Wiki source code of Rechercheassistent

Last modified by YellowFox_RD on 2025/01/16 12:51

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YellowFox_RD 1.1 1 (% class="box" %)
Dominic Lippmann 2.1 2 (((Table of Contents)))
YellowFox_RD 1.1 3 {{toc/}}
Dominic Lippmann 2.1 5 By using the Search Assitant you may search the database for certain messages.
6 = Prerequisites =
7 The Assistant is available once you booked certain options. Please contact your sales team for more information.
8 = Functionality =
9 The search assistant restricts your view on the amount of data by applying restrictions/conditions to your view. Therefore you will be guided by 7 steps. You may jump directly to a certain step by using the option in the Quickbar, or just navigate from step to step by the available buttons.
10 == Step 1: Select Vehicles ==
11 You may chose between //all vehicles// or different Vehicle groups or vehicles, even combinations. Just tick the box in front of a vehicle or group, and click //next//.
12 == Step 2: Select time period ==
13 You can select the time range to search for messages, by using the fields //date (from-to)// and //time. //There is a calendar available as well. Just press //next// to get to the next step.
14 == Step 3: Limit by addresses ==
15 Please chose if you want to query the database for all addresses, or only for a restricted set of addresses. By this you could search for all messages at a certain address. You may select between addresses out of your address database, or type in a certain postal address to limit the query. So you could limit your search to addresses in a certain range around 12345 Berlin, as example. You could use this as well for finding all stops made by your vehicles at a certain customers address.
16 Please notice, this is not available if your YellowFox account is restricted by privacy rules.
17 Please click //next//.
18 == Step 4: Limit by types of messages ==
19 You can select only using a few out of all message types. Please click //next//.
20 == Step 5: Limit by state of ignition ==
21 You may limit the search result for messages where the ignition has a certain status, or even where the messages where caused by the ignitions status change. Please click //next//.
22 == Step 6: Limit by telematic status ==
23 If there are more than one telemetic input available, you may want to restrict the result by this status. If you search for messages caused by a certain input, you can do this only for one input at the same time. Please click //next//.
24 == Step 7: Limit by speed ==
25 If you want to see messages in your result only proceeding a certain speed level, you can do that in this step. Please click //next//.
26 == Step 8: Result ==
27 You will receive a table containing all messes which meet your criteria given in the 7 steps above.
28 You may view or export them for further processing, as example. Please use the functions out of the Quickbar.
29 |=(% colspan="3" %)Quickbar Buttons:
30 |[[image:map.png]]|Show the selected positions on a map|Does exactly this
31 |[[image:mark.png]]|Select position messages|Just mark / unmark positions for displaying them at the map
32 |[[image:previous.png]]|Back|One step back
33 |[[image:next.png]]|Next|One step forward
34 |[[image:reset.png]]|Delete / Reset|Reset the assistant and restart selecting your criteria
35 |[[image:profile.png]]|Report profiles|Call a Report Profile
36 |[[image:print.png]]|Print / Export|Print or Export your results
37 |[[image:settings.png]]|Display Settings|Adapt display settings
38 |[[image:help.png]]|Help|View this page here
39 |[[image:quicklink.png]]|Quicklink|Make a Quicklink
YellowFox_RD 1.1 40