Changes for page Objektverwaltung

Last modified by YellowFox_RD on 2025/03/05 10:52

From version 3.1
edited by YellowFox_RD
on 2025/03/05 10:52
Change comment: There is no comment for this version
To version 2.1
edited by Dominic Lippmann
on 2025/03/05 10:52
Change comment: There is no comment for this version



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1 1  (% class="box" %)
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3 -Table of Contents
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2 +(((Table of Contents)))
6 6  {{toc/}}
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8 -The item management contains items and inventories, which does not have own locating hardware, but should be display on maps. This could be container, construction equipments, aso.
9 -
5 +The item management contains items and inventories, which does not have own locating hardware, but should be display on maps. This could be container, construction equipments, aso. 
10 10  = Overview =
11 -
12 12  == What do i use the item management for? ==
13 -
14 14  In the module "Item management" you can access your items and group them. Furthermore you can get an overview about the history, or the whole "life" of your items, you can add entries or revise them. Under the tab profiles you organize the structur of your items.
15 15  Users having access to the item management on their displays, can change there item data (if these are marked as changeable). For instance a driver can set the status "loaded" and it will be send to the Yellowfox portal and all other displays with enabled item management.
16 -
17 17  == Common basics of the module ==
18 -
19 19  Items where described with profils. These contains fields of different data types, which can be set with values. These profiles are grouped and maintained in profile classes. The profile class "object types" is a special one, with the highest priority. 
20 20  Neither in profile definition nor in assigning to profile classes are restricted. You are free to set it up to your own ideas or business cases.
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22 22  == Requirements ==
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24 24  The access to item management can be booked as option. From this point of time on you can grant access to item management and to activities to each of your users in several right levels.
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26 26  = Functions of Item management =
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28 28  == Item Management ==
29 -
30 30  The Item management lists all the items of your company in a table. You can search and filter this list by items, item groups or assigned profiles.
31 -
32 32  |=(% colspan="3" %)Buttons:
33 33  |[[image:reload.png]]|//Reload table//|reload the table and refresh the contents
34 34  |[[image:newInventory.png]]|//Create new item//|opens the assistent guides you throug all steps to create a new item
... ... @@ -36,29 +36,19 @@
36 36  |[[image:multiInventoryDel.png]]|//Delete selected items//|deletes all selected items
37 37  
38 38  === Create new item ===
39 -
40 40  To create an item, at least one unique name must be defined. In addition, an item can also be connected directly to a NFC tag or a Bluetooth beacon. To do this, either the ID of the NFC tag or the MAC address on the beacon must be entered.
41 -Such an item always uses the standard profile. This ensures that the item can always be displayed on the map. You can also change the profile at any time later and assign several profiles with different data.
42 -
26 +Such an item always uses the standard profile. This ensures that the item can always be displayed on the map. You can also change the profile at any time later and assign several profiles with different data. 
43 43  === Inspect item ===
44 -
45 45  With this function you can get an overwiew about all data of this item. Furthermore you can see the latest location on map, if it is set and switch to edit mode directly. About the tab activities you can see the latest 15 activities of this item and switch to activity enquiries from there.
46 -
47 47  === Edit item ===
48 -
49 49  The edit function allows you to add to or correct all item data. The profiles containing the item properties can also be changed.
50 50  Please note: This function is primarily intended for correcting master data (e.g. size, weight, color, ...). If a new position or status is assigned to an item in this way, there is no driver assignment who set this value.
51 51  Copy item
52 52  With this function you can create a new item as a copy of the selected one.
53 -
54 54  === Delete item ===
55 -
56 56  You can delete an item. It's activities stay untouched and are not deleted.
57 -
58 58  == Item groups ==
59 -
60 60  Item groups are used to organize your items by building logical units or groups. One item can be member of several groups, as a regional group "East", as well as a data driven group "red container". The table item objects list all your groups and the assigned items. You can filter this list by group names or group members, means items.
61 -
62 62  |=(% colspan="3" %)Buttons:
63 63  |[[image:reload.png]]|//Reload table//|reload the table and refresh the contents
64 64  |[[image:newGroup.png]]|//Create new item group//|opens a window there you can setup a new group and already assign member items
... ... @@ -65,139 +65,87 @@
65 65  |[[image:multiGroupDel.png]]|//Delete selected item groups//|all selected groups are being deleted
66 66  
67 67  === Edit group ===
68 -
69 69  You can change the name of the group and add or remove member items
70 -
71 71  === Delete group ===
72 -
73 73  This function is used to delete a item group. If this group has still member items you can remove this assignment or add all these items as members of another group. All other assignments of groups and items stay untouched.
74 -
75 75  == Acitivities ==
76 -
77 77  At this page you get an overview about all the acitvities of your items. You can literally view there whole "life". Please be aware that just entries are listed, which have changes in data related to activitiy data. This means changes in standing data does not influence this list. The icons of each activity shows the current state according to the profile and item configuration. When the entry is created by an order, these is linked too and you can view all order data from there.
78 78  Activities written in //italic //font mark the most current activitiy entry of each item, additionally the duration is starting with the word "since ..".
79 -
80 80  |=(% colspan="3" %)Buttons:
81 81  |[[image:LadeDaten.png]]|Load Data|trigger reload of table, after you changed filter or you want to reload
82 82  |[[image:Spaltenkonfiguration.png]]|Configure table columns|You can configure your table and show or hide columns according to your needs
83 83  
84 84  === Filter ===
85 -
86 86  ==== Time Range ====
87 -
88 88  You can filter your data by using preset data ranges, for instance to view the last 7 days. In addition you can choose your own range by using the calender fields. The first calender date is the date when you start using item management, in maximum 2 years back. The latest usable date is today.
89 -
90 90  ==== Report By ====
91 -
92 92  You can filter your entries by vehicles, drivers and items. These filter are adding each other. This means, if you choose vehicle A and driver B you will get all activities send by driver B while using vehicle A.
93 -
94 94  ==== Item field ====
95 -
96 96  You can filter by specific data of your items. First you choose a profile or item type. Then you get a list of datatypes belonging to them and according to this one, you choose your filter criteria. For a numeric field it could be "<", "<=", "=", ">=" oder ">". In this way you can filter by all items having the color "red" (if there is a detail "color", and you are using it).
97 -
98 98  ==== Load data ====
99 -
100 100  This button triggers the reload of your table using the filter criteria you setup.
101 -
102 102  === Create new activity ===
103 -
104 104  You can create new activities for your items. In this way you can setup entries, if setting it from display failed or has been forgotten to set by driver. The first possible date depends on date of creation of the item in the portal. You also can set up a driver and a vehicle, to assign them to this activity. 
105 105  If you used the item filter above, the item field is already filled. Otherwise you can choose it from the list. As soon you choose the date for the activity the item details are loaded and already set with the data are valid to this point of time. So you keep all data and change only the necessary one.
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107 107  === Acitivity related actions ===
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109 109  ==== Show on map ====
110 -
111 111  If there are location data available for this activity, you can show it on the map.
112 -
113 113  ==== Edit activity ====
114 -
115 115  You can edit or revise activities. A Revised activity is no new activities, it just replace the revised one. So you can adjust wrong timestamps from display or wrong bookings.
116 -
117 117  ==== Delete activitiy ====
118 -
119 119  Deletes this activity
120 -
121 121  ==== Show order details ====
122 -
123 123  If an activity is linked to an order, and data are booked in relation to this, you can get an overview about the order here and all bookings according to it.
124 -
125 125  ==== Show history ====
126 -
127 127  The history contains all changes and revisions to an item entry. It should answer the question: Who set this entry, at what time?"
128 -
129 -== Profiles & Profile groups ==
130 -
77 +== Profiles & Profile groups ==
131 131  Profile groups are at Yellowfox the highest level in item hierarchie. They define what a profile is used for, There is already the group "item types", grouping all profiles which describe item types as "container", "construction machines" or "vehicles". Furthermore there are the profile groups for additions. These can be splitted in several logical groups. You refind this order in the item editor, where each group is shown in an own page.
132 132  Profiles are the basic structur of your items. In profiles you define the data, representing your item. Each profile can contain as much detail fields as you need. These can be of different data types. Currently following types are possible:
133 -
134 134  |=Data type|=Content|=Options|=Example
135 -|List|a list of values| |state -> "Loaded", "Set up", "Ready for loading"
136 -|Yes/No|boolean values| |Full -> "Yes", "No"
137 -|Text|free text| |checked by -> "F. Smith"
81 +|List|a list of values||state -> "Loaded", "Set up", "Ready for loading"
82 +|Yes/No|boolean values||Full -> "Yes", "No"
83 +|Text|free text||checked by -> "F. Smith"
138 138  |Integer|integer (no floating points)|data unit|weight -> "5", unit -> "lb"
139 139  |Floating point|floating point with up to 4 decimal places|data unit, decimal places|weight -> "5.5", unit -> "lb", decimals -> "3"
140 -|Date|date| |next check -> "01.06.2018"
141 -|Time|time| |pause to -> "13:00"
142 -|Date/Time|date and time| |last check -> "01.06.2018 16:24"
86 +|Date|date||next check -> "01.06.2018"
87 +|Time|time||pause to -> "13:00"
88 +|Date/Time|date and time||last check -> "01.06.2018 16:24"
143 143  
144 144  === Profile groups ===
145 -
146 146  On this page you can get an overwiew about all your group levels, profile groups and the assigned profiles, as well as the amount of items using the profile.
147 -
148 148  |=(% colspan="3" %)Buttons:
149 149  |[[image:newProfileGroup.png]]|New profile group|create a new profile group
150 150  |[[image:reorderProfileGroup.png]]|Reorder profile groups|change the order of your profile groups
151 151  
152 152  ==== New profile group ====
153 -
154 154  You can create new profile groups, by giving an unique description and defining a group level. You can choose between setting it to a new level or add it to an existing one, for instance "item types". In the table below you see the current order within this level and can reorder by drag and drop the symbol. Your current group is highlighted in "**black**".
155 -
156 156  ==== Reorder profile groups ====
157 -
158 158  With this function you can change the order of all your groups and move them between levels.
159 -
160 160  ==== Edit profile group ====
161 -
162 162  You can use this function to change the group name or move it to another level. In the table below you see the current order within this level and can reorder by drag and drop the symbol. Your current group is highlighted in "**black**".
163 -
164 164  ==== Delete profile group ====
165 -
166 166  If your group still contains profiles you can move them to another one before deleting the group. Deleting a profile group cannot be undone.
167 -
168 168  === Profiles ===
169 -
170 170  On this page you get an overview about all your profiles and the assigned items.
171 -
172 172  |=(% colspan="3" %)Buttons:
173 173  |[[image:newProfile.png]]|Create new profile|create a new profile
174 174  |[[image:reorderProfiles.png]]|Reorder profiles|change the order of the profiles within there groups
175 175  
176 176  ==== Create new profile ====
177 -
178 178  An assistent guides you through all steps for creating a new profiles. Common data as description and profile data are recorded. Furthermore you define your details, by setting an description and a data type.
179 179  According to this, there are additional data necessary you have to set:
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181 181  (((
182 182  * Mandantory: These data have to be set for each item
183 183  * Standing data: Standing data means these data changes almost never, for instance a weight of an item or the color. If you want to change these data, you enter the item editor. On the opposite there are fields generating activities. Usually these are fields as states or (fluid) levels. Each data change of this data is a new activity. You can change these fields in the item editor too, for instance when creating a new item. In this case the current timestamp is used.
184 -* Show on display: Maybe you don't want to share financial data from your "lean" profile. Only fields with this flag will be send to display. If you set this flag at no detail in each profile, the whole item is not displayed there.
116 +* Show on display: Maybe you don't want to share financial data from your "lean" profile. Only fields with this flag will be send to display. If you set this flag at no detail in each profile, the whole item is not displayed there.
185 185  If the options standing data and show on display are set, you can see them, but not change them there.
186 186  )))
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188 188  ==== Reorder profiles ====
189 -
190 190  You can reorder your profiles and order them by relevance. These order is used in item editor for instance. With this function you also can move profiles to another profile group.
191 -
192 192  ==== Edit profiles ====
193 -
194 194  In the profile editor you are guided step by step and can change, delete or revise all data and details of your profile. Data types of already existing details cannot be changed.
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196 196  ==== Move items ====
197 -
198 198  The move items function allows to move all items to another profile. You choose your target and all details of it are loaded. If the target field has the same data type, you can choose which data you want to move to which field in the new profile. 
199 199  If you have mapped everything you can move all items to the new profile.
200 -
201 201  ==== Delete profiles ====
202 -
203 203  With this function you can delete profiles. If there are still items assigned or using this profile you can move them to a new one in the next step, similiar to the function "Move items"