Wiki source code of FMS/CAN - Live Ansicht

Last modified by YellowFox_RD on 2025/01/16 12:51

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1 (% class="box" %)
2 (((Table of Contents)))
3 {{toc/}}
5 The FMS/CAN - Live View allows to display the last transmitted FMS/CANbus messages and igintion state in a popup
6 = Requirements =
7 (((
8 * supported hardware
9 * rate: Profi XXL
10 )))
11 = Evaluation =
12 == Graphical analysis ==
13 The following measured values are transmitted from the vehicle and displayed graphically:
14 [[image:fms_tacho.png]]
15 (((
16 * tachograph speed in km/h
17 * engine speed in rpm
18 * total distance
19 * engine cooling water temperaturein C°
20 * fuel level
21 * state of vehicle motion(MOTION)
22 * state of cruise control(CRUISE)
23 * state of PTO(PTO)
24 * overspeed warnings(WARN)
25 )))
26 == Tabular analysis ==
27 The following measured date will be displayed in a tabular form
28 (((
29 * state of ignition
30 * tachograph speed in km/h
31 * engine speed in rpm
32 * fuel level in %
33 * engine cooling water temperature in C°
34 * throttle psoition in %
35 * number of clutch entered
36 * number of brake entered
37 * axle weight in kg
38 * state of vehicle motion
39 * state of cruise control
40 * verspeed warnings
41 * state of PTO
42 * total distance in km
43 * total engine hours
44 * otal used fuel in liter
45 )))
47 |=(% colspan="3" %)The Quickbars button:
48 |[[image:quicklink_light.png]]|Quicklink|craete a QuickLink of current vehicle
49 |[[image:help_light.png]]|Help|Opens this site