Wiki source code of Multi Routenreport

Last modified by YellowFox_RD on 2025/01/16 12:51

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YellowFox_RD 1.1 1 (% class="box" %)
Dominic Lippmann 2.1 2 (((Table of Contents)))
YellowFox_RD 1.1 3 {{toc/}}
Dominic Lippmann 2.1 5 The multi route report provides the draw of multiple routes from different cars in one map.
6 This makes it easier to find crossing routings or badly optimized tours.
7 = Structure =
8 The headline contoins the navigation elements to open this comparison in a seperate window, to create a quicklink and to open the help.
9 The main element is the map with the routes.
10 On the right side you can see the settings for timerange and vehicles.
11 == Headline ==
12 |[[image:popup.png]]|Open/Close Popup|This will open the multi route report in a new window or reintegrates it in main window.
13 |[[image:export.png]]|Export data|Offers options to export the currently seen data to an pdf or kml file.
14 |[[image:quicklink_light.png]]|Create Quicklink|Here you can create a quicklink with current timerange and vehicles setting.
15 |[[image:help_light.png]]|Open help|Opens this page.
YellowFox_RD 1.1 16
Dominic Lippmann 2.1 17 == Map ==
18 The map uses the common toolbar too.
19 So here are the special options only:
20 |[[image:tb_autozoomOn.png]]|Autozoom On/Off|With autozoom deactivated, the displayed area always shows your defined view.
21 Otherwhise the viewport will be adjustet on every configuration change or if the timer initiates a reload.
22 |[[image:tb_eta_order_on.png]]|Show Navigation
23 Target/Orders|If there is set a navigation target, there will be shown a possible route from the current vehicle position to this target.
24 Without routing there will be just a straight line to the target.
25 If there are orders with a navigation target, this orders will be shown or hidden too.
YellowFox_RD 1.1 26
Dominic Lippmann 2.1 27 == Preselection ==
28 === Timerange ===
29 Besides the list of predefined time ranges you can also manually set your preferred range.
30 This global timerange may cover up to 7 days.
31 Exceeding this limit or selecting an enddate before the startdate will result in an error message and no route will be calculated.
32 Selecting one of the predefined timeranges as last x hours, this day, this calendar week will result in a self refreshing map similar to the live tracker.
33 Setting a global timerange will also affect the report box timeranges.
34 Each box allows a timerange up to 24 hours.
35 Setting a gloabl timerange within this limit will result in setting the same timerange in each report box.
36 Otherwhise the global timerange will be splitted to 24h timeranges per box.
37 For example: If the global timerange has a duration of 4 days the first 4 boxes covering each a day, for the other boxes the time settings left empty.
38 Setting the "daily" timerange gives the ability to cover shift work.
39 An overnight setting is available by setting the start time later than the end time.
40 === Vehicle selection ===
41 Setting a vehicle in preselection menu will copy this vehicle to each report box.
42 Changing the vehicle in a single report box will empty the global vehicle setting.
43 Reassigning the global selection will overwrite the box values.
44 == Report days ==
45 To keep the readability the count of visible routes is limited to 7.
46 Each route is represented by its own report box with its background color is same as the route color.
47 Each of this boxes is configured as shown below:
48 ||//Vehicle selector//|The vehicle name can be entered directly here or selected from a list of available names.
49 If a car is selected, the map will be refreshed.
50 |[[image:Auftrag_kreuz.png]]|//Remove//|Removes the vehicle selection for this entry.
51 |[[image:Route_compare_visibility.png]]|//Visibility//|Hides or shows the selected vehicle route on map.
52 |[[image:Show_orders_per_car.png]]|//orders list//|If any orders available for the current timerange, show a list of this orders.
53 ||//date and time selectors//|Setting the timerange for each route.
54 This timerange has a duration up to 24 hours.
YellowFox_RD 1.1 55
Dominic Lippmann 2.1 56 Klicking the orders list icon will fade in the list of orders for the selected car and timerange directly in the current box.
57 Klicking one of the orders will open the details in the map and allows calling the order details this way.
58 = Timeline =
59 Below the map you will find a timeline, offering to track the way of your selected vehicles more exactly.
60 To use this bar, all report day boxes must have the same date set or the same timerange per day.
61 If this condition is fullfilled, it is possible to move the slider per mouse or set a position directly per date field on the right side.
62 Additionally there is a play function available which shows the events in form of a film.
63 The play speed can be modified clicking at the settings symbol on the right edge.
64 Changing the speed is possible even during the play function is active.
65 Furthermore this menu contains another checkbox to switch to a sequential play mode.
66 In regular mode all routes will be drawn together, in sequential mode the routes will be drawn one by one.
67 The drawing order is always similar to single routes order on the left menu.
68 The currently active route will be marked by a bold black frame.
69 Changing the active route is easily possible just by clicking on the coloured marker on the left of each route part.
70 = Legend =
71 |[[image:Driven_route.png]]|already driven route (in vehicle color)
72 |[[image:Eta_route.png]]|route to current navigiation target (without routing module active, only a straight line is drawn) (in vehicle color)
73 |[[image:24px-Eta_target.png]]|current navigation target (in vehicle color)
74 |[[image:24px-Current_object_position.png]]|current object position (in vehicle color)
75 |[[image:Ignition_on.png]]|ignition on message
76 |[[image:Ignition_off.png]]|ingition off message
77 |[[image:Vehicle_direction.png]]|driving direction indicator
78 |[[image:24px-Order_target.png]]|order target (in vehicle color)
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