Quick Search

Last modified by YellowFox_RD on 2025/01/16 12:51

Table of Contents

You may use the Quick search to find location messages, filtered by Types, Locations, Timeranges or Vehicles



The subtypes "positions", "objects", "date" and "message type" are connected by a logical "AND".

By Positions

A Search might reveal location data when a certain object was at a certain position.
If you search "by position", you could insert a postal address in the next step, and give diameter range for the search. by this you could check for all location messages created around "12345 Berlin", as example.
The function "use an address from the address book" searches by addresses out of the address database. If you would have inserted your customer addresses in YellowFox, you could determine how often a certain vehicle was at your customers location.
Please notice: in case your company is blocking private address data and location messaging, this type of search is not available.

By Objects

You could search by a single vehicle or more than one vehicle. Just tick the boxes in front of the objects you would like to include in your search.

By date

Specify which date range you would like to use for your search.

By message type

You could specify for which types of messages you would like to search for. There are "CAN and FMS messages", "position message due to telemetric event" and "position message from other source". 

CAN and FMS messages

As the name tells, this type of message was generated by the vehicles CAN or FMS bus.

Position message due to telemetric event

These type of messages was caused by one of the digital inputs of the tracking unit inside your vehicle. Typical messages could be "Ignition on" or "auxiliary off".

Position message from other source

All messages not covered by the first two categories are covered in this one. Typical messages could be "Location message after 1 kilometer", or "Geofence XY left".

Sort order

You will have to specify how you would like to sort the result of your search.

Result list

You can mark more one or more result lines, and show them on a map.
Therefore you could use the Mark-option in the Quickbar, or tick the box in front of each message you would like to show on the map. A click on the Map symbol opens the map..

The Quickbars buttons:
map.pngShow selected positions on a mapOpens the map showing all marked positions
mark.pngSelect position messageMarks/unmarks all positions with one click
back.pngBackBack to the search form
print.pngExportExport to Google Earth (KML) or PDF
settings.pngDisplay settingsAdapt Display settings
help.pngOpen helpOpens this help
quicklink.pngCreate Quicklink to this pageSets the Quick search as Quicklink