Wiki source code of dt_rdl.php (Command: list)

Last modified by YellowFox_RD on 2025/01/23 08:59

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YellowFox_RD 1.1 1 (% class="box" %)
Dominic Lippmann 2.1 2 (((
Dominic Lippmann 4.1 3 Table of Contents
Dominic Lippmann 2.1 4 )))
YellowFox_RD 1.1 6 {{toc/}}
Dominic Lippmann 2.1 8 (% class="mark red" %)DEPRECATED(%%)
Dominic Lippmann 4.1 9 Please use [[get_file_list.php>>doc:YellowFox Remote Tracking Interface.Funktionen.Abfrageseiten.get_file_list\.php.WebHome]].
10 Returns a list of files, which were downloaded from digital tachograph.
Dominic Lippmann 2.1 11
Dominic Lippmann 4.1 12 = Description =
Dominic Lippmann 2.1 13
14 **dt_rdl.php?company**=//COMPANY_RTIKEY//**&vehicle**=//VEHICLE_RTIKEY//**&command**=list**&show**=new**&start**=//YYYYMMDDHHMMSS//**&end**=//YYYYMMDDHHMMSS//
YellowFox_RD 1.1 16 = Parameter =
Dominic Lippmann 2.1 17
Dominic Lippmann 4.1 18 |=Parameter|=Description|=Type|=Note|=Mandatory
19 |company|RTI company key|string| |yes
20 |vehicle|RTI vehcile key|string|vehicle or group parameter|(yes)
21 |group|RTI group key|string|vehicle or group parameter|(yes)
22 |import|RTI import key|string|or import parameter for all vehicles|(yes)
23 |command|command: list|string| |yes
24 |show|'all': shows all files
25 'new': shows files which are not downloaded up to now|string| |yes
26 |start|begin of requested timerange|datestring|Format: YYYYMMDDHHMMSS|no
27 |end|end of requested timerange|datestring|Format: YYYYMMDDHHMMSS|no
28 |format|return format|string|csv|no
29 |date_type|'process' Uses the date time where the file was firstprocessed by YellowFox,
30 and not the file creation date. This setting affects the meaning of the parameters
31 'start' and 'end' and the return value DATETIME inside the CSV| | |no
YellowFox_RD 1.1 32
Dominic Lippmann 4.1 33 = Return =
Dominic Lippmann 2.1 34
Dominic Lippmann 4.1 35 Return a **string**. In case of error it returns "(% class="error" %)**ERROR:Description**(%%)".
Dominic Lippmann 2.1 36
YellowFox_RD 1.1 37 == CSV Format ==
Dominic Lippmann 2.1 38
Dominic Lippmann 4.1 39 === Meta informations ===
Dominic Lippmann 2.1 40
Dominic Lippmann 4.1 41 |=Separator|Semicolon ( ; )
42 |=Delimiter|Double quote ( " )
43 |=Line break|0x0D 0x0A (CarriageReturn LineFeed)
44 |=Header|Line 1
YellowFox_RD 1.1 45
46 === Header ===
Dominic Lippmann 2.1 47
Dominic Lippmann 4.1 48 **Header informations**
YellowFox_RD 1.1 49 {{code language="java"}}"DID";"DATETIME";"NEW";"FILENAME","VEHICLE","TYPE";"DRIVERID";"DRIVERNAME";{{/code}}
Dominic Lippmann 4.1 51 === Columns ===
Dominic Lippmann 2.1 52
Dominic Lippmann 4.1 53 |=Column|=Description|=
54 |DID|ID of downloaded file (important for download of RTI file)|
55 |DATETIME|date when file was created, or if date_type=process the processing date|Format: YYYYMMDDHHMMSS
56 |NEW|1 - get new files, 0 - already downloaeded|
57 |FILENAME|file name|
58 |VEHICLE|license plate of vehicle where file was downloaded|
59 |TYPE|driver or vehicle|
60 |DRIVERID|card number of driver (first 13 token will be used)|
61 |DRIVERNAME|name of driver|
YellowFox_RD 1.1 62
Dominic Lippmann 4.1 63 === Example ===
YellowFox_RD 1.1 64
Dominic Lippmann 2.1 65 {{code language="java"}}
YellowFox_RD 1.1 67 "123456";"20120725001100";"1";"C_20120725_0011_Slot_1_1000000000000.DDD";"DD-YF 2012";"DRIVER";"1000000000000";"Testfahrer"
Dominic Lippmann 2.1 68 "789012";"20120725144700";"0";"M_20120725_1447__DD-YF_2012___WDB324865L2222229.DDD";"DD-YF 2012";"VEHICLE";"";""
69 {{/code}}
YellowFox_RD 1.1 70
Dominic Lippmann 4.1 71 = Example Calls =
Dominic Lippmann 2.1 72
Dominic Lippmann 4.1 73 **Request to get list of files**
YellowFox_RD 1.1 74 {{code language="java"}}{{/code}}