Wiki source code of Kennzahlen

Last modified by YellowFox_RD on 2025/03/06 13:52

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YellowFox_RD 1.1 1 (% class="box" %)
Dominic Lippmann 2.1 2 (((
Dominic Lippmann 9.1 3 Table of Contents
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YellowFox_RD 1.1 6 {{toc/}}
Dominic Lippmann 9.1 8 Metrics give you the opportunity to see all important information and data right after login.
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Dominic Lippmann 9.1 11 = Available metrics =
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Dominic Lippmann 9.1 13 YellowFox offers a huge amount of different metrics. Please notice that metrics depend on unlocked modules, portal- as well as vehicle rights. It might be that you will not see all the listed metrics.
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Dominic Lippmann 9.1 15 |=group|=metric|=description
16 |Alarms|Unconfirmed alerts|Number of alarms from alarm manager which have not been confirmed yet.
17 //For this metric you need at least the portal right "see" for the alarm manager.//
18 |(% rowspan="18" %)Tacho Infringements|Digitacho open instructions|Number of violations which are not part of an instruction protocoll yet.
19 //For this metric you need at least the portal right "see" for personnel and digitacho data. Your company needs the activated tacho archive.//
20 |Digitacho printed instructions|Number of violations which are already part of an instruction protocoll.
21 //For this metric you need at least the portal right "see" for personnel and digitacho data. Your company needs the activated tacho archive.//
22 |Sum MI severities|(% rowspan="8" %)These metrics sum up your drivers tacho violations according to EU VO 2016/403.(((
23 * MI: minor infringement
24 * SI: serious infringement
25 * VSI: very serious infringement
26 * MSI: most serious infringement
27 )))//For these metrics you need at least the portal right "see" for personnel and digitacho data. Your company needs the activated tacho archive.//
28 |Sum SI severities
29 |Sum VSI severities
30 |Sum MSI severities
31 |Average MI severities
32 |Average SI severities
33 |Average VSI severities
34 |Average MSI severities
35 |Digitacho overspeeding|(% rowspan="7" %)These metrics handle actvities which were submitted by your vehicles tacho.
36 //For these metrics you need at least the portal right "see" for digitacho data. Your company needs the activated tacho archive.//
37 |Digitacho card usage errors
38 |Digitacho faults
39 |Digitacho out of scope
40 |Digitacho ITS rejections
41 |Upcoming digitacho checks
42 |Digitacho security breach attempts
43 |Amount of violations|The total count of violations of all drivers.
44 //For this metric you need at least the portal right "see" for personnel and digitacho data. Your company needs the activated tacho archive.//
45 |(% rowspan="12" %)Personnel|Amount drivers having infringements|Number of drivers with at least one violation.
46 //For this metric you need at least the portal right "see" for personnel and digitacho data. Your company needs the activated tacho archive.//
47 |Amount personnel|Number of persons you have access to.
48 //For this metric you need at least the portal right "see" for personnel data.//
49 |Personnel with driver card|(% rowspan="2" %)These metrics sum up your personnel based on the registered personnel keys.
50 //For this metric you need at least the portal right "see" for personnel data.//
51 |Personnel without driver card
52 |Speed warnings (drivers)|The number of all speed warnings for the selected drivers.
53 //For this metric you need at least the portal right "see" for personnel data.//
54 |Ø Fuel consumption (driver)|The average fuel consumption of all drivers per kilometre.
55 //For this metric you need at least the portal right "see" for personnel data. //
56 |Brake distance (driver)|(% rowspan="3" %)The total distance of the respective brake of all selected driver.
57 //For this metric you need at least the portal right "see" for personnel data. //
58 |Total brake distance (driver)
59 |Retarder distance (driver)
60 |Cruise control (driver)|The duration of cruise control use for all selected drivers.
61 //For this metric you need at least the portal right "see" for personnel data. //
62 |Cruise control utilisation (driver)|The average percentage of cruise control utilisation of all selected drivers in relation to driving time.
63 //For this metric you need at least the portal right "see" for personnel data. //
64 |Fuel consumption (driver)|For these key figures, you need at least the ‘see’ right for personal data.
65 Fuel consumption (driver)
66 //For this metric you need at least the portal right "see" for personnel data. //
67 |(% rowspan="10" %)Penalty fees|Driver fines (total)|(% rowspan="8" %)These metrics handle the violations of your drivers and the fees resulting of them. You can view them as a total sum or split them by the type of violation.
68 //For these metrics you need at least the portal right "see" for personnel and digitacho data. Your company needs the activated tacho archive.//
69 |Company fines (total)
70 |Fee drivers steer time violations
71 |Fee company steer time violations
72 |Fee drivers work time violations
73 |Fee company work time violations
74 |Fee drivers idle time violations
75 |Fee company idle time violations
76 |Fee drivers other violations
77 |Fee company other violations
78 |(% rowspan="4" %)Tacho Download|Vehicles without digitacho download|(% rowspan="2" %)Number of vehicles/drivers which did not submit a mass storage file since 10 days.
79 //For this metric you need at least the portal right "see" for digitacho data. Your company needs the activated tacho archive.//
80 |Drivers without digitacho download
81 |Vehicles reached digitacho download deadline|(% rowspan="2" %)Mass storage files need to be archived regularly. These metrics warn you when the next deadline is due.
82 //For this metric you need at least the portal right "see" for digitacho data. Your company needs the activated tacho archive.//
83 |Drivers reached digitacho download deadline
84 |(% rowspan="28" %)Vehicles|Vehicles missing company lock|Number of vehicles which never had a company lock according to their tacho or where the last lock did expire.
85 //For this metric you need at least the portal right "see" for digitacho data. Your company needs the activated tacho archive.//
86 |Amount vehicles|Number of vehicles you have access to.
87 |Vehicles having telemetry input on/off|Number of vehicles which use or do not use a specific a telemetry input right now. You can choose the input, it coul e.g. be the ignition.
88 |Vehicles towing a trailer|(% rowspan="2" %)Number of vehicles (not) connected to a trailer with YellowFox telematic right now.
89 //For this metric you need at least the portal right "see" for trailers. Furthermore you need access to at least one trailer.//
90 |Vehicles without a trailer
91 |Unattached trailers|Number of vehicles registered as trailer which are currently not connected to any vehicle.
92 //For this metric you need at least the portal right "see" for trailers. Furthermore you need access to at least one trailer.//
93 |Number of active auxiliary drive|Number of vehicles with active auxiliary drive from the vehicles selected for this metric for which you have the required rights.
94 |Number of drives|Number of all drives from the vehicles selected for this metric for which you have the required rights.
95 |Number of private drives|Number of all private drives from the vehicles selected for this metric for which you have the required right
96 |CO2 emission|Total CO2 emissions of the vehicles selected for this metric for which you have the required rights. This is based on the CO2 value stored in the vehicle-related settings in combination with the fuel consumed.
97 |Service distance achieved|Number of vehicles that have reached the set threshold value from the vehicles selected for this metric for which you have the required rights.
98 |Vehicles in motion|Number of vehicles in motion, from the vehicles selected for this metric, for which you have the required rights.
99 |Vehicles in idle|Number of vehicles in idle, from the vehicles selected for this metric to which you have the required rights.
100 |Vehicles with low fuel level 1|Number of vehicles that have reached the set threshold value for the fill level quantity, from the vehicles selected for this metric for which you have the required rights.
101 |Vehicles with low fuel level 2|Number of vehicles that have reached the set threshold value for the fill level quantity from the vehicles selected for this metric for which you have the required rights.
102 |Speed warnings|Number of speed alerts from the vehicles selected for this metric for which you have the required rights.
103 |Mileage|Total mileage from the vehicles selected for this metric for which you have the required rights.
104 |Engine operating hours|Total sum of engine operating hours from the vehicles selected for this metric for which you have the required rights.
105 |Low Adblue level|Number of vehicles that have reached the set threshold value from the vehicles selected for this metric for which you have the required rights.
106 |Low brake pressure circuit 1|Number of vehicles that have reached the set threshold value from the vehicles selected for this metric for which you have the required rights.
107 |Low brake pressure circuit 2|Number of vehicles that have reached the set threshold value from the vehicles selected for this metric for which you have the required rights.
108 |Average fuel consumption|Average fuel consumption per kilometre from the vehicles selected for this metric for which you have the required rights
109 |Brake distance|Total distance travelled by the service brake, from the vehicles selected for this metric for which you have the required rights.
110 |Total brake distance|Total distance travelled by the service brake and the retarder (both used simultaneously), from the vehicles selected for this metric for which you have the required rights.
111 |Retarder distance|Total distance travelled by the retarder, from the vehicles selected for this metric for which you have the required rights.
112 |Cruise control utilisation|The average percentage of cruise control utilisation of all selected vehicles in relation to the driving time for which you have the required rights.
113 |Cruise control|Total duration of cruise control from the vehicles selected for this metric for which you have the required rights.
114 |Fuel consumption|Total fuel consumption, from the vehicles selected for this metric for which you have the required rights.
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Dominic Lippmann 9.1 116 = Activate metrics =
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Dominic Lippmann 9.1 118 Metrics are displayed on your personal home page. To add metrics, you have to activate them first by going to //user settings → my yellowfox// via the main menu. Here you are able to alter the structure of your home page. To use metrics you have to choose them as a content. To edit the actual metrics, you have to switch back to your home page.
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Dominic Lippmann 9.1 120 == Configure metrics ==
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Dominic Lippmann 9.1 122 [[image:image2023-4-14_9-40-2.png||data-xwiki-image-style-alignment="end"]]
123 After activating metrics, you will see a set of default metrics on your home page. To edit them click on the 3 dots at top right of the widget and choose "edit metrics". The metrics will now be displayed in an edit mode. To save your changes you have to finish this mode by clicking on "save".
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Dominic Lippmann 9.1 125 == Move metrics ==
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Dominic Lippmann 9.1 127 While the edit mode is activated, you can move the metrics per drag and drop.
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Dominic Lippmann 9.1 129 == Remove metrics ==
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Dominic Lippmann 9.1 131 To remove a metric from your home page, click on the bin symbol in upper right corner of the metric while the edit mode is active.
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Dominic Lippmann 9.1 133 == Add and edit metrics ==
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Dominic Lippmann 9.1 135 To edit a metric, click on the gear symbol in upper right corner of the metric while the edit mode is activated. To add a new metric, there is an empty tile at the end of your metrics. Click on it to add a new tile or to choose from a draft.
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Dominic Lippmann 9.1 137 A new dialogue will open where you can adjust the settings of the tile. First choose its type. Afterwards you can set the name of the tile. It will be used for display on your home page. If you do not set a name, the default name will be used.
138 Depending on the type the available settings will differ. Some metrics depend on vehicles, others on trailers, tacho vehicles or persons. For all groups the rule is that all items you have rights on will be used if you do not select a specific one. You can restrict to specific items or even groups if you want to.
139 Depending on the metric you can choose e.g. a time range or telemetry inputs afterwards. Finally you can set the color of the tile. You might also add an lower or upper limit for which the color will change. This helps you to quickly see positive or negative changes in your data.
140 While editing a preview of your new metric is shown. Please notice that the displayed data in the preview is only example data and does not represent real data.
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Dominic Lippmann 9.1 142 Additionally YellowFox offers a range of pre-defined drafts. Click on "choose draft" to view them. Here you can choose the draft and view a preview. The preview uses example data as well. Click on "use" to add the metrics to your home page. Finish editing by clicking on "save" to keep your changes.
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Dominic Lippmann 9.1 144 = Metrics Forwarding =
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Dominic Lippmann 9.1 146 A metric allows you to go directly in a module in order to display the information within the metric.
147 This is simply available by clicking on the metric when you a not in the edit mode.
148 You are redirected to the appropriate module that shows you the entries belonging to the metric.
149 For instance your metric is "All Vehicles Having Ignition On" and the value is three.
150 You are redirected to fleetoverview and only the three vehicles having ignition "on" are displayed.
151 The module depends on the type of information.
152 The module you are redirected to then contains an information box indicating from which metric you are coming from.
153 It contains a back button allowing you to go back to the metrics dashboard.
154 [[image:metric_jump_example_en.jpg]]
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