
Last modified by YellowFox_RD on 2024/12/19 10:11

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Gets the status messages of an order.


GET get_orderstate_v2.asp?company=RTI_COMPANYKEY&import=RTI_IMPORTKEY&DATEFROM=YYYYMMDD&DATETO=YYYYMMDD&timefrom=HHMMSS&timeto=HHMMSS&datetype=insertdate


companyRTI company keystringyes
vehicleRTI vehicle keystringEither vehicle, group or import parameter(yes)
groupRTI vehicle group keystringEither vehicle, group or import parameter
Only with time selection
importRTI import key (all vehicles)stringEither vehicle, group or import parameter
Only with time selection
CUSTORDERIDOwn order numberstringEither this field is set, or DATEFROM and DATETO(yes)*1
DATEFROMStart date to return the orders from.stringFormat: YYYYMMDD or DD.MM.YYYY(yes)*1
DATETOEnd date to return the orders to.stringFormat: YYYYMMDD or DD.MM.YYYY
The max. timespan is 7 days.
timefromClarification of the beginning date of the timestringFormat: HHMMSSno
timetoClarification of the ending date of the timestringFormat: HHMMSSno
datetype"insertdate" return all entries inside the timerange, depending to server insertion date.stringno

*1 Manadatory is either CUSTORDERID or ( DATEFROM and DATETO )


A string is returned. Otherwise on error a "ERROR:Description" is returned.

CSV Format

The result (if order data was found) is a CSV list. The first row defines the header and contains the column namens.

Meta informations

SeparatorComma (,)
DelimiterDouble quote( " )
Lineend0x0D 0x0A (CarriageReturn LineFeed)
HeaderLine 1

Columns for request by order number

DATEThe action dateDD.MM.YYYY HH:MM:SS
STATEThe action description
SOURCETYPEThe action trigger typePND for vehicle or RTI or PORTAL
SOURCEThe action triggerPerson/vehicle sign

Columns for request by time range

CUSTORDERIDown order number
DATEThe action dateDD.MM.YYYY HH:MM:SS
STATEThe action description
SOURCETYPEThe action trigger typePND for vehicle or RTI or PORTAL
SOURCEThe action triggerPerson/System
REQUESTDATEThe request system date time
METAmeta info
RTI_IDENTRTI Identonly via import key or group key request
STATE_IDENTcustom ident (if set)
STATE_LANGcountry code, if status was selected in another language on the display
STATE_TRANStranslation of status text, if status was selected in another language on the display

Possible status texts

  • delivery attempt
  • delivery successful
  • read
  • self-defined order statuses(order management-->settings)

Garmin specific return values

  • read - Order Inactive
  • active
  • done
  • deleted


return in csv
"ORDER1","04.08.2010 09:34:49","Erledigt","PND","Fahrzeugname","04.08.2010 09:35:00","META_INFO"
"ORDER1","04.08.2010 09:34:17","Aktiv","PND","Fahrzeugname","04.08.2010 09:35:00","META_INFO"
"ORDER1","04.08.2010 09:33:18","Gelesen - Auftrag Inaktiv","PND","Fahrzeugname","04.08.2010 09:35:00","META_INFO"
"ORDER1","04.08.2010 09:29:15","Zustellung erfolgreich","PND","Fahrzeugname","04.08.2010 09:35:00","META_INFO"
"ORDER1","04.08.2010 09:29:09","Zustellungsversuch","PORTAL","RTI","04.08.2010 09:35:00","META_INFO"

Example calls

Request for a order

Request for a date time range  04.05.2015 00:00:00 - 06.05.2015 23:59:59