Wiki source code of Fahrtenbuch

Last modified by YellowFox_RD on 2025/01/16 12:51

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YellowFox_RD 1.1 1 (% class="box" %)
Dominic Lippmann 2.1 2 (((Table of Contents)))
YellowFox_RD 1.1 3 {{toc/}}
Dominic Lippmann 2.1 5 A log book documenting the periods with a vehicle routes and the reason for the trip. There are (distance traveled) and the purpose of travel registered place of departure, place of birth, driver, mileage at the beginning and end of the ride. It can be used for submission to the police, the tax office or in company.
6 = Understanding =
7 A logbook is always retroactively created for a specific period of time. Select the vehicle you want and you get to the main menu of the logbook. At the beginning is created, no vehicle a logbook. Therefore, you must follow the vehicle selection to create a new log book first. Click on the button "New logbook for vehicle XY". If you have only one vehicle in your vehicle pool, this is automatically selected. A logbook can be carried out only up to the time of the last mileage synchronization.
8 == Create a new logbook ==
9 In the first step you will see the last known milage value from the portal and the last date of odometer synchronization. You can now continue with a new synchronization ("adjust mileage") or continoue without any milage setting ("continue without odometer synchronization"). If you want to continue without synchronization, you only able to go on, if the end date of the created logbook is before the last date of synchronization. If you continue with a synchronization, please enter the current odometer value of the vehicle, to synchronize the vehicle and the portal. Click on "adjust mileage". Please wait a moment, you will see a info, that the connection to vehicle will be evaluated and the synchronization is in progress. Immediately the box acknowleged the milage setting you are able to continue with step 2. This procedure can take a few minutes.
10 In the second step you have to select the timeframe for the logbook. To create a logbook for the month march for example you have to enter from 1.3.200X to 31.3.200X. The ending date has to be at least one day in the past. Logbooks can only be created up to "yesterday". It's also posible to hide short stops which undecut a selected maximum stop duration. On the other hand you have the opportunity to hide trips with a driven distance of 0 km.
11 If all information are correct, the logbook will now be created and displayed.
12 == Driver name ==
13 If there was a driver in the car authentificated at the moment of "ignition off", the name of the driver will be preallocated.
14 == Trip type ==
15 Depending on the switch/ state that was sended, the trip type will be preallocated correspondingly.
16 Existing trip type states:
YellowFox_RD 1.1 17 (((
Dominic Lippmann 2.1 18 * private trip
19 * home trip
20 * officially
21 * (2 custom logbook trip types)
YellowFox_RD 1.1 22 )))
Dominic Lippmann 2.1 23 //Priority is: private trip, home trip, 2custom logbook trip types and the rest is preallocated as officially trip!//
24 //For the purpose custom types in the PDF edition no sums are formed!//
25 == Edit a logbook ==
26 Please choice a vehicle in main view, to display all logbook parts of this vehicle. If you never create a logbook before, you have to do this first. Click on "edit logbook" to open an existing logbook.
27 The portal will check every logbook of errors as soon as you open it. Errors will be displayed by an message and the corrsesponding entries will appear in red colour.
28 A possible error is for example a difference between the end milage of a tript and the start milage of the next trip. In this case you have to adapt the milage manually. Another error occurs when the portal regocnizes that the average velocity for a trip is below 5 kilmeter per hour. In this case it is in all probability that the vehicle submited insufficient data and the logbook could not create a valid entry.
29 //Which information can be edited?//
YellowFox_RD 1.1 30 (((
Dominic Lippmann 2.1 31 * type of the trip
32 * driver
33 * purpose of the trip
34 * driving destination
35 * milage/odometer
36 * time/date
YellowFox_RD 1.1 37 )))
Dominic Lippmann 2.1 38 On the one hand you can edit a logbook directly by a click on the explicit value. On the other hand you press the edit button to switch the trip into the edit-mode. On edit-mode you could change all available input fields. Every change will be logged by the system. By any change you find a submenu "further actions" with the following points:
YellowFox_RD 1.1 39 |=weitere Aktion|=Beschreibung
Dominic Lippmann 2.1 40 |**add new drive**|insert a new and empty drive between the current drive and the previous drive
41 |**connect with previous drive**|merge the current drive with the previous drive to one single drive
42 |**administrate logbook states**|switch to the administration dialog of logbook states(eg. officially, private, home,...)
43 |**new address book entry**|add the current driving destination to address book. Therefore the new address will be detected automatically on the next logbooks
44 |**delete drive**|delete the current drive
45 |**add new personell**|Open a dialog to add a new personell. Please follow the instructions and insert a name and personell-key to generate a new one.
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Dominic Lippmann 2.1 47  
48 == History of changes ==
49 Any change that is made in the logbook may be automatically logged. For more information please call with confidence to our office staff.
50 = Export =
51 To finish a logbook, click in the main view on the "export logbook" button. Please select a year of issue and take a choice of the different options. Generate the PDF on pressing the "create PDF" button. Furthermore, it is possible to export the logbook for internal use as Excel.
52 = Logbook monitoring =
53 The logbook monitoring gives a greaphically overview about the time period until last logbook entry. The length of a bar, means how much time the last logbook entry was ago.
YellowFox_RD 1.1 54