
Last modified by YellowFox_RD on 2025/01/23 13:48

Table of Contents

Please use the Reportcenter to evaluate personnel and vehicles.


Why do I use the Reportcenter?

With the Reportcenter is it possible to create or scedule evaluations for any number of detection devices. Our flexible sceduling allows you to automate the generation of reports on specific recurring events (eg daily, weekly, specific day of the month, ...). You will be informed automatically about the provision of the final reports by e-mail or portalmessage.

Which reports will be supported

We support the following reports:

Report execution types

A report darft can be executed once time, serie or as quicklink


A once report is simply evaluation of a fixed period by vehicles or persons, together with the appropriate settings. The main difference to other types is the fixed time period with absolute dates. If such a report needs a longer computation time, because of the complexity, we over an option to inform you via portal or e-mail about the completion. Thus, a further operation is possible without causing a commissioned report can be forgotten.


In contrast to the once report can you set sceduling reporting intervals at which this is to be executed automatically. Accordingly, it is also the period which is covered by this report not static, but is fixed in relation to the execution time. A series report runs automatically daily, weekly, monthly or yearly. It is also possible that we inform you after completion with a notification via portalmessage or via email.

Basicly is a Quicklink report not only on creating the Report Center executable but also appears in the Quicklink bar on the left. Comparable to the series report it is not possible to select a fixed date, but as time depending on the time of execution. Thus, irregularly recurring tasks can be predefined largely, thus helping to accelerate the workflow.
 Simultaneously, the Quicklink report allows dynamic configuration during execution. In preparing a quicklink report it is not nesessary to select a timerange or the vehicles or persons. In this case, we request the missing information during execution, but without insert already existed options again. Unlike other types of execution QuickLink is limited in its complexity. The limit here is the same complexity as the case of a once report, a notification would take place.
 A new QuickLink list is always appended at the end of the quick link.

Components of the Reportcenter

The overview page


The report page is used to display the finished reports. This means that the reports indicated there may be opened or downloaded directly. It is also possible to change the output format and the report itself depending on the type of report type. The advantage is the significantly faster computation in contrast to the complete execution of another report. If you handle a more extensive report, the gain of time will be greater.
 Additionaly you can delete individual reports.


Here, the respective draft are listed separately by type of execution. The drafts can be run, edit, or delete. Deleting a template also leads to the deletion of all the reports that have been compiled on the basis of this draft.

Renderes series

Similar to the report page here already fully calculated series reports are displayed. In addition is the deletion of the series reports possible.

In run

This component is used to display all own reports, which are currently being calculated. It does not matter whether it is a once, series or Quicklink report.


In the settings menu you can make general and reporting across settings.

Report - basic settings

Create a request-point how handle drives with an distance of 0km

If you enable this option, you always will see an further option while you create a report, which is possible to hide or display drives with a distance of 0km. The following reports support this modus:

  • dayreport
  • daysumreport

Contact administration

Here you can store the recipients of reports. To do this insert the firstname, surename and e-mail address of the recipient. The contacts are selectable by creating a scedule report and by executing a complexe report with notification.


Create report draft

Basicly you have two options to create a report:

  1. simplified reporting
  2. complex reporting

With the simplified reporting, you can create once reports in HTML-format only by specifying an evaluation period and the selection of a vehicle. Example: You go to the simplified reporting for the dayreport directly in the menu under reports->daily usage report. Other reports can be created this way. These reports are only visible for you.
With the complex reporting you will be provided to create Once, Series and Quicklink reports. You have more options to influence the reporting compared to simplified reporting. You can select, for example, in the complex reporting multiple vehicles or persons for one report. Among others, you can also configure the output format and telemetry. Additionaly you specify here whether the report should be visible and practicable only for yourself or company-wide. A company-wide released report can be viewed by any employee, re-executed, edited and deleted.
 With once reports that due to their complexity (too many vehicles or large period of time) can not be calculated in a reasonable time from the Reportcenter, you are prompted for an alert (email, portalmessage) input. At completion of the commissioned report, you will be informed of the previously definerten news channel. Thus you do not interrupt your work flow for complex reports and can continue to work while the report is created in background for you. Example: You enter the complex reporting directly from the menu under reports->reportcenter->new report. Alternatively, you can also open the inputmask from the reports->reportcenter->overview. In the overview you press on the "create new draft" button to enter the complex reporting inputmask.

Edit report draft

It is possible to edit drafts. You find the edit button in the "action"-column at the end of each listed draft.

Execute report draft

You can execute a report draft again. Behind each report draft in the draft list, see the "Action" column, a button which you can execute the draft again. When running a report draft for a once report, you can find the finished report in the report summary. If you execute a serie, it will be also calculated and you will be informed about the delivery channel, which was defined in the report draft. If instead execute Quicklink drafts, the Quicklink report is immediately calculated and displayed.


Question: Why no reports displayed older than 7 days in the overview?
Answer: Reports that are older than 7 days will be automatically deleted from the reportcenter. Please save reports for permanent archiving onto your PC.