 2 months apart.


By using address search you can search within a given radius of an adress. Set your desired coordinates first. You can do this by using the map view or address book. To enter an address manually, you need to open the map view as well. Here you can use the search field. Click on set to apply your selected address to the map. Afterwards you can go back to position search by clicking on use selected position. To choose an address from address book just click on the desired row.
Via search radius you can set within which area you want to search. It can be between 50 and 5000 m and needs to be set in 50 steps. You can edit it by using slider, the input field or adjusting it directly in map view. If you do not set an address, it will not affect your search.
You can change the address as often as you want. To delete the address filter from your search, click on the red cross on the right side.
Please note that private drives might be hidden while using address filter depending on your company settings.